Ren'Py - Four Elements Trainer [v1.1.0d] [Mity]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Good effort, but SO much filler. The water tribe chapter isn't so bad, but the fire chapter is ridiculously padded. I doubt many people are downloading these for crab fighting and other mini-games. Normally it's RPGMaker games that have this problem due to the nature of the engine so it's odd seeing it so prevalent in a Ren'Py game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Seriously incredible game. Best art style I've ever seen, updates are massive, and there is a perfect ratio of sex-to-story content. Best game I've ever seen and I hope more are made just like this one
    Likes: GaRbS
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Four stars for a solid trainer that gets a little too grindy at times. Would have preferred to play this with cheats to avoid some of the repetition.

    (fucking fifty DKP minus for the god awful crab mini game. One of the worse examples of terrible mini game that nobody wanted, and in a ridiculous quantity. If you don't cheat this you'll be wasting literally hours of your life. Still, I'll keep it out of the score. Sort of.)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    been playing this game for years, since the first book, and the progress that has made until now, it's incredible, not only the visuals, but the story, the comedy, the plot, and the animations are keep getting better each update, i highly recommend for a new player to check this game out, since it has a massive amount of content and gives you the option of repeatability since you have to choose between 2 routes, i already recommended this to my friends, and they loved it, so try it, pretty sure it can fit one of your fetishes, as this game has lots of them haha
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The Game is Simple yet Enjoyable at the same time, i think The most time i laugh is just reading the Mc and other Characters interact each other specially at Book 2, Honestly. Between the Sex scenes i mostly enjoy just the simple comedic aspect of the game, 10/10 will wait for the Next update again
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Air Space Frame

    DesignTrainer style game with greatly different experiences depending on route chosen, resulting in higher replay value. Writing is enjoyable and adds to immersion.2
    ProgrammingMinigames did not have major issues and controls were mostly adequate. However the presence of several gamebreaking bugs were decisively detrimental. With foreknowledge of the bugs they are able to be avoided and gameplay is then good, but this should have been avoided in the first place.0
    Level creationHints are provided to complete the puzzles and generally easy to complete. As a trainer game the minigames were however extremely tedious and testing at times. Provided one is willing to grind, all content within a particular route is relatively easy to unlock and does not require a walkthrough (as long as it is not bugged).1
    Art productionArt is fantastic with plenty of animation. A real selling point of this game. Many different characters and scenes provide adequate reward for the player after the tedium of the grind.2
    Audio productionEnvironmental effects and background music was mostly appropriate with adequate sound effects at times.1
    Final statementOverall great game with compelling writing and fantastic art. Really deserves a higher score if not for the bugs.6

    Game was reviewed for the "completed" content up till book 3.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is very nice and sexy. Gotta love every seconds of it. The story is nicely done, kudos for the author! If only if the author makes a sandbox version of the game after completed it, it would be awesome!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best 2D game on this website. Easily the best Trainer game and also most likely the best parody game next to Something Unlimited. Also one of the few games where i actually like the writing and it doesn't make me skip 2 minutes in.
    Likes: GaRbS
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing content and consistent updates. There are many options for you to choose from and a lot of different scenes for many different fetishes. Art looks good and similar to the show which is a plus.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like that game.

    Storyline is pretty nice and easy going. If you could recommend me more games like this, pls tell me :)
    Looking for excange about games and chat bout! Write me a message if you want to
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    i dont know what is all the hype about this game , it is one of the most boring games i have ever seen , the art is not good at all , horrible expected story and boring repetitive gameplay , i wasted couple of hours in it and i regret it.
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    If the 5 year old humour doesn't get you there's the most idiotic set of characters you could ever read, the most shallow attempts at character development possible, aaaaaaand the best combat in any game ever. This, accompanied of course by the epitome of game design, totally arbitrary and overly long unnecessary grinding that WILL decide whether you succeed or not at the retarded combat. Beyond that of course there's also terrible mazes, the illusion of choice in regards to plot-related decisions, and random off-the-wall questions you can't answer unless you rewind.
    If you're not in it for the lulrandumb "comedy" you may a swell not be in it at all, there's better sources for Avatar smut and those won't drain your sanity or waste your time so relentlessly. The awful art certainly can't be why people play or praise this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 572051

    To me this is absolutely the best game on this site. I've played hours through different ones but Four Elements Trainer (even though i didn't watch the TV series) is THE NSFW GAME to play.
    Cool story, fun characters, bit of plot twists, not too grindy, different approaches (love and dom routes) - F.E.T. is a whole package
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not normally one to go for degradation, but even though I'm normally against it, this was well done enough that I enjoyed both routes. I'm a total fan of these trainer style games, and I understand that to a lot of people, breaking the girls is the goal, but I've always liked it when you're just bringing out their inner slut more than when you're pretty much forcing them into it, and they just accept their life sucks. I've always loved it when porn makes me laugh, and this game definitely has it's moments. Also, you can never go wrong with the crab cycle. My only critique is that it's a bit grindy at times, but that's what console commands are for. If you ignore what they're actually for.

    TLDR: it wasn't my fetish at first, but it was good enough I didn't care, 10/10 would flog the dolphin again.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, couldn't help but fap throughout the entire game, can't wait for the the air nation portion. Very few glitches, I ran into no game breaking issues with it. My only issue was that I wanted more harem qualities, you could get nasty with almost every girl, but you couldn't do anything group oriented, other than a handjob scene, which as we all know, the most disappointing of all sexual acts.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing as of finishing the Book of Water, Fire, and Earth. (Excited af to see what the Book of Air brings, if the content of these past couple books has been any indication of quality!)

    Overall, this game is easily well deserving of a 5 star rating. Not excessively grindy, plenty of H-scenes with plenty of characters from the source material, and enough content to last someone well over a week. If I had to rate each book individually, however:

    Book of Water: 3/5
    -It's easy to tell that this was the first book, due to the limited writing and mechanics. The H-scenes were the weakest in my opinion in this book as well, but certainly not bad. That's about how I'd describe this book overall, is average. About on par with your standard h-game/trainer.​
    Book of Fire: 5/5
    The starkness in quality between Water and Fire is like night and day, if I'm being honest. Mity must've paid close attention to the feedback they were receiving and improved on just about everything, while also tailoring in some great genre-work into the relationship between the MC and Azula. There was an incredible amount of content in this book, and it kept me invested for at least a dozen hours. The story also got surprisingly deep, and the ending made me want more immediately. My favorite book, if the rating is any indication.​

    Book of Earth: 4.5/5
    Book of Earth continues in the right direction, following much of the expectation and precedent placed by the Book of Fire while maintaining a quality story to tie all of the books together. There's a great amount of content in this chapter as well, with much of it focused on Toph. The only qualm I have with this chapter is simply that I wanted a bit more content with the side characters in this chapter, since they were all so well drawn! That being said, that's hardly much of a complaint considering this book managed two entirely separate routes while maintaining the length of complexity of the previous book, so I'm extremely optimistic to see what the Book of Air will be able to bring.​
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    They brought all the elements of the show real nicely
    from the Southern water tribe cold nights to the mazes of Basing-sai
    they even took real lines from the show and used it in another way to construct the logic of the events
    but thats not all...from the amazing art that showed us the skills of the artist without going out of the predetermined lines of the show
    and the amazing simple yet erotic animations and movements of the characters and the diversity of the love and slave routs both in plot and sexual scenes.
    It makes almost every character from the show "fuckable" in a way that dose align with the show
    and to me thats what makes it a true masterpiece!
    Likes: GaRbS
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the fact that u can take two path, one for love and one for corruption.
    I like the love path, but in the corruption path i miss more interactions with other characters. As well as we are not attached in any way with the girl, we should have the option to mess around with other girls too, even when some of the other women seems to be so slutty not needeing even to corrupt them if we want to fuck'em.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Still one of the greatest games out there. I've been following it since before I even came to F95 and I'm still anticipating every update. It connects the standard elements of a normal trainer game and a fun and interesting experience. The flare of the series is well captured and rounded of with fun humor, fitting dialogue and scenes and a consistent storyline.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing game! The art is fantastic, the story engaging, and so many options. Love it! Three different books so far with so much to offer.

    I've been following this one forever and it never disappoints. I wouldn't mind seeing some walkthroughs for book 3, but other than that, I have absolutely no complaints. Amazing game.
    Likes: GaRbS