RPGM - Completed - Futanari X Connect [v1.00] [ミームミーム]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Gameplay consists of raping women, impregnating them and then killing them. (If it's only humans that treat the demon race badly, why does the MC have to kill the other races?)

    Combat is trivia based and relies heavily on knowing the Japanese language and culture. There is no save feature, so if you die it is game over.

    Then there's the really bad translation.
    • Cut 50 in half, then add 10. What is the result. (You'd think 35, but it's actually 110 because of "divide by ½ then add 10")
    • How many Wright Brothers were there? (2 is incorrect, answer is 7)

    I would honestly avoid, not just because of the very frequent "IQ tests" but also because the localizer did a poor job.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The only high point of this game is the protagonist. She's a futa who relentlessly bullies, humiliates, tramples the dignity of, rapes and kills her victims - all while being infinitely rewarded with pleasure and love herself. The narrative is committing to a fairly twisted and interesting concept with having a deplorable (but cute) protagonist who gets everything she wants - even highlighting the sheer number of creampies and partners she has had, and rubbing it in with how she has never needed to masturbate, because her life is just that enviable and sexually fulfilling.

    If you're not interested in that kind of theme (and honestly even if you are) the gameplay is a dumpster fire. The art is awful. The story ends without mattering in the slightest. The only way to make things worse would be for the skip button to be disabled.

    2 stars because I enjoy selfish and abusive dickgirls. It's not worth playing.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly other ratings would cover enough of my opinion on this game. I just want to put my review here so it is closer to the 1 star rating it doesn't even deserve. Even if this thing was made as an attempt to satisfy author's twisted urge, it would still be one of the worst feat possible.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Now I'm all for taking any chance to mess with people not intimately familiar with your native language, but for as much of an asshole as I am, I don't also pump out a bunch of low tier AICG and haphazardly glue it together in RPGMaker to try and bait ESLs into wasting hours guessing their way through haphazardly translated IQ tests for some abysmal CGs.

    As someone with 130+ IQ, I'll give you the solution to ALL the tests.
    There's this little "X" in the top right of the window, you can press it, delete the game, and play something else.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    TLDR - you're better off browsing sankakucomplex, danbooru or rule34

    First off, all art in this game is AI. I wouldn't mind too much if there was more consistency and imagination in the different characters.

    Anyway, this is an "anti-gaijin" eroge. By that I mean that there are several portals in the game that, in order to pass through, you have to answer some asinine japanese kanji question. Despite being RPG Maker, combat is a trivia quiz. Answer right, you hit the enemy, answer wrong, you get hit.
    Optimization is complete shit. I know that RPG Maker games aren't known for running smoothly, but the author managed to make the very first map a fucking abomination in the performance department. Seriously, whenever you move a tile, there's some sort of freeze/jerk instead of a smooth map transition. If you ever played very old DOS games like Commander Keen, you'll understand what I mean. There are many maps that are shit like this.

    Music is "interesting", in the sense that the author felt the need to pick the most random stuff for certain areas. One place is the typical RPG Maker stock music, the next is some epic celtic thing, then it's fast heavy metal guitar for a puzzle, followed by combat with some fantasy-j-pop thingy with vocals. Aside from the stock RPG Maker music, everything feels very out of place, especially regarding what's on the screen and what you're doing.

    Sex scenes are very lackluster, it's one image/pose with each of the fuckable girls, with one variation being cum flying everywhere. Not even different facial expressions, just the very bare minimum. After that, you're forced to sit thru a 12 second long video, which I guess says "Impregnated" in japanese, then you're treated to the scene of the girl you've fucked giving birth.

    The story is some stupid shit about demons being opressed by humans. How do you tell a human and a demon apart? No fucking clue, they're all drawn/generated as typical AI animu slop. There's a limited quantity of kemonomimi girls.
    Right, the story. So, opressed demons, you control a futa demon gal who has special cum that makes anyone she fucks instantly pregnant and give birth. After you join the special knights order of the humans, you're tasked with making hundreds of children on the side in order for the demons to have an army to overthrow the humans. Neat idea, no clue if anything like that happens.
    I mean, I'm on the 4th mission now, but I really don't feel like wasting more of my time just to see if something interesting actually happens, because I'm 99% sure it doesn't. By something interesting I mean a small scene with lots of "demons" overrunning the city and knights.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    May be the worst game I've seen on here. "Battles" are fought by answering trivia questions which is already kinda my least favorite thing to do in a porn game as it almost always comes across as little more than "We didn't feel like making proper game mechanics or questions for this, but we didn't just want to give the player the next event/scene"

    To make matters worse, it appears the trivia questions aren't even necessarily going to accept the correct answer (in the intro battle to show you how "battles" work, it asks which of the following is an alkaline solution: lime water (acidic), carbonated water (acidic), sugar water (neutral), and salt water (alkaline). Did not accept the correct answer as right and counted it as a losing that round and getting hurt.) and judging by other's reviews many are regional trivia to Japan.

    There is a patch so that questions reliant on knowledge of Japanese language can be skipped by selecting a/the first option. But all in all, just not worth the effort for an AI art game. If the art looks nice to you, find a gallery somewhere and don't waste your time
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    a trivia game made up with ai cgs pretty generic too, its seens it was design to appeal to a japanese audience with some of the trivia question very localy orientated so that make it extra hard, the rewards aren't so good so its not recommended atleast by me. a 3/10 , i have seen worst game here
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    AI art is the new wave of asset flipping. There is nothing in this game that is not stock assets and the lowest effort generated material designed to make a minimally viable product to make a quick buck. The only thing it has going for it is the dev seems to have done a decent job of fixing the obvious AI problems where everyone has 7 fingers. It is honestly surprising since the guy has pumped out a game every other month because of how little effort is actually put into "creating" his works. This is an absolute waste of time.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    It's made in RPG maker, so it has a built in combat system, and yet they instead use some poorly translated/made trivia fight.
    The sex stats start out at insane numbers, almost invalidating the point of having said stats. How many children have you had? 292,800? What about since I started the game?
    The thing serious killing everything is the trivia. The questions are all over, and some of the answers make no sense in English, making it a possible translation issue. It's also possible the answers are just wrong outright.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I really hesitate to think of anything as a 1-star game, but good golly..

    Many puzzles are based on Japanese phrases run through a translator.
    The translation is all over the place the majority of the time.
    All CGs are still images of rape, followed by birth, with many of them ending in murder.
    Nothing is able to be interacted with until you're told to do it.

    The game is a very long corridor of following through the motions, and it's buggy as hell.
    Once I soft-locked my run and had to restart as my character jumped out of bounds and could not get back in.
    Another time, the game told me to save, after which the save was corrupted because it can't load the room it saved me in, so I had to revert to a previous save.
    The first sliding puzzle was unable to be progressed because a trigger didn't activate and I restarted the room, which immediately fixed it, at least.

    The game is held together with scotch-tape and chewing gum.
    I was not willing to subject myself to more than two hours, and wish I had those hours back.
    There is a potential the game comes together further on, but you'll need to find someone else to verify that. I'm tapping out.