VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Friendship with Benefits [v1.20] [TwistedScarlett]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun game, great story, amazing characters, and even better sex scenes. Character development is great, and leaves a very wide variety of color, scenes, and dialogue. I played this and immediately knew that it would be my game to suggest to others (if they had this style of interest) definitely one of the best ren'pys and within my top 5 favorite games (of this category at least)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game's graphics are by far one of the best I've seen, the game's format is also very good, well-crafted, interesting dialogue in addition to the story it involves besides not being '' standard '' one of the best games I've played.

    What needs to improve I believe is the creation of more alternative routes, which are only seen in the end where your choice really matters to develop the story.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm very disappointed, that there is no other option, but to make a harem of horny horsegirls... for me, it is like cheating, even if your first girl allowed you to do everything you want. Maybe I overthinking, but I'm freaking serious about that, because i'm a male human, not a stupid ass stud ! So, in this game, you are going from one furry thights to another, looking at interesting text and pictures, BUT FRUSTRATED, BECAUSE OF FORCED CHEATING.
    VERDICT: can recommend it only for horny polygamic people
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Used to be a mlp harem simulator. Until the dev got greedy. Now he/she? wants to sell it on steam. Every color got changed, the character were all completely changed so they do not resemble the old actual mlp characters any longer. Lame. Thankfully there are some modders that revert the changes. Which is nice.
    Can only give it the worst score since the dev essentially ruined what made the game good in the first place, only out of greed.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    the pony game is wonderfully amazing where you talk to them to go out with all the ponies. but it would be nice if it had animations I would love you to put it to make it fun because I like it a lot. without animations it is not interesting because that way it is only pure text and image and sound it makes no sense to play it
  6. B
    4.00 star(s)


    I must say that this game in particular is my favorite. Innovative, complex and full of interactions. It really is a pioneer in this genre, as far as I know.

    One downside, and I agree with TylFxi on that, is that "forced" in-game transformation into girl for sex for sake of improving relations. At least I could have a choice on that and more options in other situations. Otherwise, this game is very cool and deserves recognition.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    a great porn game all things considered. good porn. good characters. good story and the game managed to get on steam. ( how given its parody of my little pony? my guess it managed get under fair use or something like that.) i would recommend getting it to help support the creator but only if steam will let you hide online while playing it so your friends and family wont find out. nevertheless 10 out of 10.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    love the game. wish there was some type of choice where you could choose 1 or all girls to be together as an ending. love the art, the story, the characters etc. cant wait for your next project. thank you
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has so much to offer. It has plentiful art that pairs nicely with the erotic dialogue, characters at least as deep as one would expect from a dating sim without the long wait to sexy payoff. It also has some other things like a surprise plot with conflict and fascinating discussions you wouldn't expect from your average porn game. There's also a gallery, which I feel is paramount for any porn game. It hasn't been marked as completed as of this review, but unless they somehow royally fuck up, it already warrants a 5-stars in my eyes.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Firstly I must admit that; first few hours of the game was ok, good even. Even though im not into MLP.
    But the "transforming to girl and having sex like that, for sake of improving relations with another unrelated pony" kinda trashed the good impression game had on me. It's not that game had this but game forces you to this while you even don't want to go with lesbian pony but the other pony in library.
    But it wasn't that bad either, i mean it wasn't the worst, the worst was unavodible ntr scene. Yes, it's still ntr even if it's a "girl" with dick and yes even though there's 3 "choices" there's no way to skip that scene. The game forcing this to your face was the last drop for me. FFS there's even no ntr tag.
    Except those, writing was good but you can still feel there's lack of images in sex scenes. Story was good, and artstyle was pretty. It shows that dev really put effort in this game. It's so pity i can only give this for the time i played.

    Edit: Seeing that all previous reviews had 5 stars making me feel bad ngl, maybe I can change the rating or delete it later but had to say those, sorry.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    if i was not a poor student, and just scraping by i would have thrown money after this game. and i dont even like pony sex !

    this game is ridiculously good.
    it is a simple setup. you pick a girl for the day and progress the story. next day pick the same girl or visit another one. and the game somehow keeps all this within the story setting.

    i will recommend this game even if you are not into ponys.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I'm not exactly into furries, but i got to make exception with this one.

    The artstyle is top notch and really hot.
    The story writing is also excellent almost par with top japanese visual novel.
    The only cons i have is the game doesn't have proper ending. A ending with one of the girls or harem one would be nice.

    Sorry if my English sounded weird. I'm not a native English speaker.
    Edit: Some typo mistakes.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I know nothing about MLP but even still I think this is one the best games on the site. Brony or no (pls no) this game has everything

    +Interesting Story
    +Great Characters
    +Great art
    +Great Scenes
    +Lots of content

    This is what a polished Ren'Py game should strive to be. Even if you're turned off by ponys just give it a try.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    trama muito boa, gráfico também muito bom, e a qualidade da arte também é muito bem feita... uma obra prima. Minha única critica é com relação aos nomes , preferia que deixassem os originais

    very good plot, very good graphics, and the quality of art is also very well done ... a masterpiece. My only criticism is in relation to the names, I would prefer that they leave the originals
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it. Never came across any major issues(freezing, crashing, etc.) Only things I personally feel like commenting about was the change from the OG Doggy style to the new one with moxie (wish there was a third gift option to unlock it) and the crystal ball. I like the concept behind it, but it didn't allow revisiting all the scenes (think someone said it was a bug, not to sure), would have preferred it be a classic gallery in most lewd games... But eh, Dev is going to do what the Dev is going to do. The crystal ball not showing everything wasn't much of an issue for me in the first place. Overall, Definitely worth playing if you're into these types of games. Can't wait to see what other types of games TwistedScarlett makes.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not even into MLP, nor do I know shit about the characters, but if you're like me and even have a little bit of an attraction to anthromorphs then I totally recommend this game.

    I'll start with the negatives first because there aren't a lot of them:
    Sadly there are no animations which is really a shame but the writing and dirty talk during sex is so well written that it doesn't matter too much. Secondly, a lot of the girls kind of look too similar but I'm mostly blaming that on the look of the MLP characters I'm assuming these girls are based on. Lastly, the story isn't bad but there are occasional parts of the story that feel too expository and you might find yourself skipping a lot if you're impatient.

    The positives: The writing is hella good and the dirty talk during sex is extremely well written. The girls also have pretty unique personalities and you'll defiantly find yourself having favorites. Also, the number of lewd scenes in this game is immense so you will never find yourself turned off.

    All in all, if you're remotely into anthromorphs, download this game!
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Asia Argento

    Being there is no ending, I am kinda torn... I had an asston of fun with this... It was entertaining. The characters were a joy to learn about. If you would have told me I would like a MLP rule 34 game before this, I would tell you that you need help... but this made me do a 180. Dev on here says there wont be endings, so I suppose if you like some surprisingly decent hentai and dont mind it from furries and can accept that the end of each's side story is their end... then go for it. There arent many better out there imo...
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I have seen this game a few times on this website, but never played it until now because of my preference against anthropomorphic MLP characters, as well as the fact that I thought it couldn't be that good or have that much content. But a few days ago seeing that it updated again I finally decided to play it.

    I could say I'm both somewhat disappointed as well as pleasantly surprised with the game. On the good side, I found that it has way more sexual content than I expected it to have, along with an art style that is pretty decent if not outright good. The story is also well written, although with quite few grammar mistakes here and there.

    The game itself is pretty easy and straight forward to play, and with a helpful and guiding user interface to boot. Simply visiting every character of interest to work and socialize and get money and sex scenes in return, money that you use to buy items to unlock further sex scenes or make work easier so you can earn even more money.

    There is very little grind to be had, as the payment and cost of stuff is fairly reasonable, and most sex scenes can be obtained without actually using money.

    Now, as for the bad side, it mostly comes down to personal preference and nothing really wrong with the game itself. But I expected this game to be an actual MLP one, but it's more of an alternate universe fanfiction one. Aside from making the characters anthro, which could be easily excused as a way to appeal to a larger demographic, there are a great many differences between the world and the characters of this game and those of the original work.

    In a way, the laws that comprise the reality of the MLP world have been twisted, and the very foundations that make up their society have been shaken to the point of being upside down. And to me this seems that it was done either to avoid copyright infringement, to make it easier and faster for the MC to get sex or maybe just because the developer didn't like some things about the original story.

    Things like making pony society predominantly female, with only 15% of the population being male and females going into heat during mating season. Quite the common concepts in the realm of MLP fanfiction. But to me it all boils down to just convenience, and along with the characters being anthro, meaning that it would be much easier for them to find a human form more attractive, there was basically no way for the MC to not get laid without first having to actually work long and hard into getting that pussy.

    And I suppose I can see why that's also convenient for the developer, as otherwise the game would have needed to be something more resembling of a proper dating sim or visual novel with actual individual routes of considerable length, which might not have been the best business model.

    And don't get me wrong, I'm all up for making sex easier and faster to obtain in games, so I wouldn't complain much if only one or two of these concepts were to be used. But all three of them, plus some other things that just further distance this story from the being the real MLP that I know is just too much.

    Stuff like the non-existence of cutie marks, magic working differently (teleportation that works by "killing" you is freaking stupid and not how it works in the show at all), Celeste and Selene not moving the sun and the moon, characters having widely different backstories and considerably altered personalities, Butters, Sundowner, Selene, Prisma, Moxie and Melody being the most egregious examples.

    Another one would be technology being highly advanced, to a point of equality if not superiority with modern humanity, stuff like laptops, internet, and video games. The first two at least never being seen or mentioned in the show to my knowledge, with only the last one being seen once for a small short gag in one episode, and it still was in a primitive form such as an arcade machine.

    And I guess at least computers and the internet were necessary for the plot point of a character's story, which was necessary to insert a fetish into a character, which in turn was necessary to make the character easier to fuck. And anyway, tech was always weird in the world of MLP so this one is the least important of my complains, but I think it still warranted a mention.

    One or two different things like these are also nothing new in the world of MLP fanfiction, but when it all keeps piling up along with the previous stuff that I mentioned, it becomes almost unbearable and makes me question if this is technically even MLP anymore. I can't help but wonder if the setting of MLP was just sloppily attached to this project to make it more popular, like a marketing ploy or something.

    But for me, it ends up like some sort of Frankenstein monster that was made to work somehow by putting together different parts. You look at it and it somewhat resembles a normal human being, but so much different in many ways.

    But all in all, I still can't rate it with anything below 5 stats since I highly enjoyed the game, and it is by far the best MLP related porn game there is around currently, not that there is much competition, either in quantity or quality.

    EDIT: I'm now subtracting 1 star due to the dev selling out and making the game even more different from MLP in both looks and story just to put it on Steam.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love MLP and this game takes it to the max, it has great character development and good sex scenes, the addition to new species are great because they have their own personalities. It's a shame that there isn't any knock up or pregnancy scenes; like if you were thought alchemy lessons from Butters to brew a potion that makes your sperm compatible to impregnate a mare.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Became one of my top 5 NSFW games of all time real quickly. Usually porn games don't have too much depth/boring characters that just look sexy, this is an exception. All the characters I loved and was surprised at how deep it got at times. I love this game so much I went through the trouble of getting it on my phone so it's easier to, well you know...
    The scenes were all hot and had some good dialogue instead of the boring just "your cock is so big" etc, each scene felt different and happened differently so it wasn't just you do a job and sex just because, there's actually a reason to it more than just sex. Also MC is not an asshole.

    This is going on my list of NSFW must plays, despite it being MLP (not saying it's bad, just some are turned off by it)