Suggestions for Game Dev.
Allowing arrow key navigation as well as WASD would be cool.
When there is something supposed to grab your attention (e.g. somebody screams) it should be obvious where that scream came from. If you're told someone was dragged away underground (Alexa) then it should be obvious where they were dragged. (Possibly behind the guy who won't let you past on your own? Soiren?)
There are a lot of 'you walk into the house / no you didn't' on the map. I understand it's a work in progress, but a "*rattle rattle* the door is locked" would be better.
The day/night system is cool, or at least it will be when things are actually different between day and night. You might also want a 'tiredness' debuff if you are making time passing a thing. A message / sound effect for "A new day dawns!" "Night falls upon the land." might also be good.
It looks like the encounters scale with the player's level (+/- 2 levels?). Combine this with the mobs respawning while you are in the map when enough time passes and it's next to impossible to clear out the whole map or explore all of it.

The Mantiz boss just threw out a 500+ HP heal on itself when it was nearly dead.

Could the mobs in that area at least drop herbs that actually heal or restore MP?
I did finally explore that area completely, but I had to use the level variability by save scumming to avoid high level enemies.
I'm a bit confused about what JP and ** are. Job Points and Class Points? There doesn't seem to be any way to 'spend' them.