
Sep 15, 2019
I don't know anything about the guy but cyclic depression fit well the pattern we've seen so far.

You killed me with the cocaine bit XD.
the unique thing we know is he is a coder/writer and supposedly he is having a writer block this month but nobody know more about that


Active Member
Dec 30, 2019
No matter what you think his title should be, he should at least give us a short heads up. Then we could gather that he a) found a complication in the code, or b) has a writer's block. And then we could all drop this ridiculous argument over whether he's a coder or a writer, despite everyone knowing he's obviously both.

I think of it as common courtesy. If I'm making something I get paid for and many people anxiously wait for, and I am weeks late, I should at the very least inform my patrons, even pull something out of my ass if need be. If I was depressed and failed to do even that, I imagine I would fall even deeper into it, because this is not cool.
The people behind MITY themselves refer to each other as the "artist" and the "coder" or by their nicknames (want to take a wild guess at what the c in cbob stands for?)

Yes, hes also the main writer (but not the sole writer), but hes not referred to as "the writer". So what was the point of your post?
A. You seem to ignore that the artist said that cbob suffers from some kind of mental instability. My guess is cyclic depression because it fits what happened so far. (I help people with mental issues, that's my current profession). Have you ever seen anyone in REAL, HARSH depression? People stay in bad for weeks. Hollow stare. Very slow speech. Lower cognitive abilities. Impaired fine motor coordination. In such condition, having any communication with the outside world is impossible. Ask a professional, if you want. Expecting someone in real, clinic depression to common courtesy. If I'm making something I get paid for and many people anxiously wait for, and I am weeks late, I should at the very least inform my patrons - is simply unrealistic.

We chewed the writer/coder thing. The artist described cbob as the main writer/coder (C may stand for creator, huh). Coders are replaceable, but writer is not.

Bottom line - your expectations are not realistic. We just have to breath deeply and wait patiently. I don't enjoy this any more than you do.
Of course, there is some reasonable limit to this waiting. If this will last a year, I'm off the boat. But come on, couple of months is totally reasonable.
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Oct 22, 2018
A. You seem to ignore that the artist said that cbob suffers from some kind of mental instability. My guess is cyclic depression because it fits what happened so far. (I help people with mental issues, that's my current profession). Have you ever seen anyone in REAL, HARSH depression? People stay in bad for weeks. Hollow stare. Very slow speech. Lower cognitive abilities. Impaired fine motor coordination. In such condition, having any communication with the outside world is impossible. Ask a professional, if you want. Expecting someone in real, clinic depression to common courtesy. If I'm making something I get paid for and many people anxiously wait for, and I am weeks late, I should at the very least inform my patrons - is simply unrealistic.

We chewed the writer/coder thing. The artist described cbob as the main writer/coder (C may stand for creator, huh). Coders are replaceable, but writer is not.

Bottom line - your expectations are not realistic. We just have to breath deeply and wait patiently. I don't enjoy this any more than you do.
Of course, there is some reasonable limit to this waiting. If this will last a year, I'm off the boat. But come on, couple of months is totally reasonable.
Some big presumptions on your part. If "the creator's" condition is so dire, I yield, but in such a condition I would be against his participation on such a taxing project altogether. Albeit possible, this is en extreme interpretation of a situation we may never know enough about.

Bottom line - we are all participating in an excercise of pointless speculation. That's what forums are for. And while you propose a severe diagnosis in defence of the delays, I am merely offering a more sceptical perspective. Overlooking, condoning and defending procrastination on the basis of assumed mental condition is just not my thing. Especially when there's money involved.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2019
Some big presumptions on your part. If "the creator's" condition is so dire, I yield, but in such a condition I would be against his participation on such a taxing project altogether. Albeit possible, this is en extreme interpretation of a situation we may never know enough about.

Bottom line - we are all participating in an excercise of pointless speculation. That's what forums are for. And while you propose a severe diagnosis in defence of the delays, I am merely offering a more sceptical perspective. Overlooking, condoning and defending procrastination on the basis of assumed mental condition is just not my thing. Especially when there's money involved.
There's a point against mere procrastination - the fact that there are intervals of (close to) flawless functioning. If cbob was a procrastinator-type, these delays would have been consistent.
You're absolutely right that there's big presumptions on your (my) part. I try to decipher the facts in light of what I witness at work and studied. Obviously, my judgement is biased because I work with severe cases. Still, it does fit the bill. Even if my view is exaggerated, something that resembles cyclic depression is likely.

All in all - let's breath deeply and wait. My guess is that we'll see this pattern again - intervals of flawless functioning, then silence.


Oct 22, 2018
There's a point against mere procrastination - the fact that there are intervals of (close to) flawless functioning. If cbob was a procrastinator-type, these delays would have been consistent.
You're absolutely right that there's big presumptions on your (my) part. I try to decipher the facts in light of what I witness at work and studied. Obviously, my judgement is biased because I work with severe cases. Still, it does fit the bill. Even if my view is exaggerated, something that resembles cyclic depression is likely.

All in all - let's breath deeply and wait. My guess is that we'll see this pattern again - intervals of flawless functioning, then silence.
Very well then, we shall see. If your premonition is correct, I wish I was told though. I don't mind waiting, but it would save me much energy not to anticipate this and move my attention elsewhere. Otherwise I am the one procrastinating here.
May 30, 2020
I don't get the hysteria here. This product is excellent and we all enjoy it. Even though waiting sucks, why does it matter? We can wait as long as is needed. At the end of the day, this is a free work that we are given the privelage of enjoying by the grace and talent of two very great people. I sit resolute and patient until the day the update comes, and I shall enjoy it on that day and not a moment before.
I am at peace with the fact this can take weeks, months, I hope not years but if it came to that I would still happily enjoy the product once it was done. They've been at this for 4 years. Its tiring, its tedious, and its something that, while I'm sure they are passionate about it, can be outright infuriating. It will be done. Even if it takes time, it will. Don't worry. Its always been worth the wait before, has it not?
Have faith friends. it will be worth the wait again. I have every confidence in this fact.


Jul 28, 2017
I don't get the hysteria here. This product is excellent and we all enjoy it. Even though waiting sucks, why does it matter? We can wait as long as is needed. At the end of the day, this is a free work that we are given the privelage of enjoying by the grace and talent of two very great people. I sit resolute and patient until the day the update comes, and I shall enjoy it on that day and not a moment before.
I am at peace with the fact this can take weeks, months, I hope not years but if it came to that I would still happily enjoy the product once it was done. They've been at this for 4 years. Its tiring, its tedious, and its something that, while I'm sure they are passionate about it, can be outright infuriating. It will be done. Even if it takes time, it will. Don't worry. Its always been worth the wait before, has it not?
Have faith friends. it will be worth the wait again. I have every confidence in this fact.
I don't get all the drama on this site too.
Every single thread I'm observing and had seen has drama in it.
Sometimes it's reasonable but way more often it's completely unnecessary.
And this comment will probably get deleted because it's off topic :BootyTime:


Apr 4, 2018
Pretty much everyone here enjoys the game and wants to see it succeed. Its not being hysterical to voice concerns about dev issues that we can see in repeated patterns, especially when these issues aren't impossible to solve. Its a big project for 2 people, I don't doubt that its caused them more than its fair share of stress, but there are ways to deal with that.

FET has been one of my favorite porn games since I first discovered it right when the slave route of book 2 was still in development, I've given a pretty decent chunk of cash to support it and overall Im glad with how the game has turned out thus far. Doesn't mean I think everything is perfect.

I'm always wary of the mindset of "You aren't allowed to complain it'll be out when its out", which is especially prevalent on Patreon, because it can encourage devs to coast along and cash checks purely on peoples goodwill with virtually no real need to provide any substantial content for long periods of time. It just bugs me when people treat anything other than blind support as being greedy/entitled/overdramatic/etc.

And the issue isn't just delays, its that most of the time we're left in the dark as to why we're still waiting on an update that was 80% done weeks ago? Writers block? Okay, is there any progress being made on that front? Maybe let the Artist finish up the writing for the update? He does do some of the writing anyway, I don't think the quality of the writing would drop much for one update or cripple the game as a whole (while the coder/writer gets back in the groove) And its not like this is the first time something like this has happened.

Thats fine if you have no issue with waiting indefinitely but don't assume everyone thinks the same way. To be honest I wouldn't have an issue if they announced they were just going to take a break for a few months to rest and recharge, so long as they either paused their patreon or do what they did last time there was a long delay, which was anyone who pledged during that period or just before got the update regardless of what, if any, they pledged the month the update was released. At least it would be clearly communicated and understood. I would hope that they might take some of that time to take a look at what had been giving them issues and to see what they could do to address them, but thats just a hope.

The worlds gonna keep spinning regardless of if the update comes out tomorrow or never, but I can still discuss it on a discussion board.
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
"You aren't allowed to complain it'll be out when its out"
That mindset is something that's quite literaly beaten out of you if you try to become an editor and if it isn't, you're quickly gonna stop being an editor because the publisher you work for will collapse since none of the writers ever delivered.
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Oct 22, 2018
I don't get all the drama on this site too.
Every single thread I'm observing and had seen has drama in it.
Sometimes it's reasonable but way more often it's completely unnecessary.
And this comment will probably get deleted because it's off topic :BootyTime:
I have no idea what constitutes "necessary" or "unnecessary" in terms of a discussion board. There are almost 1000 pages here - what are we supposed to discuss? I don't want to engage in what can be described as "claiming what character is the hottest" over and over again. What you call drama are just attempts to create discussion seemingly out of thin air, because no updates nor news are available. Also, do not underestimate the value of being able to vent your frustrations anonymously on a forum.

I don't mind waiting. I also don't think FET is some holy masterpiece I should defend devoutly - it's just a fun game, nothing more.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2017
It's because once you've been part of the h-games community you've seen so many abandoned projects that it's hard not to assume the worst when something or anything goes wrong. Is it right or is it wrong to think such? I don't know. It's human nature.


SOTD: Townes van Zandt - Our Mother The Mountain
Oct 28, 2019
I don't know anything about the guy but cyclic depression fit well the pattern we've seen so far.

You killed me with the cocaine bit XD.
cocaine doesn't help with cyclic depression at all, trust me on that. just .. trust me. :p
there's pills and whatnots for the ease, but the impact on creativity is severe, i'd not go there either :rolleyes:
IF it is cyclic derp, hopefully he can manage to keep on focus through the Ups, that's kind of hard..
next IF he can manage that, the update rate will be measurable along his manic phases. if he has them.
a bit tricky but still foreseeable. i'd expect like 2-3 month-ish guessy, it's a wobbly statistic.
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