VN - Ren'Py - Fractured Realms [v0.5] [Virt Studios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The game verges on unbearable

    The only positives I can say are that I personally like the love interest or potential love interest at this point (V0-5), and I do like the concept of the game.

    The sex scenes are just God awful and seriously need to be revamped, the writing/lore of has potential at times, but there are several errors that confuse me due to poor writing. And the biggest issue of all is the fact there is no text box, and no text outline with white letters. 90%-95% of the text blends in with the back ground, and the fact the dev is either to lazy or incompetent to make a simple change to improve that is really telling.

    And I'm not giving credit for someone else making a mod for it
    Likes: Zyorx
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    While my overall impression with the game is probably average, the negatives are enough to make me give this a 2-star rating.

    The story is interesting, and the girls are attractive with a few nitpicks here and there. I do think there is a ton of potential only if the dev does something about the massive negatives holding this game back: The animations & sex scenes predominately, and the fact that with the game being split between 3 areas, the plot and settings have become watered down and nothing is getting the attention it deserves.

    The animations are very, very poor and take a moment to load, which is strange because the animation is very poor-quality with very few renders in each animation. As a result, they aren't smooth at all.

    The sex scenes also have pointless menus for absolutely no reason. Progress the sex scene naturally without forcing the player to click choices every few seconds. If people want to see something earlier in the sex scene again, they can roll back.

    Between the Earth, the new world, and the MC's place between worlds, the game is being split between too many areas and we aren't getting near enough development in any area because of it.

    There's potential but this is one of those games that I think the dev should absolutely stop production, learn how to fix these mistakes and rework the game before it's too late.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I love contemporary fantasy and isekai genres so I really like the story. We are not that far into it so I can't tell how it will turn out, but it's not bad.

    The character models are mostly ok but nothing exceptional. Though I have some issues with the looks of Veen and Sumida. While I have no problems with cat girls of fox girls and such in anime, Veen here unfortunately falls right into the Uncanny valley where she can look a bit creepy.
    As for Sumida, I hate her little horn thingy on her forehead. Seems like a horrible accident waiting to happen.

    The animations including the ones during sex scenes are nothing to sing praises about. It's not a 2 frame slideshow but far from what you can see in some other games here on the site.
    Talking about sex scenes, I don't like how between different phases of a sex scene you are brought back to the starting prompt, I'd rather only have the continue/repeat and next option.

    There are a lot of scenes with MC asking questions from different characters. While I'd love to learn more details about the background of the world, magic etc. it started to feel repetitive. At least it gives the option for players to skip these, but maybe there could be a better way to present all this information.

    There were some missing images in the version I played (0.4.1) especially towards the end throwing exceptions. Hope the dev will go back and fix those. And I don't know if I missed something or there was really no mention about pulling out a dagger from the bottom of the labyrinth until the events in the last update (0.4.1) where it suddenly played an important role at least in the dialogue.
    In sex scenes you can choose to pull out or creampie resulting in pregnancy for sure (at least according to the button text) but
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    I don't know if this was an error or there will be some kind of magical explanation for it later on.

    And please fix the spelling of millennia!

    If I wasn't a fan of the story/genre I'd giving 3 stars at most as it falls a bit short as AVN but since I'm:
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really enjoying the exposition of the story on this one. I suppose it takes a while between updates, but I've always like the characters and their interactions: the models are cute, and their personalities are well varied and reasonably complex. The devs are doing a good job of handling the gradual transition of the MC from cluelessness to some degree of understanding his situation and abilities as he is faced with new surprising situations. I look forward to continuing to follow this one.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Closer to a 2.5 star atm..

    Good enough looking characters. Two have hairstyles that make them look mentally challenged. Would be nicer to just not see the MC. Characters tend to not look directly at the MC while having conversations.
    Some backgrounds are the same as in most other games, such as the park.

    The 'animations' are really jerky and made me feel a bit nauseous.
    The scenes are very poorly lit. The cafe was nice and bright, but other scenes all looked dark and washed out which made me not want to read much further.

    It would really be nice if they put more than 1 word in a text box and more than 1 sentence....
    Giggle... click
    Oh... click
    and short 3 or 4 word sentences.... 1 at a time.....

    The story is a bit boring, BUT, it's early. Having minimal choices and no actions has a lot to do that that more like a kinetic novel.

    Poor writing decisions such as meeting a waitress then having her want to immediately give you her virginity. Other girls are similar such as within 24 hours they have a crush on the mc and so forth...

    Would be nicer if there was a lead in to the magic part rather than just all of the sudden being there and the mc going along with it.

    I'd almost give it a 2 star as it is, but I'm betting with just a few changes this will be a Great umm kinetic/vn/whatever. Would be really nice if it were a game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Another pleasant surprise here!
    As is often the case with this type of game, I look at them carefully, and I don't know why it took me so long to get into this one.
    The basis of the story here seems really excellent, and gets off to a good start.
    However, I'm having more trouble with the writing, some things don't feel natural, there's a lack of information or sometimes it's too childish, the example that comes to mind straight away is that of the maid who kisses him on the mouth with the MC and a very young teenage girl's dialogue follows.
    I have a bit of trouble with the MC's face, I don't know why, it makes me want to slap him, but that's not a problem because we don't see it all the time either.
    Anyway, I like the story and can't wait to see what happens next.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Not sure about this one yet, its still very early but i do see some potential for it to become great but also much worse, it all comes down to how the story evolve, kinda get the feeling the magic stuff will go to crazy and ruin the game alltogether and it will become the only thing game will be about, since relationships with LIs wont be a big part other then "fuck her yes/no" like explained below.

    Its already showing signs of being boring when it comes to relationships, there seems to be close to no relationship build-up with the LIs, take the maid that you have seen only once before, MC goes with her to a bar and get a HJ after knowning each other for maybe a total of 5 mins and knowing absolutly noting about each other, it dosent make it any better that she is a virgin, it just makes no sense for her to move that fast, and it makes her feel like shes the town whore or something, i guess game tries to blame it on her being super drunk after a single drink.....even though she drinks atleast once a week with her friend but apprently one is enough for her to become super drunk, i dunno it feels more stupid then anything else.

    You also meet a female orc and its the same like before you saved her but know nothing about her and she trows her self at MC giving him a BJ and they talked for like a min before that.

    This could mean the game will just be yet another fuckfest game where you devolop 0 feelings for any LIs and they just trow them selfs onto the MCs dick, making game meaningless and pointless and boring, and just a porn game with no real story or content.

    I am also a bit split on the LIs, some look nice, some are pretty ugly, but their builds seems to be focused on big tits which is just a big turn-off to me, there was really only one i care a little about and thats the maid/Emily, and maybe a little about Callie but so tierd of looking at big tits....

    Atleast game promiss you can pick and choice who you want or dont want to be part of your harem, this is a huge plus that might make the game playable so you can say no to the LIs that arent in your taste.

    Animations are about average so far, you can enjoy them but not anywhere close to the best.

    Music is ok, i would say around average since i have heard alot better in other games, but it ofc it beats being silent by miles.

    This might have been a little hard review for a game in an early stage, but its my experince so far, i will review this game again once it has had a few more updates and change it for better or worse depending on how it goes, but for now i rounded it up to 3 stars due to being in early stage.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.1
    Good Graphics, the writting is well done and I haven't spotted any mistakes so far. There is about 1 hour of content. Right now there are no really big choices which is to be expected of such an early release.I
    I think this game has potential and am eager to see how it develops.

    Version 0.2.2
    So far the story continoues to be interesting and there is a lot more content now. Not many choices really just do you want to add this girl or not. But I personally don't mind that there is a lot of lore told each update and the graphics still are good.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the "youngish but developing" maturity of the MC. The LI's so far seem cute, lovable, and unique. The story pacing is good. The girls fall for the MC almost immediately but, it's a harem story so, I give it a pass. The introduction of the magical elements are both decent and a little bit rushed but, again not enough to take off points. Renders are a tiny bit on the dark side and the animations are probably the weakest attribute so far but, not bad.

    All in all, I'm stuck at about a 4.5 but, since some... body gave an obviously slanted and biased one star review with essentially no justification... I have no problem giving the benefit of the doubt and calling this a 5 star VN.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Hard to believe this one got a 1 on a review tbh.. I found it to be well written with great renders and an interesting beginnings of a story. The ladies met so far were diverse and good looking. Definitely can see this one taking hold and bringing in a crowd of followers. Everything about this says quality.. The only issue I had.. and it was minor.. was the animation quality wasn't quite up to the rest of the work.. something that I can see improving as time goes on. :)
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    It looks great, and I dig the synth music that I heard for most of my time with this playthrough, but I glazed over pretty quickly. I feel like this script really needs to be cut down severely, because the pacing makes this unplayable.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game looks very good for demo and And the story is good now I hope there is more And the characters look very hot Except for a hairstyle of MC everything looks great Thanks for sharing this game I am waiting for the update impatiently
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack Nippleson

    What a fun little demo. Really enjoyed the art, animations and story. Cheeky little cliffhanger as well. My only recommendations to any developer is always double, triple check your translations (trust me I know English is hard however I do not let it deter me from the overall experience) and just a personal preference, allow the readers to adjust the text box opacity. I will definitely keep an eye out as I look forward to further updates and thanks for sharing.