VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Friendship with Benefits [v1.20] [TwistedScarlett]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything in this game is good, from the writing to the story and art. Why do I have to type at least 200 characters? That seems like a bit much. Still not 200? Are you kidding me? Yap yap yap, I like this game alright?
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, great story, great heart. This is a fantastic representation of not just the characters of fim, but what porny fanfiction can be. A hot series of scenes and wonderful artstyle. Unique takes on what each character could be, and enough surprises to make it worth your time.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Friendship with Benefits [v1.20]
    Fun and enjoyable story, i didn't like the whole different names for the ponies, but i get it, decent lore, decent scenes, very fun and wholesome, would be a 3/5 if it wasn't for pinkie pie, my only gripe is the absolute lack of choices, and also, the game lets you fuck every single pony you meet, and everyone is in a polyamorous relationship, yet it is stablished very early that this society is monogamous, i don't like being NTR'd, even if it's a woman, so minus points for that too, all in all, very good, not perfect, but a nice experience.

    RATING: 4 (more like 3.5)/5 OR A B RANK
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Even if there is no animated sceens, the amout of characters and the perfects point of views are very nice on this games, with furry in addition ! The story is forgettable but as it is based on My Little Pony, we can go through i think.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game for furries/mlp lovers. And for those, who likes to read more than to watch animations.

    Well-written and different characters, believable Main Character, overall warm atmosphere of playthrough, in which hidden actually unexpected plot-twist, some secrets and fights.

    Maybe it's a little low on the content, this game just for two-three nights, but story and quests are interesting and endearing - you are actually helping and affect girl's lives.

    That I like wery much: many girls won't jump on your lap in first meeting, despite two serious reasons, what you will learn in the walkthrough.
    The only thing I didn't like was forced turning MC into a girl for one scene.

    This game certainly sets a very high bar for mlp games, and decend in VN overall. I hope that FwB 2 will be able to match it in the quality of narration in final version..
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i have since bought this game to support the development of their next projects, great experience with more than enough content. cant wait to play the second game, and if you play this one give some support to the creator. they put a lot of effort to make this, and melody has the best scenes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is nice and it was actually quite fun to read the story. I enjoyed the slight twist on the characters. The wide range of characters and positions adds variety to the game so everybody has something to enjoy (as long as the fact that all partners are anthropomorphized ponys/fantasy creatures etc. does not bother you).
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    very, very okay.

    FWB is... fine. it does almost nothing to differentiate itself from every other harem VN like itself, neither in good ways nor in bad ones.

    that sounds like a cop-out, but i am honestly struggling to write anything interesting about this game. the meanest critique that i can level at it is that the character writing is sometimes clunky and rushed, but it's never so bad as to make me roll my eyes. besides, clunky writing is a hallmark of harem games, so FWB keeps pace alongside the rest of the pack.

    there's nothing necessarily wrong with the art either. it's okay. the stuff that was obviously drawn early in development is rough around the edges, and the stuff that came later is better. i don't love that everyone is naked all the time -- there's way less tension in the air because of it -- but the amount of scenes makes up for that. it's what it's.

    i dunno. if Ren'Py VNs about having sex with everyone you meet are your comfort zone, you might get some mileage out of this one.

    actually, i just remembered that there is one interesting thing i can say about FWB: what the hell are pirated Sewerslvt tracks doing in this game?? don't get me wrong; i'm a fan of her music, but hearing that shit in an erotic My Little Pony visual novel gave me whiplash. incredibly strange creative decision.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    "..what you have here is a book.." gasp, visual NOVELS are books?? Lmao

    The game is great if you want dialogue. The game is fleshed out, takes a while, has built in cheats to not worry about money issues, and has a ton of H scenes with all the main characters, and even the side characters get a lot themselves. Had a good time, a great few whacks, and I don't think I'll be forgetting a few of the characters for a minute.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I think it´s really boring.

    The characters are all pretty flat, and the MC is just boring and too nice I would have liked it more if he was really perverted or dominant but that´s just my opinion, he could have probebly interesting even if he is just a nice guy but sadly that´s not the case here.

    The gameplay is nothing special. but the UI is very bad and too small.

    The dialogues are boring, too long and not comfortable to read because the UI is bad.

    The art and sex scenes are both very boring and vanilla looking, the dirty talk is also just boring.

    Not my type of game but it isn´t awful so I can still kinda recommend it.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Under normal circumstances I wouldnt really be playing stuff like these. H games inspired by cartoons tend to either be really big and expansive, or shallow as fuck and not really worth the bother. So where would this one lie?

    *I'd caveat this review by stating that I didnt finish it. So there's always the chance that this turns into solid gold at the end, but I couldnt be arsed to go round more unskippable dialogues, so fuck it.


    - The game is actually finished. Given how many of these stuff tends to get abandoned, Id have to praise the dev for actually finishing it instead of leaving it to rot for years whilst commanding huge patreon support each month.
    - Simple gameplay, simple storylines. This game is unlikely to baffle any players aged more than 8.
    - Sex scenes are decent, well and entertaining.


    - Well, let's start by stating that this game is a massive timesink of repetitive motions, inane dialogue, with choices that dont really matter. Every citizen of this world does so much small talk its amazing they get much work done at all. Average novels spurt every last piece of thought into their pages while great ones focuses what's important and summarize the less important bits.

    So essentially what you've got here is literally a book. A book that goes through every tiny little painful detail of your (as the protagonist) thoughts and that of your partner. Whiff past a girl in this world and she'll tell you her life story in ridiculous detail, while you endlessly click spacebar to make it go away. Only about 20% of the dialogue Ive genuinely read, the rest of the 80% might as well not exist.

    - H gameplay is nonexistent because its a VN. You essentially progress the story to get the scenes, and the game sometimes allow you to choose what choice of fuckery you'd like and that's about it. You click spacebar to continue the sex until it stops.
    - All the dialogue, first time, cannot be skipped with the usual left ctrl and I cannot for the life of me understand why. A case of developer hubris perhaps? All it did was turn me off from the game.

    Alright, so here's a short summary of the story. And dont worry, its not going to be a spoiler because chances are good you'll speed through all of it without even noticing. You are a human that has been summoned to be a familiar in this human/pony hybrid world. Your job, as your summoner informs you, is to be a male sex machine that'll be humping her day till night without question. The problem is that she fucked the spell or something fucked up resulting in you being summoned with all your faculty intact so you retain your free will. You then proceed to...well, be a male sex machine because this is a world where there's few if any males and everyones in heat. Jesus. So you basically proceed to 'help' out the citizens by more or less fucking their brains out. Whatever, the story is just a placeholder for sex. More or less everything is about sex, and storylines are either all resolved by having sex, or ends with you having sex.

    Far as the characters go, its just decent. There's no real standout. True to the VN style, you choose who you like, progress through their storyline and then you fuck them.

    Artstyle is just average, tettering on the edges. Only thing that comes to mind is that their necks look suspiciously too short (howd that even support the head?) but whatever. A look at the dev's patreon reveals that he/she is making close to 11k a month piling up average artwork, so what do I know about art?

    So, all in all. Its just a fine VN game about human/pony hybrids of which bear striking resemblance to the MLP franchise. I'm not into such things myself, but that may account as to why I didnt find any of this very interesting. I was meh when I went in and I came out exactly the same. A few boners to be gained but it's unlikely to make you blow your load.

    I am impressed that the game is finished at all, and it would seem that the dev is hard working, and tends to actually deliver, or at very least not abandon projects. So that's one thumbs up at least. A recommendation to MLP fans, but perhaps little else besides that.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Ballistic 9029

    To be blunt-

    I'm not done with this game yet...but I don't need to be, I'm halfway through all the routes, and I know what my review is gonna be-

    This dev, this author, is an absolute loon-

    A good loon, but still a loon.

    Absolute bonkers, complete banana brain, out of their mind-

    THEY DID THIS NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE-'s a great game I give it 10 Creams out of Taco.

    Maybe save the bakery for later in your playthrough, it's a doozy.

    Edit after 100% completion: Definitely stand by my rating. Though, I don't know how you could possibly get 11 endings out of this, I got 2 at the most, one bad and one good end, but maybe that's just because I genuinely did 100% including secrets which may just lock you into the best ending?

    Not entirely sure, but still, I'm satisfied with what I got, looking forward to the sequel, as the dev has mentioned they plan to revisit this in a sequel after they finish their current project "Unveiling The Unknown", curious if maybe the sequel would allow for more legitimate romance options, rather than just a pseudo-friends with benefits harem.

    Edit 2: Apparently a lot of the old endings got trimmed out, since this project changed a lot over time. So yeah.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Lighthearted, wholesome 10/10

    Been a while, but this struck a chord so i wanted to leave my appreciation here.

    The 4th wall breaking made me a bit sad but really impressed me.
    I never wouldve guessed, such a game would confront me with theories of quantum physics (if i remember correctly) props
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for a quick clop, you could do much worse than this game. There is no real story or character progression - it's just trotting from one pony fuck scene to the next, but at least the game gives you the choice of which ponies to target and in what order. Personally, I find the art off-putting. I wish the artist would have either mimicked Equestria Girls or dropped the anthropomorphism entirely and just gone with the MLP look. The hybrid halfway-between art style that they chose just doesn't quite work for me.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Game was really nice. The ponies were a combination of adorable and sexy. Moxie best girl, come fight me. Though sometimes their faces got a bit skewed in some of the sex scenes. Story was great as well. Loved the final battle and outcome. Impressed by the multiversal plot.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have just finished Friendship with Benefits. I'm not even into MLP but wanted to see a completed game before getting my hopes up for Monster Girl 1000. FwB surprised me multiple times, especially with the story which is actually pretty nice and thought through, as well as the character development, namely Butters and Cream. Well done, 10/10.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous art and a generous amount of content, but tedious to actually play through.

    This is a simple, light-hearted "seduce every girl in town" sandbox VN. There's no real challenge or risk of defeat. Just a few dialog choices which don't make much difference. Very casual and relaxing.

    The writing is actually pretty interesting and has some creative scenarios. But it really doesn't compliment the game all that well; it feels like half the development team wanted to make a silly porn romp, while the other half wanted a serious exploration of the politics, practicalities, and physiology of the MLP world. So every time you go to seduce some character, you first have to read half a novel's worth of interesting but misplaced fanfiction.

    It's a shame, as the visual side of this visual novel is fantastic. Tons of appealing characters, and numerous lush backgrounds. Unfortunately, the numerous sex scenes are relatively mild and underwhelming. Cute and pretty, but not especially sexy. Given that the entire cast wanders around constantly naked, the sex scenes just aren't all that rewarding.

    Ultimately, it's a pleasant and charming game, but never entirely satisfying. I recommend giving it a try, but understand if you drop it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say, I'm glad I came across this one. It's easy to get into, lighthearted, and I enjoy the art style. Not a bad game to play at all. Lots of varied girls to explore with. Definitely worth a look.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Decent story. Great art. Overall 10/10
    Now I'm not a brony, but this game managed to awaken something in me. The game had great art and a very interesting story. It took the whole idea of MLP porn and made it something that anyone can get into and not feel weird about porking horses
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Expected degeneracy, got a really wholesome and good story. A couple of solid references to the show, enough independence to actually be good on its own. Isekai is usually pretty hit or miss, but this is a good one.