Unity - Completed - Furry Sex: Poker [Final] [Furry Tails]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I like games, I like porn, and I like poker. But yet somehow a combination of all above does not necessarily make for a good H game.

    So let's be clear. You're playing poker. The main objective is to win, bankrupt your furry opponents, and once they run out of cash you then jack them off. It is really that simple.

    And yet despite the fact that its clearly in live2d, there's little to no effort in the sex scenes at all. You move circles to indicators to progress and finally the girl shows you an ahegao face and that's it. Not even any meaningful humping involved here, the level of intelligence is basically just put the little round shapes into the little round holes.

    So why would any one play this game at all? Well, if you like to play poker in a non-life forfeiting, family ruining, self destructive manner, then why not. In effect if this prevents even one person from gambling away themselves in real life I guess that's automatically a plus. As a H game though, there's just no reason to even bother. Go rule34 or something, jack off to an image, that's still more H than this game can supply.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all: who thought was a good idea to put Jokers in poker?
    Second: the game moves really slow (reaaaaaaaaally slow), especially when all players are still in the game... and if you decide to keep the (5 seconds looping) music you'll probably go insane.
    Third: the scenes are a let down. They are animated but basically don't show nothing. You drag a dot on a specific spot a few times, theres a moving object (that half of the time doesn't even align... and in most scenes it culminates with some licking), and all of a sudden the aftermath of a cumshot.
    A waste of time.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Why can people never make a poker game that follows the normal rules of poker?

    The poker play is below average. It tries to be 5 card draw but it has you draw before you can raise and each person draws and raises on their turn instead of a round of drawing then a round of raising. The AI is pretty boring where they just bet based on how good their hand is.

    If you are a good poker player you should be able to beat everyone.

    One thing I liked is the minimum bet to ante keeps raising up as the game goes. I liked that so the game doesn't go on for ever.

    The reason why I rated it 3 instead of 2 is when an opponent loses it's not just an image you use different items on them to get them aroused that they then strip. I felt the graphics and the sex minigame was actually above average (and sort of saved the game for me.)

    So the poker game is below average but the images you win/minigame you win was above average.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Just about what you'd expect from the sample pictures provided.

    6 girls, 1 CG each

    You can easily win just bet max each hand and win through bluffing or with a stronger hand.

    Quick Fap Certified
    Took 10 minutes to 100%
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's okay. Game can be done in 20 mins or less if you're lucky enough to get the right hand (which you typically would). Jokers are included into the deck as well, so you can get some strong hands. The Live 2D stuff is nice, but not much to do when except "hover object above most sensitive spot."

    Each girl has only one Live 2D scene, and there are only 6 girls.

    It's a fun quickie, but nothing too involving.