Seeking Game with hypnosis/brainwashing/conditioning where the target is aware of what's going on?


New Member
May 19, 2017
I vaguely remember a game called "the gift reloaded" where the MC hypnotized his victims, but unlike most of these stories the girls were aware that his had happened. Sadly it was abandoned. Another game simply called "hypnosis" had some mild elements of this, but it's barely getting worthwhile updates. And I just remembered, insight of you has also elements of this, though I liked it the least of the three. Just making the victim more horny is not the most interesting variant.

Any other games like this? It doesn't have to be hypnosis specifically, just a severely altered state of mind that makes the target more likely to behave the way you want, be it temporarily or indefinetely. And she should remember what happened, either during the hypnosis and/or afterwards.

The only other main requirement is that the MC is male and the target female, otherwise I think I'm open to pretty much any kink. Setting, ages, level of consent, incest or not, doesn't matter.

I would also take any other visual media. Or games that have similar paradoxical situations, like an extreme love-hate relationship, or someone who let's themselves be willingly raped/enslaved/abused despite not being submissive or masochistic, maybe out of guilt or a sense of duty.
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