TL;DR original review from 3 Jan 2016: What I look for in a game is a complete game, and with that I do not mean it having finished being under development. This means a game that has every part, every aspect and combines it neatly into a fun, immersive experience. Future Fragments has just that, from visuals to sound effects, cutscenes, action and gameplay.
Skipping to 2024, after years in development the final product or rather "soft release" is disappointing. To reiterate my very first review in 2016:
Visuals: Still neat, yet objectively eclipsed by the passage of time.
Sound effects: These are still quite good, yet there will always be this pervading sense that there could have been more.
Cutscenes: After so many years this should have been a content buffet in terms of cutsenes, instead priority was given to seemingly endless walls of flavour text.
Action: Still liking the action in the game, nothing feels unfair and the enemies and bosses do keep you on your toes.
Gameplay: Metroid games focused on fast-paced gameplay and Future Fragments does too. It is just a bit unfortunate that with the time given, none of the core gameplay features were significantly expanded or added on. More power-up charms I consider to be the bare minimum and that is what we received.
Overall Future Fragments will always be known as a game which left many confused, divided and frustrated. It is unfortunate to see it started out as a very solid and qualitative concept, only for it to be plagued by inorganic overhauls in the tone and general direction of the game. The team's skill and talent is there, I am just hoping for the next game it is directed more clearly and concisely.