Unreal Engine - Abandoned - Free Use Space [v0.1.0.3] [wshizzle]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Its mehh... needs alot more work, feels like nothing works as it should.
    Some of the buttons dont work, and others just wont load properly.
    and the character editing screen is kinda annoying to work with, should be simpler methods to edit them.
    Though, i like the idea of the game!
    Good luck with the development! :D
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Cool concept but it is suuuuuper janky

    The graphics are... Bad.

    Gameplay is non existant.

    The scenes i couldnt even trigger to begin with, i guess its a bug.

    As is at it is bad but has potential, it needs more content and alot of polish, in my opinion polish is #1 priority.

    8/10 jank(y)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I understand that video game development is exciting, and you're probably very proud of what you've made so far. And you should be. But this is way, way beyond unpolished and is barely even functional. If I had to guess, you're going to need at least another year of development before this is anything more than a tool to benchmark a computer's cooling systems.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Technically very impressive (except the nightmare inducing proportions and penises) but an absolute mess that needs a hell of a lot of work. Potential is there but whew lad, this was waaaaay too early a draft to release. controls dont work, sliders dont work, your UI is a mess, nothing works, this was just not ready for even an alpha release.