Seeking Game Demo similar to Branded Azel


Sep 18, 2017
Ok, I completely forgot the name of a specific game that was on developpement, very similar in design to Azel (

I don't remember the name, but I remember clearly the demo content:

- It was a Female Protagonist working in a sort of adventurer guild.
- First mission is to infiltrate in a house. There is a lockpicking mini game.
- Rest of the Demo is happenning in a Forest
-- You move from tile to tile in the forest.
-- Most ennemies are plant/tentacle like.
-- There's different statuts debuff that affect the Protagonist
-- Statuts debuff change the Sprite of the Female Protagonist, like Karryin's Prison.
-- Combat is Turn-Based.
-- Combat is similar of Karryn Prison/Azel: depending of your cloths damage, and your statuts (in heat, etc), various things happen.
-At the end of the demo, you come back to the guild, which is on fire.

It's been a while, so I wanted to find it on ci-en to see if any progress has been made...

Thanks if you remember the name!!