FPS or Top down Shooter idea.

Which one better top down or RetroFPS?

  • RetroFPS

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Mar 3, 2020
I been working on an for eroge,hentai game,porn game,whatever you call em. For close to 5-6 years now learning man unity and UE4. My idea was called SplatterSpunk,where the character Tendai Rei along with an A'I assistant called Mr.Patches. Are trapped in a fallen pleasure world,that infested with pirates aliens, mutants,and pirates. The gameplay would be similar to Enter the Gungeon( ).
I was going to use Daz3d models. Due to how far unity and importantly Unreal(I might switch to unreal due to assets,and feel of ease compare to unity.). Come to importing Daz3d figures. Compare to 10 years where it was almost impossible. Anyway to get to the point. I'm planning on making a beta before the end of the summer. But due to certain assets like the pixel shader,and retro fps kit. I'm not sure if I should stick to the top down idea. Or make a retro shooter like doom.