Others - Completed - Future Fragments [v1.0.1] [HentaiWriter]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Man, I really wanted to like this one. I won't even count that a game with version 1.0.1 is very much unfinished and that I ran into bugs that permanently blocked off the main objective. Even then I can't give this more than an OK.

    Action platformer. Movement feels decent, could be a little tighter in my opinion but it's fine.
    The different areas have different themes and enemies but most of them have the exact same structure of 5 or 6 linear paths.
    Every single map has NPCs and lore drops. The NPCs are very hit and miss. A few are kinda funny. Most are just meh. Didn't read the lore drops after the first few. Too many, too long and too pointless.
    Beating an area gives you a new element that comes with a movement ability and charge attack. Neat idea. Beating the area also locks it. So no backtracking and finding new stuff with your new tools. The element system is also really clunky to use so I ended up not using the movement skills unless I needed them for a puzzle and stuck with one kind of charged shot that worked best for me.
    This turned one of the last bosses in an absolut bitch to beat. I went from beating the other bosses first or second try to needing like 30 attempts to just barely beat that last one.
    Everything after that boss is also very much not fun. A section where everything kills you in one hit and you can't fight back and an overly long boss fight that is just a bunch of QTEs of all things.
    These last sections alone were so aggressivly unfun that they push the game from pretty good to meh for me.
    There is also some kind of personality system that gives you a differnet ending or something? I have no desire to beat this game ever again so different endings are absolutly wasted on me.

    H scenes are mostly game over scenes. Not a fan of that in general. Same thing here but whatever.
    The H scenes (and the rest of the game) are fully voiced and the VA for the MC does a really good job.
    The gallery for an area unlocks once you get half of the achievements in that area. Should happen once you reach the boss but nice way to make me care about the achievements I guess?
    The general vibe of the game over scenes is kinda strange. The MC always gets raped or gang banged and she's really nonchalant about it. Not a bad thing, just kinda weird.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    i really wanted to give it a good score, but i just cant.

    the plus side: voiced dialogue.

    the downsides: everything else.

    the barebon megaman combat style gets boring really fast especially with enemies being boring and the areas all looking dull and ugly and the same.
    every zone is the same "theres 6 paths, walk 5 of them to unlock the 6th"

    the sex... it fell flat. i dont know how to describe it, its just barely there anymore and what is there isnt good.

    in its best, id sell this as "someones first attempt at a megaman game" and i guess the tiniest amount of lewd stuff.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    II'm sure this game started out with good intentions but it seems like it was in development for so long that the devs lost sight of the original purpose of this game: SEX.

    I really tried to get back into it but I got so bored I just couldn't. I know it has good art and animations but the gameplay is boring, the sex scene are boring. The way you get the sex scenes are boring. These days you want to have some sort of struggle or mini game to get raped, not just mash one button, that's just too easy.

    Hope they make a better game from their experience.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Fantastic h-content, animations, and voice acting.

    Really well-realized platformer with a surprisingly strong set of mechanics, traversal, and overall gameplay. This isn't a solid h-game, it's a solid game.

    That's kinda the issue, though. It isn't a solid h-game. It's a bad h-game. There are, I believe, aroudn 16 total enemy animations (technically each enemy has a clothed and unclothed variant, so ~32). There are plenty of other animated scenes, but they are locked behind this "well-realized platformer". Accessing the quality h-content is just unbelievably brutal. You are expected to play this full game out, end to end, exploring for secrets and waiting for minutes at a time after cutscenes. You may go half an hour to several hours before you come across another scene. You have to fucking grind to see the content, and as a result, there are ZERO VIDEOS of the newer scenes. Not a single person on the planet has both grinded out the entire game and all scenes, while also recording/uploading.

    Some scenes are endings only, and can only be unlocked if you complete the entire game start to finish a certain way. This is like a 10 to 20 hour game. There is no workaround. No shortcuts.

    Good game. Shitty ass h-game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    a very good game, platform style, this is without a doubt the best, captivating gameplay and the hentai is great too! with a great defeat animation and a great game over H. the game also balances its narrative and action elements well, which often makes you play attentive and have fun
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I think the best summary of this game is just one of the most mind numbingly banal Hentai games you will ever play. The writing is corny mess of forced humor and downright fucking terrible. Unfunny quirky self-awareness just serves to compound how stale and annoying the writing is, especially in the "defeat scenes". Gotta give the voice actors credit though, they did a good job even if its wasted on this one.

    The gameplay is very average. You get some moves that let you move, shoot, dash, etc. but nothing sweet like deflects. The enemies grab you and """have sex with you""" and you mash out an escape. It's got some puzzles, gravity flips and the usual platformer mechanics, which are honestly fine. What is not fine is how the level design is both big and cookie cutter type repetitive as all hell, they sure fuckin made this one a boring ass slog to play. I do not think the gameplay at all does justice to its place as Hentai Game, nor redeeming enough to make it a good game let alone hook you into wanting more. In my experience quite the opposite, unless you have hot cock all day and nothing better to do.

    Then we have the Hentai aspect of it. It's pixel art animations are pretty generic for an atari ga- I mean H game and look like custers revenge tier eye piss with the cliche key mash escape, not much to say beyond that. I'm not even sure what to call the "defeat scenes" since they are written in such a way that they are apparently not rape, even though they are very much obviously in that kind of context. Written away by protagonist and her buddies merely being sluts who love it(Brilliant eh? Sarcasm intended) and that they are merely having funny sex moment. Yes, fucking funny is what they intended... talk about forced humor, easily the all time worst context I've seen attached to Hentai content. I cannot wrap my head around how someone invested enough to make a game of the niche hentai genre would blunder such a critical thing this badly. It's a shame too since actual English voice acting is rare and the art beyond the pixel eye piss wasn't bad at all. If it was done better the result could be an at least redeemable game, which this by the way is most definitely not.

    There is also the stupidly convoluted morality/reputation system which really might as well be a net to bore the people who somehow couldn't be bored by all the above. How is such a thing possible? By making them replay this game for some truly mentally anesthetizing outcomes.

    In summary: This game is an atrocity that will lobotomize you with walls of text that come at you like a tornado of gorilla shit. It is the weakest form of pornography humanly possible, a possible addition to the sex ed curriculum. It might just be the only Hentai game that'd only truly make the cut as a Hentai game for teenagers. Unfortunately such a thing does not(legally?) exist.

    Edit: Made it less rantier or whatever. Still fk this game fr fr.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Preface: this is only a temporary review, since I haven't finished the game yet, but I think I've already got a basic idea.
    Future Fragments seems to me, in all sincerity, to be a game made with a lot of fear of making mistakes: the map is too big right away, you start off with a huge area, mostly all explorable without having to mark anything out (part of the magic of metroid-vania is also imagining what future upgrades will open up a road that is currently unreachable) and without a precise direction to take. And everywhere, literally at every two steps, there are scattered npcs or computers with messages, some useful, some amusing, but mostly useless and annoying, which is a pity considering that they are all dubbed (an undoubted merit!).
    My fear is that they wanted to keep the player engaged at all times, but the result is really bulimic: too much everywhere and all at once.
    I'll go ahead and see, also because otherwise it has the potential to be a good platform.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I've enjoyed playing the game during its beta stage. The premise of a platformer shooting game is a common genre but there is something different about this game (and it's not that it's a hentai) and that is the variety of power-ups and the absurd dialogue that it offers.

    Other things that bother me about this game and one of those is the absurd stack of dialogue that it offers that makes the average player should be aware of the game's plot. Overall, the game is a good sidescroller shooter game that focuses on the player's skills, adaptability, and decision-making.

    I've also tried using Cheat Engine in the game, but it isn't built on Unity and will most likely crash. My lack of freedom in this game is pretty much limited.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The game would be "just okay" if it was actually finished, and even after waiting a few months for major patches, it's still... missing massively important parts of the plot, to the point the entire sequence before the ending is basically without dialogue.

    It really feels like the game pretends there's way more going on then there actually is, since all the worldbuilding and terminal entries almost always do absolutely nothing for the player besides add some extremely insignificant lore dumps for the world.

    I do however have hope that once the level editor is out, that there will be a lot more actually enjoyable bits of (community made) content, considering I had more fun on a random map-pack somebody made with the level editor for the Earth level demo, then I did for almost the entire "soft release" version of the game. As well as a few other map-packs, but the level editor was blocked behind a 60$(?) patreon tier last I knew, but will be free.... eventually.

    Also the dev seems to hide a bunch of secrets in the game, has dozens of endings, etc, all to the game for worldbuilding I suppose, but it's all just more walls of text in the end that functionally do and change almost nothing. There are far more entertaining ways to add that in then pure text dumps hidden away.

    The game probably would've been better had it not been an h-game at all, but I suppose they wouldn't of gotten as much attention if it wasn't.
    Oh well.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, good gameplay, good H scenes, pixels art or 2D.
    There are 5 zones with different environement, 5 differents boss, eache one has a good patern. The achievments are cool and some have difficulties.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The Mega Man X5 of hentai games. You can't even go two screens without an NPC popping up and giving a five-minute text dump featuring some of the most braindead, edgiest dialogue I've seen in a video game. Collectables mostly consist of (what else), more lore dumps over stupid shit that contributes nothing to the story in a meaningful way outside the MC saying "oh yeah, I read that in a databank!" from time to time.

    I have a feeling that the excessive dialogue and convoluted story is just there to hide how boring the game is. It's a basic platformer where the entire adventure boils down to "collect X amount of fragments in this area, rinse and repeat for the next". There's also an in-game morality/personality system, but the damn thing is so bloated (with SIX traits to keep track of on top of character relationships) that it makes Shadow the Hedgehog look like child's play in the realm of needing to replay entire sections of the game for slightly different character encounters/endings. Also, only one save point per area, which makes the last problem even worse.

    All the hentai scenes I viewed was ugly bastard shit. I'm sure some wacko out there will enjoy it, but it's far from what most folk will enjoy. A shame too, since the art style and animations are pretty good.

    That said, this "game" fucking blows. Save yourself the time and play something else, or go read an erotic novel which doesn't have awful writing like this does.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I am honestly flabbergasted that this game is being reviewed well by more people than not. This has, without a doubt, some of the absolute worst sexual dialogue I've seen in my fucking life. It very literally tries, at every junction, to be funny during sex scenes. I'm not sure what's worse. The fact they turn every sex sequence with dialogue into a joke, or that their degree of humor is to have characters talk about their dandruff while fucking you.

    The gameplay is typical metroidvania stuff. Not really exceptional, but not awful. The art is the main appeal, and the animations are silky smooth. The VA is surprisingly not terrible. I didn't want to claw my eardrums out everytime the characters spoke.

    That's the beginning and end of the good. Edgy dialogue, bland plot, and just the down right worst sex scenes ever. I feel like I got a modded version made just for F95, because how could any self respecting person spend so much time making a smut game just to have T H A T level of abysmal writing for scenes.

    The situations also just make zero sense. You don't get told that your character is a whore, yet the moment she's getting non-conned she's 100% into it. I get that not everything's a corruption game, but this is trying to have an actual story. A real plot with characters you get invested in. Maybe a little context about why the character is such a giga slut while also not wanting it? They give you the why for the facility right off the bat, but not you. And if it's in the stupid, archaic text logs, I'm not reading lore logs in a porn game that doesn't' even take its own lewd content seriously.

    In short, this is The Room of porn games.
    Fucking disaster piece.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Base line: I am not into female protagonist games. BUTT this got me real good in the guts my homies, hear me out!

    First of all, The first girl was quite alright to me, like not totally my type but I mean it was alright but when I got to the second girl with the red hair DAYUM.

    I was very surprised to realised that I was in the skin (brain) of the girl and not of the monsters that raped her. Does this mean that I have a feminine side, I am a little worried.

    Let's say that the fact that it moved something inside of me like that make it obvious that I'll give this a five star, go future fragment!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Looking at the price, Future Fragments plays in the same league as some very fantastic platformer games. So with a price tag of 20 euros, you would get at least something, right? Actually, not much.

    Core Gameplay:
    Looking at the core platformer experience, it is dull and boring. It took me around 45 minutes for the first level, where the main objective was to interact with 5 objects scattered around the map. In this first level, you'll have the most generic platformer functionality you could think of: moving left/right, jumping, and shooting. That's it. No consumables, no proper items, no AI for the enemies besides walking left and right, nothing that would give you the impression of playing a 20 euro game.
    After discovering that level 2 had another 5 things I had to find, I stopped playing.

    It's alright, but the maps are oversized and start to feel repetitive too soon.

    Adult Content:
    I suspect that all the adult content are defeat scenes because, in my 45 minutes of playing this game, I saw neither explicit content nor anything else that would resemble NSFW content. Kinda sad for a game that advertises itself as an adult game.

    Misc things:
    • the amount of text could rival the 'Lord of the Rings' books; at least you could hold down the 'accept' button to skip through them real fast
    • The default key configuration is kind of weird.
    • it's refreshing that important things are voiced
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The game looks nice and the sound design is solid but it really does not play very well. There is SO much text that just slows down the flow of the game to crawl and the reward for a lot of the platforming is... even more text. The movement itself feels a little slow and stilted too, the spells have this frustrating half second after where you can not jump after using them (most notable with the ice platform power) that leads to moments where you try to chain together jumps but just sort of fall.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has some pretty decent animations, but they are few and far between. Instead, you're in for some semi-janky but technically functional platforming combined with some absolutely abysmal writing.

    A game like this should keep its dialogue punchy. Each conversation should be in turn either erotic, intriguing, or arousing. Good writing has suspense, tension, ambiguity, subtlety. It draws you in so that you're constantly asking yourself what might come next.

    Instead, HentaiWriter provides an absolute masterclass in ineffective world building. It would be infuriating how boring it is, but honestly this writing is so hypnotically dull that it's difficult to muster the energy to be angry with it.

    It's almost adorable that the author put so much effort into a task without acquiring even the faintest hint of skill. However, such pity quickly fades in the face of endless reams of text logs, incessant nattering, and boundless exposition dumps. The fact that they expect money for writing of this caliber boggles the mind.

    We can only hope that the visual artists and voice actors involved in the project can find a more suitable partner going forward.

    An utter waste of potential. Too bad, since what few h-scenes are there are genuinely well-done, but it's about as much fun as an unanesthetized tooth extraction to get to them.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Its the dialogue that ruins the game. I understand there must be a lot of effort to voice everything but theres just way too much! It is pages and pages of seemingly unneccesary text that burns time. It makes the player want to murder the npc's simply out of spite.

    The H-scenes are wonderful, absolutely well drawn and has sexy voice work... in between some of the most awkward full length conversations you've ever heard. If i had a dick, Id imagine it would flip flop between hard and soft from the scenes. It'll be "Sexy moans and good content" to the characters talking about lunch or something while gangbanging the player. It doesn't fit.

    Besides that, this game has tremendous potential. Mechanics, Graphics, Sex, and controls are all 5 stars without question. Its just drowning itself in words.

    Edit: Man they got project Melody to voice something and its not even lewd? Missed opportunities.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Great art, solid voice acting, rest is a mess.

    Game is unfinished, the level design and text dumps are a slog. The gameplay isn't necessarily bad but its pretty bland. The writing is atrocious and there is SO MUCH OF IT
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This game just isn't a good game. The porn scenes are decent, but the gameplay is a tedious uninspired metroidvania with movement that just feels bad. None of this is to mention the bugs and unfinished content, Sure, perhaps the author will fix the bugs and add in the missing content, but there is likely little that can be done to solve the fact that a large chunk of this game just isn't fun.

    If you played any of the demos and liked the gameplay there then give this a shot as the moment to moment gameplay hasn't changed. I had hoped things would be more polished, not just larger compared to the demos. If you can get past a massive amount of boring platforming this game might be for you. It certainly isn't for me.

    At least it got "finished". Shame the best scenes in the game aren't even rewatchable in the gallery, though.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Might No. 9 of porn

    The game does a terrible job of encouraging you to play the game. You start off with a sizable intro which is narrated to you, but requires you to click through each sentence of dialogue, then get to "play" in a room filled with nothing except the opportunity to talk to faye a bunch of times, and then you get to listen to the king for an obstinately long amount of time if you're curious about the lore and like seeing the numbers pop up as your statistics change for continuing to listen to him. This much is fine, and can be written off as most prologues will do much of the same.

    But then you get to the meat of the game, and they shove data logs in your face every few feet. These computers situated in the least immersive areas of the world for you to just read random people's diary entries. And there's a TON of them. Without booting it back up, there's probably ~40 logs in the first level alone. I'd argue there's probably 1 log per enemy on the map, or otherwise it's a very close race. You will definitely spend more time "reading" than you will be doing anything else in the game. And on that note, the fact each log is narrated becomes a nuisance at the sheer amount of them you're faced with. I didn't check to see if there was an option to turn off the voices, but after about the 15th log I got tired of waiting for the narration to deliver the lines and started reading ahead, but it was annoying to hear the voice overlaying my own internal dialogue. You don't have to read any of them. But, know that if you don't, this game is laughably easy to shoot and jump and get past all manner of enemies.

    And then finally there's the porn aspect of the game. It might as well not exist. The best scenes are the defeat scenes, but there doesn't seem to be a change in Talia's attitude or alteration to scenes with the same enemy depending on sexuality level.

    All of this is just from level 1, mind you. I lost the motivation to continue level 2 after arriving. Will wait until update is released before even giving it another shot.