Unity Free patreon for updates on PhoneEngine and it's accompanying code

Aug 25, 2017
Hello everyone,

It's been a little while since I posted asking for any interest in the project and I decided to open up what is, for now, a fully free Patreon for the engine, its accompanying code, and even the game/showcase I'm building using the engine to show off what it can do.

If this is something that interests you at all as a dev, or you like this genre of game please consider following me on there for updates.

Edit: Apparently I completely forgot to mention what kind of game it is and "Phone simulator VN" is not enough. It's a game focused on your relationship with your partner which you interact with through a simulation of a phone with text messages/social media apps. It's a Netorase/kink experimentation game depending on the route you take. There are other characters involved, and there will be more kinks/characters/ideas coming to it as I think of them.

The engine is fairly feature-rich with every feature you've grown to love from other games within the same genre and there will be more added as I currently have a whole list in my kanban board. All recommendations are also welcome for features you would like to see.
Last edited:
Aug 25, 2017
What? there is no info here, nor any in your patreon acct. (maybe behind the member firewall?)

gotta share more info that this if you want to attract any interest.
This is legitimately my first time making my own product and sharing it online, every other project I've worked on I've only been an engineer so I know absolutely nothing about marketing. :LOL: I have 2 posts currently up on the Patreon with a description of the game up in one of the posts. The posts are publically available for all followers which is free, but I figured that was the right way to go so people can follow for further updates.


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
All good, this is the right place if you are looking for support and advice.

Random viewers (like me) need to have some context without having ANY barrier to obtaining it. You might think that a free patreon is a low barrier, but it's still at least some effort required to get past - for example, i don't browse new patreon accounts while logged in, so right now i would have had to log in before i could join and see any info. and i wasn't enticed in by anything, so you missed the chance to convert me.

1. put at least 50-80% of your product info out in public. this definitely should include sexy images (but not explicit - see patreon rules about this)

2. put the more explicit stuff or details in private (patron only) posts if you want to offer something more.

3. general rule: target one or two specific fetishes. there are many many games that are too generic and try to appeal to everyone. instead, drill down on your favorite kinks (choking, BBW, femdom, insects, mind control, whatever. Or even something really extreme like wholesome romance, ewww.) and then you'll find a small number of devoted fellow fetishists who will carry you forward.

4. show don't tell: I don't care anything about what you *say* you are gonna do. I want to see what you have already done: images (including concept art), ui design, writing samples, character descriptions. It's the difference between the stripper telling you that she likes you to get you to buy a dance, vs a date with someone whom you have a mutual attraction.
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Aug 25, 2017
All good, this is the right place if you are looking for support and advice.

Random viewers (like me) need to have some context without having ANY barrier to obtaining it. You might think that a free patreon is a low barrier, but it's still at least some effort required to get past - for example, i don't browse new patreon accounts while logged in, so right now i would have had to log in before i could join and see any info. and i wasn't enticed in by anything, so you missed the chance to convert me.

1. put at least 50-80% of your product info out in public. this definitely should include sexy images (but not explicit - see patreon rules about this)

2. put the more explicit stuff or details in private (patron only) posts if you want to offer something more.

3. general rule: target one or two specific fetishes. there are many many games that are too generic and try to appeal to everyone. instead, drill down on your favorite kinks (choking, BBW, femdom, insects, mind control, whatever. Or even something really extreme like wholesome romance, ewww.) and then you'll find a small number of devoted fellow fetishists who will carry you forward.

4. show don't tell: I don't care anything about what you *say* you are gonna do. I want to see what you have already done: images (including concept art), ui design, writing samples, character descriptions. It's the difference between the stripper telling you that she likes you to get you to buy a dance, vs a date with someone whom you have a mutual attraction.
First of all I checked out your page on here, the art style looks so familiar I think I've played a game by you before, love your work dude!

Second, that kind of advice is exactly what I needed. I'll wait a little bit longer in that case until I have the second chapter written and I'll put together a better post.

I'm not sure if you have any advice for this, but since I'm both making the platform for making the game (for others to use) and the game itself and I'm trying to advertise both, do you have any advice on separation/not separating them, or having a post dedicated to the dev side and a post dedicated to the game? I'm trying to not overload whoever is interested in one aspect or another.