Played through Season 2, Ep1.
+ Great renders
+ Variety of model bodies and faces.
+ Nice, smooth animations
+ Most games just have some music and even fewer have sound effects as well. This has that plus nearly every non-Main Characters has voice over...for ever scene. Kudos to getting a team to do such a well acted and delivered effort.
+ MC is likeable
> MC doesn't look like a total dork...even though sometimes his clothing borders on the uncool.
+ SanchoMod makes it all better!
> After my first playthrough, I cannot tell if picking something other than the walkthrough choices would have changed things much. I need to playthrough again to see how things would change or does it not matter in order to move the story forward, like with some VNs.
> Story isn't the greatest but is still good and interesting.
+ Writing seems to have been edited well and is easy to follow.
+ It got a chuckle of two out of me for good humor.
I actually don't have any negatives.
From my spreadsheet tracker, I have four categories of VNs/games from F95Zone...
- Recommended = does it have 4+ star rating and a good number of ratings.
- I'm Done = whatever reason I never need or want to playthrough that one again
- Try Again = game incomplete, but I enjoyed it enough that as it develops further I'll have to try it again
- Favorites = complete & incomplete games that check off most or all of my favorite things about VNs/games.
This one is currently on my Favorites list.