Identify Game with former cop going home to former model mother, sis & daughter


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
Heyo.. I played a game awhile back where this guy is a former cop and is shot/hurt and goes home to stay with his parents.

He's obviously in his 30's, but had a knock-out sister and mom who was a former model. He has a daughter from a mysterious girl he knew in school and she basically had the kid and vanished.

His partner was a hot cop (have to be in these stories) and the last update I played his sister basically banged him herself, lol. The mom had lost a lot of weight and was back to her model physique, and the mom used to walk around topless all the time when he was younger.

He has a really bitchy aunt who was basically his age, or only a little older, and the 'aunt' was a bit mental with her approach to the MC. The last parrt of the episode I remember had the MC in some sort of trouble and his former lost love from high school seemed to have rescued him from a car crash or something similar.

Anyone know the name of this one?


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
Yep that's it. Ugh, loved the visuals of the game, among some of the best on the platform, but apparently Season 2 sucked balls and the game is on-hold and probably never to pick back up. :(