Identify Game with a pale, rail-thin alien/monster girl as a character


Jan 21, 2018
It was a 3D game, and I'm fairly certain it was just a side character, and she could transform into a normal looking human form if she wanted. During her sex revisit scenes you could choose between fucking her real form and her human form. I'm pretty sure she had like slight buck teeth too? Maybe even a little bit bunny like in appearance? This is really all I have to go on. I just remember her alien/monster form being pretty tall, very thin, maybe even bony, and she talked about how her alternate form was normally not enticing to people (ofc).


Jan 21, 2018
I don't think that's it but it does look interesting...i'll have to give it a look...
If you could search this site by what you have on your watchlist it would make this search a lto easier dang