Unity - Futakin Valley [v0.035.14] [Mofuland]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Goooood .
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion this is the best futa game out there, it has a wide range of fetishes and its creator is planning to add even more fetishes, the art is excellent, and overall this feels more of an actual game instead of a fap game, and it's still 0.034 version so it's still in early development so we can expect great things!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.034.24

    Technically speaking, this is a very impressive game. The artstyle looks very professional, even by Japanese games standards, and even has some characters' sprites animated outside of combat. The music, sadly, is only present during fights, but the devs didn't skimp on the ambient sounds during exploration. The sound design makes the environment feel very alive, even though you're just trekking through desolate caverns, with the occasional NPC you can talk to. There are particle effects, and a good usage of lighting and colors that makes each key location pretty easily memorable. This would have been a pleasant experience if actually getting from place to place wasn't so monotonous and uneventful, but at least there's some king of fast travel implemented, and the character's walk speed is appreciable. There are translations in multiple languages, and from what I've seen of them, they're pretty solid without feeling cringey ; the game also lets you remap your controls, which is pretty rare in those kinds of games. Although, I discovered a bug where you cannot remap your imputs if you're using a PS4 controller. The inputbox will just bug out and take a completely different input, and there's nothing you can do except reset everything.

    Now, when it comes to the gameplay, this game is nothing more than a boss rush. As it stands, there's quite a few enemies with each of them having different strategies and weapons you can collect, and one of them even has a different layout for the arena to let her use her personal gimmick. Sadly, those fights aren't as interesting as the game's visual polish would let you believe. First of all, you only have a signle type of attack fro each weapon, and the weapons themselves barely do any difference between each other. There is an objectively best weapon you get very early on, and another one that heals you back to full health. You will never use the others. As for the bosses themselves, they fight in very lame, empty terrains with no discernable features to exploit the platforming mechanics of the game. Their attacks are poorly telegraphed, and their hitboxes are always active, even when they don't attack, meaning that you can take hits just by walking past them (and you will have to), and they can also spam their moves while you are still recovering from their last hit, meaning you can get softlocked until a game over if you don't know what you're doing. The fights are not impossible, but needlessly complicated for what little gameplay value they add to the game.

    Now in terms of the actual reward for winning these fights, this is once again where this game shines compared to its Japanese competitors. The artstyle is absolutely gorgeous, and there are quite a few fetishes out there ensuring there will be at least something for everyone. Sadly, they are very short, and very few of them. I unlocked everything under 2 or 3 hours. This problem is also compounded by the fact that the lack of attachment you have towards the characters involved kinda drags their quality down. These characters aren't even caricatures or archetypes, because that would mean they would have some semblance of personality; bu there is nothing here. The story leads nowhere, the dialogues between the characters are phony and unecessary dragged out by them repeating the same lines the other character just said two sentences ago. There is one character that has a semblance of backstory that is quite interesting, but again, no character development here. I'll take a nothing story over a bad one any day, but still, I wish they would have had at least made the effort to implement something, anything to make you care about them, but no.

    Overall, it's a very impressive game, although it's hard to recommend this one when other dev teams have put out much more complex and complete game in a shorter amount of time. If you're into futas, you should still give this one a shot, as what's there is pretty good, just a bit dragged down by the combat system.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is kind of a mess right now. There are a few different things going on right now, and it doesn't feel like the dev knows what he wants to do with any of the plot threads.

    The gameplay is fine. Could definitely be improved. Boss fights, which are supposed to be the main feature of the game, are a slog to get through. The massive, lingering hitboxes of the bosses hitting you even if you roll through and behind them is frustrating as hell. Not to mention how slow the rolls are. It makes it just really annoying to try and get a read on boss patterns or react to their attacks. I just try to brute force my way through them at this point. I have no desire to replay the boss fights. Though I will admit they have some fun mechanics in them sometimes, like in the most recent boss fight, being able to hit her bombs back at her to stun her for a bit so you can do a ton of damage at once.

    I think exploration could be more of a focus in this game. But again, that would entail improving the wall jump mechanics as well as the most recent addition, the grappling hook. As it is right now, the grappling hook feels like you're slingshotting yourself around while drunk. It's awkward to control and really unpredictable sometimes. I think encouraging exploration to find new cosmetic items or weapons or anything, really, would help this game feel a bit less monotonous. Right now, it's just find new character, fight, fuck if you're lucky, rinse and repeat.

    I like the customization that's available right now, though. Good variety of body types and I'm sure there will be more added as time goes on. But with the speed of development thus far, I don't think it'll be anytime soon. The vast amount of customization in the dev's previous game, Futana Ring, gives me hope, though.

    The art is where the game shines. Mofu's art style is great. The chibi overworld sprites might not be to everyone's tastes, but I find them charming. The CGs have been pretty good for the most part. Some stuff that I'm not a fan of, but he has a nice variety of fetishes and body types, so there's something for everybody, even in this early build of the game.

    The game definitely has potential, but it still has quite a ways to go.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed playing this short game with femdom on futasub.

    Art is great, 2d animations are great, story is interesting and the characters they are definitely unique and it is worth checking the game out!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Futakin Valley is a boss rush game with good concept, but ultimately, its execution is quite bad. I know, this game is in quite early in development, so I hope it address several issues I have.

    =The graphics + animations: On one hand, this game has some pretty good art, the illustrations and CGs look great. The environment is also fantastically made. One thing I don't like is how during gameplay, your character is a chibi version of the illustration, which I know it's just a design choice, but I feel like it weakens the game's actions. On the other hand, the animation isn't the game's strong point. The animation is spine animation, which I personally don't enjoy, but it's more of a subjective view than anything, I am not deducting points from this.

    =Music and sounds: Music is the same throughout every bosses, and the song is... meh. It honestly don't create this fighting atmosphere as much as I want it to. Outside of the boss, there's nothing but ambience. Well, at least that part isn't so bad. The sounds, though, is quite honestly not amazing, they don't really pop out during gameplay and really doesn't create any sort of feelings during gameplay.

    =Gameplay: This game has an idea for its gameplay, but its attempt at it is not very good.

    -Progression: is not very clear. But this isn't entirely bad, it creates this sort of freedom, kinda like a Souls game, where you can fight any boss at anytime.

    - Mechanics: There's weapons that you can obtain, and metroidvania-like system where you unlock new things as you defeat bosses. Some weapons have special abilities that consumes a part of its "ability bar" on use. Each one is pretty unique so the selection of weapon is quite diverse. Movement is also nice, a sprint button (and auto-sprint in the game's options) and a Soul-game-like roll with invincibility. There's also a bestiary that show your progress (quite handy in case you missed something, assuming that you can 100% once the game is completed). There's also mysterious mushrooms that drops from mobs around certain part of the map that you can identify if you bring them to the "shopkeeper" of the game. All of these mechanics make me believe that this game should've been an actual metroidvania, rather than a boss-rush. But if the game devs wish to continue making it a boss-rush, then I don't see this being bad. Although, they should work on one thing and make it good, if they want a good boss-rush, and that is the-

    -Bosses: Yeah, this game isn't pretty good at this part. Despite being a boss-rush game, the mechanics of the bosses in this game is not well-designed at all. The bosses themselves ALWAYS have a hit-box on their body and/or their weapons. This could have made a good spacing skill game, but it honestly make the game more infuriating that anything else. Due to this, rolling forward and get behind enemies is also extra annoying, because rolls in this game is quite laggy to start and cannot be cancelled from your attack, plus you have to walk forward and potentially make you walk into the enemy's weapon. I hate this so much, it not only makes the game annoying, but also breaks my immersion. Yeah, you can't walk right into a blade, that'll hurt you, so of course just walk to the side of the weapon. Just because the game is 2D doesn't mean that everything in the game actually functions like everything is 2 dimensional. As for the attacks themselves, most attacks feel unfair. Most of them have no startup, so you can't really prepare to dodge unless you pay super close attention. They also mostly have no sound cues too, so listening is useless, and whenever the boss is off-screen, you can't know what they'll do. Does that mean this game is too hard? Well of course not, because you can buy healing from the shop, which costs very little and heals YOUR WHOLE HEALTH BAR. The game's difficulty is simultaneously unnecessarily hard and unnecessarily easy.

    =H-content: like I said, the art and CGs is very nice. The game features some events as you go, and they are pretty cool. There's a good gallery mode, that can help replay some events. But the gameplay offers no H-scenes, as this game is a boss-rush. It feels like it's missing something, you know, playing a H-game with no in-game sex rather than events. And like I said, this game features spine animation, so yeah, animations during events is also pretty dry.

    =Misc.: Story-wise, this game feels lost. It currently has no direction and doesn't really entices me into the story nor does it creates any sort of tension. The game's UI is good, but quite confusing at times. There's logs and skips for the events and dialogues in the game, but (at least as of right now) the skip button just doesn't work. This makes the game quite sloppy, and everytime I rematch a boss, I'll have to wait, and depends on which boss, it could quick or incredibly annoying.

    =Conclusion: while it's too early to say for sure, I think this game isn't very good. I think that properly adding and reworking the game in several parts would go a long way. For where it stands now, I'll have to give this game a 6.5/10
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Johanna Jane

    This game has good art.

    That being said, both the story and the gameplay are incomprehensible. I rarely feel confused, bored, and slightly aroused at the same time, but that's exactly how I feel when attempting to play the current incarnation (v0.033) of this game.

    That being said, this seems like a nice concept, and so I hope it continues to be developed and improved.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    "Great game, very well-made, I loved the game's artwork, it's very well-crafted. The gameplay is also excellent, and I really enjoyed the storyline. The bosses are well-balanced in difficulty. Congratulations to the developers, I'm excited to see the rest of the content!"
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Really cool Metroidvania. It's actually quite difficult and is illustrated with a sexy art style

    + You can change your control config
    + Gorgeous Art, reminds me of Hollow Knight. Unfortunately, H-scenes are still-images with some narration
    + Solid Metroidvania with tough fight mechanics that requires learning in order to beat the boss
    + 3 types of weapons (whip, sword and bow)
    + Autosave right before you die is very nice. No backtracking on death
    + Entering the shop heals you to full
    + You can skip dialogue before a fight if you hold down control. It would be nice if dialogue automatically skipped when you reattempt a fight
    + English is well translated
    + H-scenes unlocked after winning. All unlocked CGs are viewable in the gallery, but you can't replay the scene

    - Controls feel clunky. Sometimes your jump or dodge roll doesn't come out because you're still recovering from your attack animation. Other times, you jump but the movement is too slow to avoid attacks. You pretty much need to dash jump to get a proper jump. You can't go through platforms by pressing down (Dodge roll is really delayed on startup & on recovery, attacks have alot of recovery frames)
    - Controls for swimming up is confusing. You have to hold up and hit jump. I don't know why it couldn't just be jump
    - Enemy hit boxes are smaller than they should be at times
    - Wood stick has really bad reach, does no damage & has very long recovery frames. Whip has good attack speed, good damage, but it still has relatively short reach. Due to the short reach of your melee weapons, it's very easy to bump into an enemy and take collision damage.
    - You have to hold dash to run. It would be better if you can run as your default movement and toggle run on/off
    - There's no true dash button. It would be nice if you had a ground and air dash
    - A lot of consumable items don't really tell you what they do

    - Catgirl Shaman Momo phase 2 is too RNG. You have to get lucky and hit the real one. There needs to be a more obvious way to tell which one is real. This fight is insane because the clones also do damage
    - Longer H-scenes with more positions and progression. Ideally, they should be fully replayable in the gallery

    If you like Metroidvanias, you should absolutely give this a try. All the bosses are beatable without cheats. This game is realistically a 3.5 because the gameplay is good but it's not too fappable
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Artistically great, held down by weak controls, unfortunate design choices in regards to stage design (for the boss fights) with different elevation, that doesn't necessarily match the visuals and it feels as if the Dev has no experience in how to properly design combat. The Bosses have fully unpredictable movesets with many of the moves being literally impossible to dodge due to aforementioned stage design, lack of wind-up time (for the most part) and nonsensical stun locks that happen if bosses randomly pick the wrong moves.
    If not for the art this would be a weak 2/5, this way it is a 3/5 with a lot of potential, but I am not so sure if the problems will be solved in the future.

    Edit: It's also important to mention that actual sex scenes are scarce, and beating a Boss doesn't mean one gets a lewd scene with them. Neither does loosing. It just feels all around exhausting and not worth the hassle.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Played the beta several times and I could say mostly good things about this side-scrolling action adult game. The action is actually engaging with solid controls and feedback. Environments and character designs are top notch. Lots of love and effort went into creating this futa driven side-scrolling game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game we are still in the first versions but I already like it, really a masterpiece.
    really interesting and very beautiful dialogues, history and characters, boss fights are difficult but not too much above all they don't bore you
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.029r

    TLDR: I will give a short version of this review, because quite frankly, there isnt much to talk about this in its current version. This game is in the pre-alpha stage of content, but even despite that i will give a good rating. I have enjoyed this 2D scroller quite a bit and im looking forward to more content in the future

    Keep up the good work devs. xoxo
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Hot illustrations with floaty, finnicky controls, bland level design, and boss design that's focused around stun-locking you forever so it's extra annoying.
    Counteract the bullshit with cheats and it's moderately enjoyable.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent game so far, am real eager to see it in a more finished state.
    It kinda reminds me of Hollow Knight, but with foxgirl dickgirls (y)

    The controls are a bit floaty and the combat is a bit annoying at first but after a good 30 minutes of figuring things out I was able to defeat the first boss, The AI is a little harsh and can stun-lock you sometimes, but by stocking up on heals and rolling a lot it's possible, just needs a bit of tuning as it's quite hard for a first boss.

    Love the art. Game art itself is cute af, but I absolutely adore the CGs. Normally I'm not that into futa but this stuff has me converted. I really can't wait to see more :love: finding the cowgirl and not being able to do anything with her was very sad but I can wait!

    9/10 - a bit tuff and lacking content in this early state but it has great potential imo
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    the controls are a nightmare, but its running smoothly, has some super cute art and it seems like the dev will add a bunch of customization options. i just wish it was a bit easier and there sadly are some enemy attacks that can stunlock you
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has perfect futa art. Every thing is of appropriate size. The characters are well drawn, textures are good and many more.
    It is fun to play as well as you will be horny :D
    Coming to controls, even If you are an amateur , you will be able to view all the scenes. Not in the first try but after couple of times, but be patient
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like futa on futa you have to give this game a try, the art is amazing, most of them are animated and what I loved the most is that this game don't try to be a regular game, the main menu already show the MC naked and you get even more stuff from playing the game well, no lose/die to see the good stuff. The art is censored, but you can remove the censor (there's a mod in the comments).
    Combat needs a bit of work, the dev seems to have made the boss fights with the idea that you've already got every healing item. Also the bosses spam the same attack quite often with no cooldown, so if you don't dodge you can get stun locked quite easily.
    This game looks very promising, these are not fully implemented yet but there is a passive skill tree, a clothing system and pregnancy, there's even items with a special skill, if the dev do all of these this game will be amazing, which it already is considering this is an alpha.
    Likes: ehre
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.024

    I played this game very early in the development phase, but it does look very promising. The art style is great and cute and the sex scenes look top notch, even if there arent many of them. The problem is the combat and platforming, the controls are frustrating and strange, the boss fight are also difficult, and not it a good way. But considering the developer never made a platformer before i think its forgivable so early in dev stage.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Great concept for an early build and there's plenty of room to grow. I like the cutesy artstyle of the gameplay contrasting with the more detailed art in the cutscenes. Mechanics are fairly solid and easy to pick up.

    However, i have to criticize the boss fights which, at the moment, are an exercise in frustration. Attack patterns are too fast random and impossible to predict and the hitbox for Nene is too big. This makes it very easy to get stun locked in the middle of battle. And with currently no way to level up the Nene's stats, the whole thing just feels unfair.