Ren'Py - Frozen Past [v0.38] [Leonave]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game, I just finished the recent update and what I can say is that the content is incredible, the only thing is that I found this update very small, I thought I would play for at least 2 hours but I finished the update in 50 minutes, anyway the content of the update was good but still the content is a little small, but the important thing is that the developer continues to develop the project maintaining the quality and that he tries to release more large updates in the near future, apart from all that, thank you for developing this game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    (Review for 0.38)

    This is an AVN where futa (shemale, actually) content is the star of the show. Animations start off being kind of meh but fortunately get better as the storyline progresses. Visuals account for the game's strong suit without being anything spectacular.

    The storyline however is a joke, as the developer tried to stage a thriller set in the nearby future and failed. I mean, in which world is a kid brought back from the freezer with no memories, and one of his first thoughts is about sex? Or what about the "son" of one of the most powerful CEOs in the world being left to his own devices, potentially being killed, raped or kidnapped? Heck, he's even threatened by the sauna's mistress and he does nothing about it? Really?

    Your "sister" must be the most obnoxious character ever in an AVN and your "mother" isn't much better either, her role is more of a nice ornament as she's pretty much irrelevant except for the few times the developer bothers having her involved. If not for Rachel it would make sense for the MC to commit suicide as nobody gives a shit about him anyway and he would be living a hobo life. Given the option I'd kill the family anyway as the story can't get any worse than this.

    The sandbox is the usual crap meant to waste your time. As a general rule I'd suggest not to have one unless you want players to be able to find resources (like e.g. money) in a random fashion or it makes sense to have some repeatable events. There's none of that here, hence it's pointless.

    Summing up this is an interesting proposal for futa lovers who don't mind the lack of a proper story or having to deal with two bots as your "family".

    PS. It's also worth mentioning how appreciative the developer is with positive reviews. Now I know who I wouldn't support even if I had the money for it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent futa content. Characters are all hot. And the sandbox is good, no grind and all believable. Animations are good as well.

    A few cons. The major one, content is simply not enough for a game over 3 years old. To me it feels like a game made about a year ago, seriously you can speed through this game in probably 45 minutes. No incest. Most relations in the game still feel like they are at the beginning steps, again 3 and a half+ year old game, that's not good.

    Overall the content is great but there's not a ton of it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    RC-1138 Boss

    This is a great mystery story with some interesting characters and cute love interests.(y)(y)

    His mother Felicity and his sister Emilie (or Ms Short as she prefer to be called) seems to be hiding a lot from proagonist. His sister in particular holds a lot of grudges against him.
    It is possible this has to do with what Nath discovered about his past self from 4 years before entering cryostasis: he was a asshole according to others descrption and from what detective Kelly discovered it is possible Nath was a hacker who invaded the servers from his family company. Since his "accident" coincides with this infamous hacker stopping activities.

    That being said considering Emilie's action, like sending that criminal to be raped in prison, hardly inspire any confidence about whatever the company Meteora is up too with people like that in positions of leadership.

    Plus we still don't know who is the mystery woman in the main menu who likely shot Nath in the past.

    Never noticed how fit and tall Rachel was until she was half naked close to Nath and on top of that she is also a hermo (the term for futa in this universe). She ticks a lot of boxes for me. :p :love:

    Uma also thicks a lot of boxes with her crazy and expontaneous way of getting into sexual situations with Nath.:LOL::love:

    ps: The animations, despite being short, are well done too.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty excellent so far. I'm very much enjoying the love interests of the main character, especially rachel. It's nice to see a game go beyond simple sex scenes with it and domination when it comes to futas. A little Love Is All we need! In terms of constructive feedback, it would be really nice if we could access the hints in every environment. It would also be wonderful if we could get a map button instead of having to go out the various doors. It's a small price to pay though, so no stress. I look forward to future updates.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it!! The grammar is definitely a bit clunky, but never to a point where you don't understand what the characters are trying to say. The relationships were a huge + for me. They feel super natural/believable, and despite the slow burn of the story, it feels rewarding to progress with each character. I was initially worried when I saw the sandbox elements, but it's unobtrusive enough to get a pass in my book. Didn't feel grindy and it's not too overloaded with locations/items on the screen to be a slog. Overall, I really enjoyed it and can't wait for updates!

    - Romance options/personalities
    - Believeable relationship progressions
    - Renders
    - Story

    - Grammar is a bit clunky
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent!!!! loved the story, loved the themes (theres not enough good futa content) great artwork and imagery. Even a bit of music, which was very much appreciated.
    really really excellent stuff, keep it up and looking forward to the next installment!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    My rating of 3 stars is based on story, gameplay, renders. I'm not going to rate content since futa is a main theme and it's not my thing so hard to be objective about. Generally I would say the story/writing is about average for this site. The sandbox is kinda pointless and annoying as usual. The renders are very decent.

    I did play it all the way through as of .37 and unless futa really disgusts you I would leave it on. Rachel is a nice character and her scenes can be one sided so far (blowjob for you, fucking her, etc.).

    Game gets another star if the dev gives me the option to kill the sister.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    - v0.35
    - Writing is weird
    - Amnesia trope
    - Bugs
    - no incest despite being advertised as an incest game

    Overall, I didn't like it. I had high hopes for this, when I got the option to make choices like a normal human being would. But that seems to be just fake.

    You wake up in the hospital with amnesia. Your supposed family is antagonistic towards you, to the point you feel like they hold you responsible for something bad they also refuse to elaborate on.
    • Instead of helping you regain your memories by putting you into familiar surroundings and telling you about your past, they make you bunk with your supposed sister, in a room that is obviously not yours while she is pissed about having to put you up, and refuse to talk with you. They now somehow expect you to miraculously remember your past life by attending history classes in a school.
    • When you need something for that school (internship), your supposed sister blocks your access to your supposed mother (who is the CEO of a big company), and then presents you with BYOD requirements for that internship you can not possibly overcome (unless you're willing to charge the equivalent of 63 Dollars for blowing a punk-futa).
    • They leave you broke, without a phone to contact anyone, and even forget/refuse to give you your ID (that you apparently need in that world to get around).
    • When they tell you to wait for them to pick you up, they simply forget about you.
    • It's not immediately obvious because of the sandbox system, but, instead of being with your "family", you spend WEEKS with a total stranger you met by chance on the street, who was the only one to offer you any actual care. And while your sister apparently doesn't care about her amnesiac brother just being gone, your mother doesn't even notice that you're gone for so long!
    All in all, these characters communicate in every way they can that your MC is not wanted, and, up until that point in the story, you can act accordingly and make appropriate dialogue choices when interacting with your "family". But then your supposed mother suddenly shows up at that stranger's house and tells you how she wants to spend time with you, causing your MC to immediately follow her around like a lost puppy... until she, again, has more important things to do than to have her son around, and you can't act appropriate about any of this anymore. No option to tell her off at any point from now on. Neither for showing up after weeks of neglecting you, nor for dropping you once again after a whole hour of spending time with you.
    The MC is suddenly perfectly fine with it! No more options or choices for the player. Even if you consistently chose to not simp on these women who treat you like unwanted baggage, once you reach that stage in the story, your MC just automatically shows compassion and understanding for their actions to make them happy. So, it's clear now that you're supposed to forgive everything they screw up and just be happy that you MAYBE get a chance to see them naked at some point (and by that, I mean in about dozen updates or so).

    The amnesia trope isn't even worked out well. Your character just seemingly takes everything in strides. There is none of the usual emotions I would expect from someone thrown into this situation, especially not from someone who's not receiving any support whatsoever. Then you're suddenly suicidal (which is probably the first thing in this game that makes sense, but it comes without any warning or real buildup). And then, after a single therapy session, you're as happy as a Teletubby again. It just doesn't make any sense.

    Then there's the problem with the Bugs. There aren't many, but they're confusing as hell. I went into the massage room but got the dialogue from the sauna (where you're asked to decide whose breasts are firmer). Not well worked out, apparently.

    I'm also not a big fan of the sandbox system. It's not as bad as in other games, as you have a hint-system on the city map, but still completely unnecessary. You're supposed to visit locations only when there's a story event available. The story events, however, appear in a strictly linear way, in succession, and at specific times of specific days. If you try to visit a location while there's no story event available, it's either empty or you don't even get past the entrance. So, I have no idea why the dev went for that in the first place. It's as if the dev knew he's railroading the players through the choices, as they obviously make no difference for how the story plays out, and included that useless sandbox element to make you feel like you're not just clicking through a kinetic novel. Giving you the illusion of having a choice before you're made to suck some dick.

    The animations are VERY well done. Sadly, the characters you see in those animations are... let's just say it's a matter of taste.

    All in all disappointing. I'm actually expecting the big secret to be that your MC was a woman before you went into cryo-sleep.

    *EDIT for v0.35*

    So, now we finally learn what it is the family suspects the MC of. But, I kinda have to say,... given how these people have treated him so far, I couldn't really blame the guy if he really did that. Quite the opposite, actually. The dev painted that family in such an antagonistic way, I'm now actively rooting for the MC to take his revenge.

    I also take offense at the fact that this Dev has been adding the incest Tag to this game since they started working on it almost THREE YEARS ago. And yet, to this day, there is no incest content whatsoever. It isn't even foreshadowed or insinuated.
    In fact, with the way this Dev chose to introduce the "family", the mother and sister are just thoroughly burned. So, unless the Dev plans on the Mom and Sister raping the MC, I can not imagine a way how there could EVER be incest content in this game.
    For me, this is clearly false advertising in addition to bad writing. After all, while this game advertises incest content that simply isn't there, it lacks the "Female domination"-Tag, even though that theme is part of absolutely EVERY sexual encounter, from female prison rape to simply being ordered around by the women any chance they get.

    If you enjoy Futa and Femdom content, this game is for you. If you try it because of what the Dev and Tags claim, stay away from it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Like it a lot.
    Sad because I looked through all content.

    -Story, Originality
    You lost your memories and there was something dark back then.
    Now you meet people, bang people, get banged by people.
    (And there are girls with pps)

    Cool 3D models and backgrounds.

    Some music and (maybe some other sounds).

    Finished it in 1-2 hours and liked it a lot.

    Runs like an average Ren'Py game.

    Didn't see any.

    Don't remember, but think there are only pictures changing animations.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Good ammount of content, but I strongly want more.

    Rarely visual novels make me want to read text and understand the plot.
    This did.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm typically a lover of the incest genre.

    I'm currently very intrigued with this game where everything the family does pushes the amnesiac away (unless your plan is simping or doing anything else in hopes that it leads to sex scenes).

    this feels like a new thing. Sure it's pretty much a different take on a regular genre. But still. it alleviates my boredom better than quite a few off the other games.

    I still hate the update rate/amount
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for patch 0.6. Well unlike other reviews I can say I really like the inclusion of futa\trans in this game, sorry im not objective but their arnt alot of good game with futa\trans especially futadom. Their arnt alot of scenes as of right now but non the less the character sprites are wonderful and the sex scene that to exist are nice but could use a bit more of a touch up but still they are sweet. The sandbox elemnt of the game is not wonderful but there are enough tips for anyone to understand what to do and look for. I am hoping for more and better content in the future but I think this game will do great!
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    its not strange the lacks of support this Vn have, and its bcs its a mess....
    1] sandbox ,isnt as bad as others but still is a sandbox game...
    2]the futa dom is predominant here so if you exxpect some girl action there is but nothing amazinng..
    3] incest doens t exist at all so dont look for that ....yet
    4]mc is a spinelss backbone so expect alot of sub from his part
    5[from the beggining to the end even in the male on female parts all the females are ordering you around so even them are dominating the mc...

    so alot of cons if you dont like hard sub with a male mc ,and the worst part is that the sanbox isnt helpung here at all the dev should redo this and keep the vn tag and stule ,also help alot to the development if this wasnt a sandbox game
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Harem Trooper

    -> Play it if you into Futa
    -> Wait for about 0.6 if you are NOT into that stuff otherwiser.
    and only play it if you exhausted your "To-Play" List because Renders and Models looks great, the rest is hit-or-miss with the Players preferences.
    That would be my quick sum as for 0.32 version of this "game".

    For me info:
    Probably the very first question are:
    -> Is NTR "really" avoidable ? Yeah kinda, but there will some random rapes and other people fucking. You cant avoid it but you can refuse to watch it.
    -> Is the Futa avoidable ? No, like above you can either watch it or not but it still happens off screen.

    Is it worth if you into Futa stuff ?
    -> Yeah, if you dont care much about Story but are into that fetish alone.
    Is it worth for the Hetero stuff ?
    -> No, not as in 0.32.
    Why ?
    1. Story is nothing burger so it dosent help you along to follow up whats happening.
    2. Its Sandbox where it shouldnt be a Sandbox since the game follows a RenPy VN style of story telling. So you are wasting your time by random clicking through the different areas of the city. But at least there is a hint system to help you along your suffering.
    3. Not much content for Hetero stuff. Like I mentioned you will see some Old Teacher raping a student, some Doc fucking another (fem)/nurse and what not, while the cliche "teasing" happens all the time for MC. He barely has a BJ from a LI in the story as some "Booty calls" he had with random chicks in the sauna.
    4. MC is your typical Loser without much of a backbone, hence the story surrounds mostly about this and that "Futa chicks" are some sort of Superior lol.
    5. Despite refusing Futa contend, the game forces them on your path anyway. You wont fuck them at least (dont know if you will have to watch them later on) but they are supposedly important to the story so they are always in contact with you. The reason is because these "girls" with dicks were implimented with the Futa-On in mind but if you try to avoid that the story needed a whole new rework.
    6. You dont know who the next futa will be from your LIs. Because I remember I liked "Ms.Short" during the first release until it was hinted she is a futa only later on...
    7. Despite the mentioned "mainly have Male on female", its obviously main focus is "Male on Futa" and slowly but surely "Futa on male" build up. No signs of Incest depite also mentioned this from the Dev.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Purple Creep

    Review is for version v0.31 on android.

    I really enjoyed the content so far.
    Story is engaging. One of the probable twists in the main mystery seem obvious, but I feel it doesn't take away from the whole. Can't wait to see how it'll all play out.
    The lore surrounding dickgirls/futas/herms is pretty refreshing. As much as I enjoy games where dickgirls are often presented as 'the superior species', it's fun to see a somewhat realistic approach to the subject.
    Gameplaywise I like the female-herm ratio, how one doesn't dominate over the other, and MC has a lot of paths open to play with both. Variety is a cool thing. Characters, both writing-wise, and design-wise are well-made.
    When it comes to getting the spicy stills. or animations, between being a slowburner, and sexspam it maintains a proper ratio. Everything feels earned, all the while the player doesn't get burned out on the dialogue.
    Though, there was something that I found a bit off. During intro, you're introduced to a place that builds up to be your place of living. Your let's say landlord, shows all the rooms, talks about them etc. But when intro is over, and sandbox begins, you don't have access to that place. As much as it can kind of make sense, when you read between the lines, it's never straightforwardly addressed from what I've seen.
    I look forward to the future updates. Especially to some sister, and drunkard punk content.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Review is for version v0.31 on android.

    I had a lot of fun with this game, good to follow story and not a click/work simulator.

    Renders look very good, and dialogue is good too. Story wise I like the buildup until now, some mystery, some shady stuff in short stuff to look forward too.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    So far its ok, not much content in it, but whats in it seems pretty ok. The game strongly hints at futa on male content, though thankfully so far there always was an option to say no to it. Personally im not really a fan of futa on male stuff.
    Other than that the story seems interesting enough and the renders look good, wish there were a lot more content for the mom and the teacher. Will keep an eye out for more.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I would give five Stars for only the lovely Rachel-charakter. I never thought someone could design such beautiful loveley futa charakter. But also the background story is exciting. What happend years before, why did MCs sis became such a cold bitch. I hope to get more about the storyline in every episode. Ok, i am not a big fan of sandbox parts, where ich have to use a progress list for the story path, but that s not a down rate for me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Finding a good 3D game under Ren'py with futanari is extremely rare... the pearl in the ocean I want to say.
    It's obvious that you've played a lot of games and that you have the reflexes of a guy who has the bottle of the domain. You know a lot about the VN genre.

    The characters are endearing, Hyde and Rachel are really cute. Besides a big gg for the treatment of these two. For Rachel for example I'm a big fan of futa x male, I've consumed quite a bit of content of the genre and the MC - Rachel relationship is literally the best of the genre I've seen yet. The sexy moments are very well handled and her "domination" side is perfectly delivered. The scenes in the shower, or when she hugs you, when you see on the shot that she is taller etc... incredible. neither too much nor too little.

    As for the graphic quality, I'm coming in after the storm since I'm only discovering the game now, but I could guess the transition moments from one update to the next thanks to the graphics. You can really see that you improve as you play, the more I progressed the more convincing the light effects, shadows and models were. (y)

    I really hope you continue, this is my favorite game along with Summer's Gone in all of F95 and VN in general. There is a lot of potential.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is underrated, interesting plot with beautiful characters, the pace is way too slow i have to admit but hope it will improve. sandbox feature is not necessary however i don't mind it. plot is a bit blunt but still alright