There are miracles in this world. One of them is the fact that a story about a loser guy who gains wealth and gives himself a sex-fuelled power-trip can be so mature.
Usually, when a writer tries to explore something serious in adult VNs, it comes at the expense of some things we appreciate. First thing to go is, usually, flexibility. It is difficult to tell a meaningful story, juggling ten branching story-lines. The seconds thing to be left behind is, well, sexual encounters. It is no small feat to integrate choices and consequences with telling something meaningful, and it is twice as hard to put a lot of sex in it, while not breaking the general dynamics.
Here we do not sacrifice neither. And this fact is a miracle and another testament to the proficiency of the developer.
The game offers roughly three distinct relationship paths for each girl, with some choices having lasting consequences (at least seemingly; while we're deep in the game, it hasn't unfolded yet). Those paths can be roughly labelled as: a good path, a taboo dark path (install the patch for it), and a middle ground.
The 'good' path is surprisingly touching, especially considering the protagonist's potential for exploiting his newfound shit-ass wealth with women down on their luck. Some moments verge on creepy, but this is strangely fucking mild, given that we play an AVN. Then, there is a taboo path which gives most of rapey games on F95 a run for their money. It is dark. Given the rules of this site I can't compare it with particular games in this review, but I will say that it is almost as dark and sadistic as a famous game about a mental case coming home (still, three times less silly) or a well-beloved title about the eyes-wide-open-shit happening in bordello where women debase themselves for money. I think you know these ones.
I have no idea how someone can be so compelling in writing the darkest possible scenarios as well as something good-natured and even noble for the very same characters.
Now I will tell something personal. I decided to play "Friends in Need" for the dark path. I enjoy maledom, and I like when it is harsh. It is not my sole fetish, but is is a strong one. Sometimes I feel bad afterwards, but such stuff gives me genuine kicks. I can't quite understand it. I despise violence in life. I kinda get the appeal of gore videos and extreme stuff like that, but when I see actual, living people suffer, I always try to help them, almost on an instinctual level.
So, I was preparing for a shamefull wank when unpacking "Friends in Need". But very soon I found out that in this game I simply can't go down the darkest routes. I have too much sympathy for the characters. When I understood it, I, with a sign, decided to play this game with two hands. "I kinda find the story enjoyable, so let's play it like that, paying no mind to the sex scenes", and all that jazz.
And, oh boy, was I mistaken. When I was five-to-six hours deep in this game, I unexpectedly realised something about myself. The deal is that I'm a pleasing person, but I can't please everyone. This happened in my family, this happened later in life. I feel that some misogynistic streaks that characterise my sex-life (to be frank, mostly my wank-life, because those are the things I'm ashamed of) are driven by this feeling of not being good enough for women.
Strangely enough, this game gave me a feeling of finally being good enough, and feeling power in being noble, and feeling good about being generous. Have I experienced something like that in my real life? Sure, but when you play a tightly wirtten AVN, it is more evident.
And the fact that I'm still so damn horny for the girls in this game, including the ones that I didn't find compelling before I learned more about them, is so fucking unexpected.
For that alone 'Friends in Need' is one of the most profound narrative experiences in my life. It's not like I'm gonna change something radically just because of that, but I understood something about myself - and this knowledge will surely stay.
How the fuck did that happen?!