VN - Others - Completed - Funbag Fantasy [Final] [Waffle]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Kyonyuu Fantasy is an enjoyable read, with a soothing "happy-go-lucky" undertone, that makes you lower your guard, and just enjoy the ride. In a nutshell, this is good fusion of adult content, medieval fantasy, and the right mindset. This a VN that doesn't takes itself too seriously, but it's definitely committed to provide quality. There are some things to point out on the negative side of things, but this is one of those times where the dazzling result, is what you need to focus on.

    - H-scenes - They are "boobcentric", very long, and daring. Normally, you'd expect vaginal penetrative sex to be the highlight, but that doesn't happen here. It's boob squeezing, "paizuri", lactation, nipple stretching, harem (later on), bust size is always big (or huge), and the BGV is better than usual. The H-scenes also contribute to the story's advancement (every now and then) which is an agreeable decision. They can get repetitive, if you are not a fan, but nothing that puts them in negative terrain.
    - Pacing - It took a while to fully grasp how something so simple, can be this engaging. To summarize the writer creates very long segments, that are built on clockwork repetition, and carefully timed external (new or recent) elements allowing for progression. This seems like a negative on paper (dull, simplistic, uninspired), but that's not the case at all, and your attention is grabbed one plot point at a time, like a trail of breadcrumbs, if you will. Don't expect any intricacy or complexity, it's just entertaining.
    - Characters - Usually the mention would be depth, or development over time, in Funbag Fantasy it's likability. The characters don't have much going for them, but the writer knows how to depict charisma, to a point where an irritable, shallow, petty heroine, can begin to grow on the reader, in almost no time. Not the greatest talent, it's still effective. A good example of this reality is Shamsiel the succubus, who has little dialogue diversity, and can still charm you with sheer adorability.
    - More things - Like the fantasy setting, and adult content, combining to great effect; Voice acting in the H-scenes; The VN delivers a ton of 18+; Being lighthearted and fun.

    - It's a limited VN in many measurable aspects such as: Characters dialogue, drama sections, worldbuilding, route quality, writing (efficient, but a 20+ hour VN needs more characterization, compelling narration, subjective content can't be the odd nugget of wisdom...); Supernatural is also weak; H-scenes go on forever; And the VN release date is already working against it. Long story short, this can't reach top tier.

    Score: Funbag Fantasy is an 8/10 and a very good VN. Highly recommended if you ever thought of yourself as some sort of "boob lover", if that's not the case, the recommendation doesn't go away, and you should still give it a go, it's a fun read with loads of H-scenes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I might be a little bit biased as this is one of the first novels I have ever read but I really liked it!

    Specially Iris Route, found It really cool! I think everyone should give this one a try as its a fun novel to read and has good scenes

    I do have some problems with the sound design, but nothing to big or that makes your experience worse

    and chad MC B)
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I found this game by pure luck after a few reviews on hentai games with good stories, and at first I was scared to be dissapointed to find a mediocre game praised by hardcore fans ignoring its glaring flaws. Thankfully, that wasn't the case here. This VN has its flaws for sure, but it's very easy to set them aside ans enjoy the story for what it is.

    And the story here, while not the best, is very captivating, at least in its premice. It's one of those rare stories I could consider acutally good, with almost no strings attached. The characters interactions, while really one-sided against the MC most of the time, show a lot of character growth, especially with some characters being at so vehemently against the MC joining their ranks in the castle, then slowly warming up to him and eventually join his side. The redhead general (I forgot his name) and especially Moltaire are good examples of this, although both need a few hours of investment towards the true ending to get to that point.

    Ths game has a few endings and a true ending, and fortunately it's not hard at all to reach it, just selecting the right choices early on and you'll be set to go. Usually, I despise bad endings in VNs as most of them either lead to nothing but game overs, or offer no satisfying conclusion to the story threads we have been invested into. However here, this game takes a special not for having really good alternate endings, where instead of ending the run on a bad ending, you get en ending with a specific girl and also get to experience a more detailed facet of her character development, while also having more development directed towards the MC and his past in the academy.

    It works well for the most part, although the demon king story line could have just not been there at all and it would have made no difference towards reaching the true ending, which is a shame, because there are many plots points here that could have been right at home in a story where the writers could have expanded on that whole rebelling thing, and the village of demons, Moltaire's redeption, etc. That's the main problem I have here: It's a porn game first, and a story-focused VN second. It's not a bad thing by itself, but given how hard the game tries to tell a compelling story, it feels like it deserved some more time in the oven to flesh it out even more.

    Speaking of porn, there is way too fucking much of it, everywhere in the game. It sounds like something you shouldn't be able to say about a porn game as a negative, but it's true. The game's main fetish is big breasts and lactating, and the game constantly makes sure you've seen them in every conceivable way, shape or form. The thing is, there's only so much you can do about showing the same pair of breasts fifteen times in a row, and it starts to get quite dull after a while. Yes, the artstyle is fantastic. It's old, sure, but it's really uses color and shadows pretty well, I was actually impressed, although it is just what was standard anime style at the time. But it doesn't help the fact that this overuse of sex scenes seriously breaks the pace of what could have been otherwise a pretty compelling story of conspiracy and rebellion against the kingdom the MC serves under.

    Also, the MC is lame. I know the whole pervert thing helps bringing the porn scenes into existence, but I felt they should either have gone all in and made that guy an iredeemable pervert, or be a more serious and grounded guy and shove that stupid stuff aside. As it stands, the MC is in a weird limbo of being an annoying, dumbass pervert who gets hard at the worst possible moment and thus breaking the pacing of the story, and a down-to-earth romantic guy who is suddently pretty lucid about his position and the schemes going on around him. I almost liked him by the end, but there were way too many instances of him being a creep for no reasn other than justifying the porn scenes, half of them not even needing to be there in the first place and which could have been removed to make more room for the story and the characters.

    But otherwise, it's... Fine, really. It's certainly not bad, it's not the most incredible story out there, but it works. The plot is captivating and the sex scenes are good, although too vanilla for my taste to fap to. The character are pretty good once they start evolving, although the MC just being a fucking rug for half of the game really gives off that "Japanese MC self-insert" trope I hate more than anything. But overall, I recommend it if you want some fun.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I just wanted to write a review being slightly less enthusiastic about the game than others i saw on here.

    My negative points are the routes themselves. There are 2 characters here which are as paper-thin as it gets, Roxanne and Luceria - thus making the fact that the game only has 5 routes in total even worse. And one of the best characters in the game does not have her own route, that being Gladys. Everything else about the game was said by others already.

    The game has a surprisingly good story. Too many sex scenes which do hurt it's pacing and for me the over indulgence on tiddie thought-bubbles as well as the forced comedy scenes were slightly off-putting and hurt the tone at times. I still think this is a good game overall and i gave it a 7, which is a fair score for it.

    I would've liked to vote this a 3,5 / 5 or 7 / 10, but oh well :p
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The plots, alluring and arousing moments or events are great. The shyness, pure reactions of girls made it greater. For the feature, inverted nipples are best. Thanks, wonderful game. Would buy it on Steam.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    "Came for the "PLOT", stayed for the actual plot"
    I like to call this one the Highschool DXD of eroge. Both focus on the breasts, and both spin a way better yarn than what one would give them credit for. Both lure in unsuspecting weebs with promises of oppai and then keep them enthralled with a fun and captivating storyline which sets them apart from their peers.

    The story actually doesn't do anything out of the ordinary. You have your typical inept and perverted MC with a heart of gold and a hidden special power, your typical fantasy Totally-not-medieval-Europe™ setting, your typical benevolent king, your typical moustache-twirling evil vizier, and so on. But in my opinion the strength of writing doesn't necessarily come from coming up with brand new ideas and the setting up of twists and turns, but rather in the capacity of taking established tropes and building upon them.

    Speaking of which let's also talk about the main stars of the show, namely the waifus.

    Shamsiel Shahar - the fun loving succubus
    Roxanne de Desir - the ara-ara MILF
    Isis Petrovna Ellenskaia - the tsundere classmate
    Luceria von Diamante - the moe princess
    Emeralia - the prim and proper mature woman
    Gladys von Wackenheim - the best girl

    Only the first four have their own routes, with the other two being included in the harem route. Some routes are longer than others. For example Roxanne's is short and sweet (with a very wholesome ending btw), while Luceria's lasts almost the entire game. My favorite route however has to be Isis'. Without giving any spoilers her route manages to convey a good sense of tension and foreboding and it kept me at the edge of my seat. It also featured the best character development, and arguably the most believable romance development.

    Ironically the biggest con of Funbag Fantasy, and the reason I didn't give it 5 stars, is the H content. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of fap material to be had here and the art work is beautiful and lacks censorship. However I felt at times that it was a bit too much. Weird to say this about a nukige, but there were times where I was genuinely enjoying the story only to have the flow interrupted by an H scene. I wish they were better spaced out as sometimes they would just keep coming one after another. Another quibble that I have is the lack of variety in the scenes. I wish there were some more non breast focused scenes but I guess with a title like Funbag Fantasy that's probably being too demanding. Ultimately it comes down to personal taste. Myself I am not a HUGE fan of HUGE knockers, but others who are sworn boob men will surely not leave here unsatisfied.

    As I mentioned before the art is beautiful. The music is very nice with some really memorable tunes. The VA is good I guess. I don't know japanese but it sounded good to my ears at least.

    This is without a doubt one of the better nukiges out there and would make a great addition to any coomer's collection.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I came into this thinking it would just be a simple nukige with not much dramatic tension, considering how ridiculous the title sounded.

    Boy was I wrong, and glad to be proven so. I had such a good experience with this VN.

    The VN told an excellent story - simple, but clean, giving you details but not flooding the reader with exposition to the point where you just want to skip everything and go to the next H-scene. Each route shows you a different dimension to the MC as well as each of the characters. What pleasantly surprised me was the handling of tension in the plot and atmosphere - There were unexpected twists even in a simple story, and the build up to the climax was handled well.

    Characters wise, it's actually really hard to choose which one is a 'favorite' amongst the females. Even the MC is quite likable in his own right, while each female character is given depth to their own stories and backgrounds. All are equally attractive in their own right and different enough. What really surprised me as well was even some of the side characters had their own little arcs too! None of the characters were two-dimensional, except for a few and it wouldn't have mattered if they were.

    Voice acting was top notch, as were the SFXs. Perhaps the only gripe I can really put out here is the lack of animation, though it's understandable considering how long ago the game was released. Despite that, art was also excellent, and there were a satisfying amount of H-scenes to keep boob lovers content.

    In conclusion, Funbag (Kyonyuu) Fantasy is highly, highly recommended. I've yet to play the sequels, but sure as hell will be doing so very soon!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The perfect balance of H scenes and political intrigue with not a few instances of genuine comedy. The sexual content is abundant and varied for the most part, though keep in mind the title of the game. I was personally spoiled by this game as it was my first Eroge title and a hard one to top. With clearly delineated routes for each girl (save one) as well as an excellent harem route the game is bursting at the seams with content. The game has also spawned a series of direct sequels called Sideboob Story or Gaiden that carries forward the MC's personal journey from jabrone to throne.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Big boobs and funny story with underdog character, along with various (albeit somewhat clichéd) girls and endings . I highly recommend this game and the sequel (although not as good, but still a good read/fap)