Ren'Py - Abandoned - Game of Moans: Whispers From The Wall [v0.2.9] [Godswood Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A bit buggy but the best GOT game that is out there with a fullfilling gameplay and loads of content. It features very nice art, with high quality scenes, character designs and backgrounds. While the writing serves it's core and leads to a pleasent experience.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Moderately buggy, but I managed to not have anything game-breaking with a little bit of luck. Otherwise just great, the start story/feel is fantastic, and I was actually invested in gameplay and dialogue

    EXTRA CHARS.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Based on the amount of bugs each version I'd guess the Dev is somewhat inexperienced with programming. That being said it's still an enjoyable title with pretty good art.

    I'm definetely keeping my eye on this one though, give it a try if it interests you.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    My rating is advanced becouse the game in early stage so nedded to balance of the item collecting and trading for the requirement of mass audience. Of course more content needed too. There is potential in the item crafting and trading I liked it but I understand if others thinks it is grindy in current form. Artwork and game atmosphere is fantastic authentic game of thrones.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The art is draw amazingly from the characters to the background to the items you interact with the H scenes are pretty good only a handful are animated witch is good and the story has potential but the game play is not good at all very repetitive and boring but there is cheats to get to the H scenes so its not all bad id say give it a try and keep a lookout for future updates
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.2.4 - Halloween Harvest

    The game has great arts that are unique and the sex scenes are good, but not surprising. The gameplay is good but urgently needs to be improved, the many bad things in this game that are quite tiring as for example the missions you receive, have to collect an item and then deliver the item. Not to mention that there are bugs it doesn't have an auto save, so if your game crashes and you haven't saved it, you will lose all your progress (I lost mine when I was playing).
    The game it is bad, I played the previous versions and was practically unplayable, this version gave an improved but this Halloween event was terrible. I don't know about the future of this game, I particularly enjoyed it a little, but I could see that it's a waste of time to play. First, there are few female characters in the game, there are more male characters, second, well, it will take work to fix bugs and crashes, make gameplay improvements and the main thing is to change this story.
    I don't know how to say it, but it needs synchronization, something that makes the player have more interest, because honestly I had no interest, just wanted to see the scenes and that's it. But my game crashed and as it is quite tiring, I opted to give up.
    Unfortunately that's it, the game is still in version 0.2 but I don't see it yet as a game that has potential. The fact that there are more male and less female characters is worrying. What's more, at this halloween Bran becomes a shemale and you wonder what the fate of it will be.
    Anyway, it could be a fun game, but it's not. As I mentioned, the game has its problems and besides it is tiring. The arts are great and I see that it is being wasted because of this script and gameplay mechanics.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    maxx mad

    Interesting art.
    That's about it for the positive.

    One of the H-game with the worst gameplay out there, fetch quests, pass days doing nothing but hunting the one interaction for the day, even have to click a billion times to pass dialogs ...

    Just wait for the next GoT h-parody, this is not the one you're looking for.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.2.2

    I'll open by saying I'm a huge fan of the GRRM novels and have read them all, seen the show, etc. I've seen one or two other GoT parody games out there and never felt they looked or sounded interesting enough to play. The art on this one seemed particularly eye catching so I gave it a try on a whim. Overall, I was pleased with the game. It's not without faults, but I was pleasantly surprised.

    In the interest of fairness, I acknowledge that this game is really early in development. As such, I understand that I'm seeing the bare bones structure of it's potential. So I gave it a pass on a lot of bad or incomplete things, but I still will acknowledge and make note of those things that I saw as problematic.

    The Good

    - The art. Unique, familiar and sexy. Not just with the women. But the landscapes and castle art. Really pulls you into the world they built.

    - The Lore. For a game like this (one that isn't outright "the story is: you're here to just fuck everything" material) story matters to keep the player interested. The story is pretty basic for now, but ties into the GoT lore pretty well without overthinking it, but giving enough familiarity to make you feel like you've been dropped right into the GRRM world. This opens the player up to a gigantic world with potentially tons of possible characters, arcs, events, and yes, sexy times. If the dev plays their cards right, this could be an epic game.

    - The narration. It's pretty straight forward. And tied with the wonderful artwork, the dev does a good job getting you to where you need to be (however this becomes problematic later as I'll explain).

    - The reward system. And no, nothing lewd. Look, I'm old school. I like finding and collecting things. Like a rat hitting a lever for a food pellet, having loot sacks and chests to find every day is rewarding in itself and dare I say, make the game actually fun. It reduces the typical grind that a lot of games fall victim to. Couple this with the crafting system, and the possibilities are endless. All I could think about was upgrading my bow and arrows and making some awesome potions and toys.

    The RPG style points systems. Intelligence, Strength, Favors, Reputation, hunting etc. Those type of things mean that you get to keep progressing and hopefully build up to bigger and better rewards and new storylines. As it's implemented now, it's kinda screwy and confusing, but I like that the system is there and they've chosen to utilize it in such a way.

    - The side games. I actually like them, WTF? They're pretty basic card games that give you intelligence points. One is a very basic memory game where you match cards, and the other is a weird poker/solitare kinda game that's easy to learn. I actually like killing time playing these cause winning gets points.

    The Bad

    - Bugs. It's a mess. I got caught in loops not being able to finish quests. I can never find who I need to see, and there are repeating events over and over... There's a lot of bugs. And they make this game almost unplayable at this point. Events half finished -or not being able to finish them, too many events at once. This is one of those things I'm hoping get smoothed out as they work on the game more and extend relationships with the characters.

    - Dialogue. It's pretty scant. It's not terrible by any means, but it could be drawn out and worked on for a bit. Like I stated earlier, the narration starts out nice to set the stage, then once you get into the characters, it devolves into half sentences and over-simplified/cliched-role dialoge (Arya especially) which kinda pull you out of the world, then it jumps back into long winded explanations. It kind of throws the pacing of events off too. It feels like they're trying to put too much info into too short a time. I wouldn't mind seeing it stretched out a bit, to let it breathe.

    - Instruction. You're kind of thrown into the deep end to figure out a lot of things like where to go, how to interact (firing the bow!), getting closer to the girls, what to look for, and how to progress (though I feel that last one is because of the bugs of quests that just won't finish). The task system in particular can be very confusing. How to select and collect. Each character has their own tasks to give, and a lot of them are the same thing, yet they don't always show as finished. It's easy to pick up after a while of trial and error, but those are the kinds of things that should be explicitly explained on how they work at the start, or at least given a very brief tutorial (that is possibly skippable once you know?).

    The Ugly

    - The bugs. It has to be mentioned again.

    - I discovered that one day I could start doing lewd things with the girls. No build up, no intro, just BAM! Suddenly Sansa can now give me handjobs. It's kinda weird and destroys any sexual tension that may be built.

    - The Journal. Great Idea. Poor Execution. Again,the bugs probably make this worse than it really is but, I have to say it. The only thing it's actually helpful for is seeing what you have to do next. Every thing else seems like filler and having to click the top right and bottom left corner of the book to turn pages is damn annoying.

    - The lewd scenes are pretty incomplete. No step by step progression or animations. Some of the scenes just end. I had to piece together I was witnessing a lewd scene way after it happened (Arya with needle in the closet). This is one of those things I can forgive because it's so early. There is still a lot of good lewd art but it's used sparingly so far.

    Overall, I would love to recommend this game, and I really want it to do well... for the potential that it holds. This could easily be a 5 star game once it gets firing on all cylinders. However, until that potential is realized, I can only give it 2.5 stars (which I'll round up to 3).
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 219103

    As of v 0.2.2 I reluctantly have to give a 2 star rating, considering both the available content, and the process. I have supported the game between 0.1 and 0.2 but unpledged with 0.2.

    This is in my opinion where this game shines. It has a fairly unique art style, while still catching the characters overall features. The sex scenes, few as they may be, have good and varied poses, although some proportions are a bit off. My only other gripe would be the variations in scenes, but since this is still early in development, expecting animated scenes like Mity does would be a bit too much. So this is a solid 4/5 atm.

    While the overall premise seems interesting, the explanations and developments feel a bit meager and uninspired. They won't keep you playing (unless this is one of the first story-driven eroge you've ever played), but they won't make you reel back in absurdity either. It fits well in the lore at the least, although the progression and pacing is quite off. The pacing in particular makes characters feel very one-dimensional. While in v0.1 you could stil excuse their flatness and just enjoy the fetishes introduced, there is no such excuse in v0.2 anymore and most characters feel bland. It's a somewhat bad 3/5.

    This is where it starts turning really problematic for me. The writing is very clumsy in most scenes, as in it's all very simply written. The dialogues are short and character development isn't well done. While I know it's "only" a sex game, it still needs a certain writing style to make me interested in the story (and other parts). However, where it irks me the most, is during the sex scenes. There is very little descriptiveness and scenes escalate from foreword to foreplay to cumming in a couple sentences that give very little buildup. There are very few descriptions in general, and it's mostly direct dialogue, which only leaves the art. If that's your style that's fine, but it's not for me. The only saving grace is, that at least the grammar is...mostly fine. 2/5.

    While I'd have still given 0.1 a passable grade, 0.2 took an extreme turn for the ridiculously bad. Bugs everywhere, and even weeks after release a lot of them are still there. They deactivated skipping messages completely and not even Unren can reenable it. This makes it feel like a deliberate choice, and a very bad one at that. This kind of annoying thinking is like a red string throughout the entire game. All minigames are extremely grindy, and feel shoehorned in to extend your playtime. Since the writing is so short-breathed, without those minigames, they'd maybe have 30 minutes of gameplay with the last update. WITH the minigames you're looking upwards of 3h. A lot of the journal features seem buggy (e.g. character finder doesn't find characters reliably), and random crashes happen all the time. Items are scattered everywhere, but it's a boring daily chore to pick them up, with no real positive for the gameplay. You need to craft something? Hope you got enough of a random item X, and the store has gracious RNG and has item Y. Yes, I am not joking, they put RNG into their store system, so you are forced to skip a day if it doesn't have what you need. Some mechanics are badly explained, for example how much intelligence you need, if you can retrospectively grind for it, if it's going to be more important later, etc. There's more where all that came from, but it should be enough to get an impression. 1/5.

    This, aside from the gameplay, is the main reason I stopped my pledge. First of all, the time between updates and the content delivered is not in an acceptable ratio. This isn't even because there's too few sex scenes, the amount of that is okayish. But thanks to the lack of quality focus in writing, the actual playable content is short and the lewd rewards feel boring. The focus of whoever is in charge of overall planning is quite clearly on stretching what little content there is with pointless and frustrating mini-games and mechanics. Additionally, they missed a deadline, and only met the second one by deathmarching the devs (on the final day before 0.2 I sat with the artist and coder in voice, who are both great people, listening to what kind of rush they had the past days). And of course, there was no serious quality control. Most of the bugs I encountered, anyone who played through it once should have encountered as well. There was absolutely 0 time alloted to balancing the mini-games either, and while they are frustrating in themselves to my taste, people who like mini-games could have enjoyed them...if it wasn't for the bad time/reward ratio. The teasers both on patreon and discord essentially were using all art available to bait more people in, but left almost no surprise whatsoever for patreons. Thanks to the writing, I could've simply skipped playing the game, I had all relevant parts spoilered. This is not good PR, and it accompanies bad dev planning and focus. 1/5.

    The game has great art, and varied attempted characterization to allow for a broad amount of fetishes. However, the writing is clumsy at best, in story, character development and particularly in sex scenes. The gameplay is horrible both in stability and the amount of pointless mini-game grind. The development process visible to me on their discord destroys any hope of the game turning better soon, as the focus clearly seems to be on cash-grab and drawing out the game beyond what it has in content. Total score: 2.2/5
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The Good: Surprisingly good art style. The teaser art doesn't do it justice. I'd have more to say but...

    The Bad: This is just absolutely miserable to play. I couldn't stand much more than an hour. I'll try to elaborate...

    - Fetch quests: for the love of god keep these to a minimum. Wandering from room-to-room picking stuff up to give to people gets old real fast.

    - Puzzle-style quests: let me skip them. I get that you spent a lot of time coding it, but I didn't download this game to play memory puzzles.

    - Pacing: It's not good. We need hooks to draw us in early-on or the magic wears off fast. An hour in and I've only seen the generic sprites of the female characters.

    Worse yet, I've spent more than half the game time looking at old men. Once again, not what I'm here for.

    And why in the world does this game lack some of the basic features like skip and rollback? Why would you disable those? Value your players time or we will feel like you don't respect us, and move on to creators who do.

    Cheats/codes: You need these in the game desperately to give players the option of skipping over the grind. If you don't do it people are just going to start hacking your game to do it themselves. Please, be the developer who works with us and not against us.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's get one thing right - the art is great.
    Now that we got the positives out of the way, here is a list of cons:

    Extremely buggy. I'm talking like Skyrim with 354 mods running simultaneously kind of buggy. It's unplayable. My game crashed, but i had luckily saved the game just a bit before it crashed. I loaded up the save - and voila! The save starts from the beginning of the game?! Nice.

    The characters are shit. This is at the level of No Man's Sky hype train level of shit. It's like the devs took the scummiest parts of the characters from GoT and just made that the defining characteristic. Arya is a condescending bitch with no redeemable qualities, so much so that I dont care about trying to fuck her in this game. Sansa is a typical damsel in distress who can't do anything.

    Hunting to get some shit ass fur and buy ingredients and shit like that. I mean, it's not the worst mechanic in the world, but it makes you question why it's even implemented. The same goes for that memory card game. Why is the progress centered around these early 2000s minigames? I have no clue.

    tl;dr - You have to be a complete moron to be a patron for this game. You'll be better off pocketing that money and finding rule34 GoT porn and jacking off to that.

    Devs should demote themselves to an artist and hire some actual writers and coders if they want this to be a real thing.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    the game is fine
    I liked the art
    story is not that good but it's a porn game
    I wish there was more options on decision making where sometimes I wanted my character to be easy and kind and some part dominent and bossy if you know what I mean
    there are some mini games which is good if you don't run to a bugg and then get to play the game from beginning which it happened to me.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely a promising games, minor bugs throughout, but those should be fixed in future . I would say that some parts of it should move slower, it is a very quick time frame in the game for each day and it is not obvious when time changes. Will revisit in a future patch.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This rating is because of a design choice of Ren'Py and not based on the game play or art.

    The removal of the skip text option is a game ender for me. I have no idea why someone would do this. I have read the texts in 0.1, I don't want to reread the same texts in 0.2. If you now expect me to spam click to skip texts that I have already read in a previous edition then you (the creator) are mistaken.

    Obviously this is an opinion and others might not mind the clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking...
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    its so great game

    In a known world and an art of much love I think it is a game that should stand out among others, I really expect a lot from this and I hope it continues on the right track, I really wish you good luck
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm torn on this game (version 0.2). I mostly really like the artwork (protagonist looks a little feminine for me, something about the eyes/build I think?) and the writing is pretty good, much better than most games on here.

    The problem is mostly that it's a buggy mess. 0.1 was not great, but it was playable. 0.2 introduced a lot of new features that could be pretty cool, but most of them are half-baked at best. Saves don't work - I try to load something and it sets me back to the first day no matter when I saved. Unlike almost all renpy games, you can't save whenever you want (not that big of a deal but kind of annoying).

    I'm going to play the next couple versions at least, because I do really like the art and story, but I sincerely hope they figure out the coding.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I love both the artwork and the intended functionality and quest system, but... it will never work. It will be forever Buggy-As-Hell unless the programmers change the core. Namely, use jumping to instead of calling procedures. The purpose of call function is to remember where the call came from and be able to return. Infinite calling will just cause an inferno in the end. Stack Overflow link I get that the tasks to re-build the whole code is rather difficult, but better now than later, as it will only gain on complexity.
  18. 4.00 star(s)



    The game has no doubt real potential, the art is nice and clean, the characters are nice with a few flaws that can be ironed out and redone if needed and the general setting feels Thrones.

    World Design

    When loading into the game you are greeted with a great few opening shots of hand drawn art, of Winterfell and the "Rockhards" Keep, not only are they well painted, the tone screams Game of Thrones, their is no doubt when loading into the game that you've just stepped into a Game of Thrones world.

    Winterfells keep is a great location with an inside and outside, the courtyard is slightly bare at the moment with only a few characters potting around, but can be sometimes completely empty, whilst this can be explained away with the backstory you read at the start detailing all men have gone south, there should be people still around, at least a few guards as they would leave men behind to defend the keep.

    The inside is Winterfell and it isn't, the Great Hall is like it is in the show, the other places however, look a bit too cramped and empty, the Library doesn't even come close to the one we see in the show during Season 8, with Arya's stealth sequence, however that can change.

    Overall the detail and art are amazing quality if a little sparse when it comes to the background details.


    MC - Nothing I can say really at the moment, he's a little dull, and most of the comedy comes from his reactions to Bran's weirdness, he's been shunned by his fathers due to his abysmal skill with a sword, however you can immediately become a snapshot archer with pinpoint accuracy once given a bow.

    That is something that needs to be worked on, there needs to be some kind of progression when it comes to the bow, it's far too easy, and makes you wander if the MC's father only ever allowed him to use a sword and nothing else.

    Sansa - Is very much Season 1 Sansa, which I understand that's what she's meant to be, but it makes her a little annoying, this of course is my personal opinion, I've never really liked her, apart from her character in Season 4 and 6 until she nearly kills Jon with her stupidity.

    Also, she wouldn't call a Northerner "Ser" knowing that only a few who follow the Old Gods have been Knighted, Ser Jorah Mormont and Ser Rodrik Cassel, being the only two I can think of at the moment, she would call him My Lord, as the MC is an heir to a Northern Family, or maybe she wouldn't call him anything at all and just say thank you.

    Arya - She's annoying, and it sucks. I love Arya, but in the game, she's an annoying Dom, which is very predictable and in the worst kind of way, the way I'd do Arya in this parody setting is advance her rebellious nature into something a little more experimental, perhaps a teasing Arya exploring her sexuality by making moves on the MC, flashing her underwear, going pantyless etc.

    The Dom Arya, is not exciting to see at all, it'd be more interesting if as the MC's and Arya's relationship progresses, she becomes a sub, and instead meek little Sansa becomes the Dom, their characters over time doing total flips as a result of the MC's manipulations.

    Her artwork needs a bit of work, her breasts should be on the smaller side of the scale to fit her character, and needs to be a little more lithe to fit with her active lifestyle.

    Bran + Luwin + Roderick - Not much to say apart they need work and depth added to them, of course the old man is a pervert, Bran of course is a creep, and Rodrik is meh... they all need work but this is a 0.1.1 so can't judge too harshly.


    Not much to say, generic go here, fetch that, comeback in the morning and it'll be done, for a first project this type of thing is to be expected, however I would try to introduce new things quickly to keep the game from becoming a grind fest just to get to the next scene.


    As I said the game has potential to be something really quite fantastic, a few character design changes are needed in my personal opinion, but the artwork is awesome, the grammar is far better than most other things that have come out in the past few months and the dev looks to be really involved in this which is always something to be happy about.

    Keep at it, I'm really looking forward to more!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    [This review is for the v0.1.1 of the game]

    This game is a must-play for any GoT fan, ever. The drawing is absolutely gorgeous and hot. The game itself is very short right now, which is one of its downsides but that's because this is literally an alpha test for any bugs and feedback. Also, the game's wonky and laggy but that didn't bother me as much as other things like having to grind for 30-40 days before you can get what you need etc. Overall, you should definetely play and give feedback. Bookmarked and waiting on all-fours for any updates.

    Edit: A hotfix has been released and no bugs or lag so far, amazing job!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice art, it has potential, in a couple years (or months) it could become one of the best games on this board, my only problem with the game is the lack of content, but since its the 0.1 I think it could be forgiven.