Seeking Game with match 5 puzzle


New Member
Aug 15, 2018
Hello, I've been looking for a game that came out on (as far as I remember) Newgrounds and is, at this point, 8 or even more years old. (not sure if finished)

First of all, I'd like to say sorry since I don't remember too much about the game itself. Anyway, what I do remember is:
-You play the game as an adventurer, and there are girls you need to save, fantasy world
-A mini game that was great was basically match 5 or more, and colors in this match 5 were based on elements, I think (like water, fire, and electricity).
-You get loot, and then you can wear this loot, which increases the chances for certain elements to appear what makes combos easier.
-there is a ship location ( don't know why i remember this)
-The whole game is drawn, and you move only by clicking the map and interactables (I think).

I know it's not much, but I'd really appreciate the help.
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