Ren'Py - Abandoned - Futurama: Lust in Space [v0.2.3] [Do-Hicky Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    With its setting and all that's happening on the planets, this game immediately gave me a Futurama vibe. I thought it was a Unity game because of how well crafted it is. Since the primary focus of the game is porn, the overall plot or adventure has been adjusted accordingly but it still gives a nice vibe despite of that. Both the art and the music are fantastic. Animations were okay.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is actually well done. It's very early, but this game has potential.

    - Very good, unique art

    - Writing good enough for a XXX parody

    - Systems that, while needing polish, and still quite good

    I was pleasantly surprised. There is a lot of room for improvement, but I'm eager to see where this will go over the next year.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The Art is great the story is ok but the BIG problem is the sex scenes the VN and the sex don't really mix you just click the sex button its just like a scene viewer so no dialog with the sex hopeful that changes
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Although the game currently lacks content, it is clear that the developers want to lay a solid foundation to build the stories on. Which is a healthy practice and too little present in renpy games, where you have to serve quantity, and too bad if there are bugs.
    However, an essential feature for WIP games is indications in the game to tell the player when he has nothing else to do...

    From a big futurama fan, I will gladly wait some updates and cheering the devs
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    So v0.1 seems like a proof of concept, which is just fine. However, actually having GOOD (I like most 2D games tbf) original art and a functioning H scene in the very first version of the game is a lot more than many of us have come to expect.

    And it's Futurama, which we could definitely use some more of.

    Based on the presentation and state of this release I have to assume this is a healthy project with a competent dev, and that bodes well for the future.

    I would like to see dialogue skipping options implemented however, if not already planned. It's convenient, and helps with accessibility. Have stitches in one hand which makes playing either inconvenient one handed or actually painful two handed. Definitely more a me problem at the moment but still it's something for consideration. (Key navigation is alright, but never reliable in my experience.)
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: A barebones point and click.

    Writing: Kinda funny, kinda not. Kinda like how the characters were in the show, kinda not.

    Art: Stylised, kinda close to the show, kinda not. At the moment, everything about the game is completely adequate. Nothing more.

    Audio: Stock stuff.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    looks great. I hope this wont get abandoned and be finished. There are not many futurama games. more animation on the characters would make it a tid bit better. some paarts of the conversations are a bit weird. looking forward to next updates.