Game Idea - Fetish/Theme City?


New Member
May 28, 2017
Hey all,
always really liked games like ashford academy where you slowly corrupt your surroundings and then lewd things happen. However, ive realized that this has never been done to a broader genre of fetishes/themes. Imagine ashford academy not limited to a school but leading an entire city /country. then you could potentially shift rules and have all sorts of situations occur. The other reason i wanted to use AA as an example, you could add your own mods and this game could be more of a fetish/theme focused game and you would have basically all different types of image dump type situations. gameplay could probably focus more making money to buy buildings? using money to blackmail people of influence. gathering political power? idk just some thoughts. i've never made a game and dont have the skill to do it but throwing this out there hoping a bunch of people would be interested in doing something like this collaboratively.

example buildings:
strip club (obv)
brothel (obv)
beach - nude beach / exhibitionism
sex shop - obv
coffee shop
festival / concert location (so many nude scenes from festivals and so on)
maid cafe
literally add any "location" as a theme for a pool of lewd pictures.
The dream would be that it can be crowd sourced so that anyone could add to it and you could DL whichever fetishes/themes interest you
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