I waited quite some time to review this.
I played the original version and thought it was fine, but it was leaning a lot more into corruption and control than any form of real affection or romance and tbh, I like that in my erotic games.
Then the new version hit, with the introduction of Maxine with a possibility of the MC actually feeling something for her.
And in general the tone has changed just enough to make this a near perfect game for me.
You still do a lot of manipulation, but you can choose to not do it out of greed, but affection, you can choose to have the MC feel the same attraction and emotion the women feel.
In addition, the MC being a demon instantly makes the story more cohesive and logical. He has a better motive for doing what he does, there is a perfect in-game reason for his powers, and it still leaves you pretty freely in your approach, while at the same time also offering an option for a harem route that makes sense and is more than just pure wish-fulfillment (nothing wrong with the latter, but if the game can actually offer an explanation that makes sense, for me that makes it even better).
What I also like is that you can choose between corruption and affection/attraction, but you aren't forced to completely concentrate on one or the other. For now, I did quite a bit of corruption at the start and got the feeling that this opened more options for the attraction path as well, so that I could concentrate on that route afterwards.
Visually, the game is great, from the tristesse of the surroundings to the seedy looks, where the characters are sweating from the heat and from arousal, this game really oozes atmosphere.
While for some it might be a negative factor that the woman aren't perfect 20 yo with humongous tits, no wrinkles, no faults (even though they are supposed to be middle-aged milfs), for me, it is a big part of my enjoyment.
As I get older I find a great looking woman, but with a realistic look and the minor flaws caused by age and/or having a few pounds too much, much more attractive (not that I mind the other, but we have like hundreds of games with those, the look of the ladies here is simply refreshing).
I've played a lot of the games here, oh boy, so many, but of the top of my head I can't name one that handles introducing game mechanics into the sex scenes as well as this one.
Attributes like lust, attraction, corruption, influence etc.. are changed by your decisions during the sex scene, and your success in the scenes improves the scores, which in turn make it easier the next time around.
And all this is managed without resulting in a game of button pressing that takes you out of the sexy part.
Frankly and completely open, this is one of the games that makes it painful to wear pants, while playing it.
Oh, and before I forget it, you can of course completely play up the corruption and forget about the romance if you want to.
And while not every game has to be that way, of course it is great to feel you have a real player agenda.