Seeking Game with mature MC


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
I am looking for mature male MC games, by that I don't necessarily mean the mc has to be 30 or 40, I just meant that it's not a pathetic loser who chases after every skirt he sees or is dumb loser who gets women by plot or by the power of cock.

Examples of game like that would be The Last Sovereign

Joker Jack

Aug 9, 2022
Here are one's i played that i throughly enjoyed, they are not coomer brain Mc who only think with their penis and are total perverts and these Mc has things going on for them other than their big dick(skilled, strong, not power fantasy strong but they're strong in their own right)

Hard time(skilled Mc, mafia, wholesome relationships, thinks with his brain also mature minded) 10/10 from me.

Sorcerer (skilled Mc too, powerful, like actually powerful, magic and shit) I'd also recommend checking out dev other games, I've played them all cause they were all calming, characters were mature minded, 10/10 all his games.

Vae Victis khan( Mc is whatever you want him to be tbh, a rapist, sadist, killer, psychopath? All up to you but i feel like Mc is mature minded by default, i mean he's a ruler, he has to be mature minded) personally 9/10

Hot sand of Antarctica(no explanation needed, it's nice)

Desert stalker (Mc is an elite stalker, one of the best in his fields, considering he has a wife, 2 kids, deals with royals and some other important people or situation he has to be mature minded, which he is)

Limitless (super brained Mc)


Sep 10, 2022
[...] or is dumb loser who gets women by plot or by the power of cock.

Examples of game like that would be The Last Sovereign
I don't know a game where it is more power-of-cock than TLS ... :-O
(my favourite line: Fucking Doom Fuck! )

anyways, maybe you'd like Nursery Slime - male MC there is a "loser", who maybe used to be a "someone" until sth. happened. Yeah, it is the slime girl that mostly makes things happen, but, well, the writing is above par, so there's the common with TLS.