Unity - Completed - Freya's Potion Shop [Final] [oneLegNinja]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I think people are being too harsh on this title. It was a pretty good H-game. Definitely had some grinding but it wasn't that bad. Controls were tight, difficulty wasn't too bad, and there were some good scenes too.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, the amount of grinding in this game is insane. The fact that each potion requires six different ingredients and a lot of each of those that you have to go on multiple runs in different levels is nonsense. Also, a crazy amount of grind to level up each of Freyas parts makes it even worse. To add more salt in it, the side scrolling stages can get really annoying with the projectiles that kill you and you have to repeat the damn thing. I was not expecting this game to be so obnoxious, legit surprised me. The art is very mediocre too, the big head models are so ugly.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Well basically it's a kinky pixel game about fucking with everything that moves. It has also some story, quests, crafting, trading, collecting recipes and ingredients etc. (all of those features are just excuse for more fucking).

    So despite poor graphics it could be actually nice game... It could be but...

    In order to progress through game MC is required to collect lots of items in side scrolling 2D levels. And they're hard. Really. Maybe not the first ones but it gets worse really fast.

    So unless you're some crazy-platormer-hardcore-old-school-shit fanatic you'll die over and over and keep loosing collected stuff. This is simply annoying and ruins whole fun.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    TBH terrible game as platformer. Clunky control, pixel platforming and slow heroine. Price of mistake also too high. You lose all that you've collected in stage. CG just bad. And only animations is below average. But prolapse is not my "cup of tea".
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Very basic and very looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong game with some simple degradation from simple whore to proud whore.

    By mechanics it generic platformer, so left-right-jump-throw shit. Enemies can be killed only by throwable shit, there are no instakilling head jumps. Point of the game kill as much monsters, as fast as you can and collect from them as much ingredients (which are required for creation potions) and receiving as little damage as possible. Doing so is somewhat necessary since after finishing the level, depending from the score, you get an item multiplier. So if you finished level on S rank you get 2x multiplier, which applies to items -> which mean two times more items. A rank 1.75, B 1.5, etc.

    Only additional element is enemy seducing. After seducing enemies "initiate coitus" with you, which produce monster specific unique ingredient. It ranges from cum to split, so biological liquids.

    There are only five or six type of monsters at all, each have one sexual animation. So it have very basic porn support.

    Also there are no game over. After losing last HP you wont be presented with default for hentai game "raped long and hard until you are filled so much with cum to literally pop" scene. Instead character just fly through all platforms to the lower edge of the screen, like in some Adventure Island from NES, right to the checkpoint.

    Degradation stuff. Each sexual contact with monster, regardless of type, lead to a little degradation. You have five "stats", overall perversion, mouth, chest, pussy and anus....eeweeee deterioration??? Each sexual contact decrease/increase/change (depends of how you look at it) some specific body part perversion and always change overall perversion. I.e. boobjob - > decrease "quaility" of boobs and overall perversion level.
    Degradation also have levels, which can be described as
    1. What? Poke with a dick in a living person??????? Euuuuuuuu...
    2. Well, I was fucked a little, and that was really good.
    3. I was fucked by THIS BIG dick...mmmmmmmm, I even cum from this!!!!
    4. Ye baby, rape my destroyed pussy/anus/chest/mouth like you hate me :love: Dont forget to cum inside :love::love::love::love:
    This change nothing, both in terms of gameplay and character appearance. It only change icon of corresponding body part in menu and (I think) type of game ending.
    Icons of body parts in menu changes from "loli pussy/chest/etc." at the beginning to "used hole of 75 years old, addicted to low quality heroine, hooker" at the and. It sound DISGASTING, but images for the final stage are....well, they are caused similar to "dude...thats gay" reaction, for me. Maybe people with really weak nerves would have DISGASTING reaction. But for most it would be simple "ew" if they not into it, I think.

    After beating level you can, or rather should, brew some potions in you shop and sell them there. This is a main, and the only, way to move plot.

    Plot is simple. You have opened a potion sop, but then SUDDENLY you mother become a sex toy for mayor, to which you/mother (I dont get who exactly) owed 1000000 gold. And you must collect this sum selling potions in you shop, which are brewed from monsters body parts and liquids.
    As a side point, mother actually not upset, at all, at being a fuck toy.
    And to collect this sum you should spend enormous mount of time. For reference, simplest potion require 10 ingredients (aprox. 4 killed monsters) and can be sold for 2000 gold. This equal to around 500 potions which equal to 2000 minsters. Spoiler, its a LOT.

    After you finally collect mentioned sum, turns out that you mother are fucked mayor too hard and now you need to create SUPER-MEGA-ULTRA-GIGA-MASTER-EXTREME potion to return him back "from the wasteland in the end of the path". This mean a little wacky boss fight and final Power Point presentation animation, how entire town are fucks you and you mother for five days as a reward.
    It looks like ending depends on degradation level, but game horrendously long and I dont want to beat it again.

    At the end, "just" a porn game with "just" porn and "just" game. Play only if you Mario games fan.

    So as usual guys, like, subscribe, comment, beer, pray for absolution from my sins since I cant just go and buy indulgence, my religion dont have such option :sneaky:
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It is a slow game, very slow.
    and I do not recommend it for the most sensitive people.
    If you meet the requirements to enjoy this game, it will be a very pleasant "8bit" trip.
    As for its mechanics, it is nothing to write home about, it does its job well.
    the graphic section is quite aesthetic.
    I really don't understand why this score is not a 5 but it is not a 2 either, I would put it at 3.5 or 4.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The controls are .. too spread out and the animations leave me wanting. Some cute basic characters, but it's enough that I just didn't bother playing through it past the first 15 minutes. .. Anyways. Good luck to the creator. Id' work on the controls before animations.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    okay here we go...
    its a decent game. 1-2 sex animations on enemys/npcs nothing special but decent stuff.
    fucking around town to get new items, potion recipes or what else not.
    having sex with several parts of your body levels them up. it didnt make it far enough to tell you what the levels do and i'll tell you why.

    the main part of the game is that you have to complete 18 levels (several times) to gather ingredients for your potions. and here is where the "nutaku" stamp comes in. its boring as fuck, its basically super mario bros 1, but with poor animations, bad physics (hitboxes are decent) and just a lot of time consuming stuff.

    you have to masturbate in front of enemys so they fuck you and you get their sperm, spit, whatever you need from them. you can skip the animations with 2 leftclicks, but still its soooo time consuming. it racks up really quickly.

    theres a lot of plants where you also have to do a sex animation before you can collect them. several berries and other stuff you have to press w to collect.
    half of the items you can just walk over, but berries you have to press w, why?

    then theres a lot of blind jumps, you'll just die and lose all your stuff and have to do the level over again.

    when you fuck enemys, neither you or the enemys are blinking. what i mean by that, if you fuck them when they were close to touching(aka damaging you) THEY WILL DO THAT RIGHT AFTER THE SEX ANIMATION and youre not avoiding that unless you taunt them from far away.
    but dont taunt from too far away or they dont trigger and the masturbation animation cant be skipped it takes like 5 seconds.

    as i said before, this screams "nutaku" everywhere. its cheap, not polished at all and everything screams "if this wasnt a payed game we would make everything cost stamina so you have to buy nutaku-gold with real life money"

    you might think 1-2 seconds or 5 seconds isnt a lot, but i played this for 40 minutes and i bet 10 minutes were just animations i was waiting for.

    overall, it has the potencial to be a good game, but sadly its a nutaku game. (or at least published by nutaku)