The game is currently unfinished but Ive got a feel of the game, and unless things change radically, which Im not expecting it to, then here's my own take of this so far.
Premise is thus: you play as Chiro, gamer girl with no life, no friends, with her devices glued to her hands. Her father, understandably, decides to teach her the values of life by kicking her out the house and demands she brings back a boyfriend, presumably because getting a boy attached to her is seemingly gonna fix the other problems she has.
Gameplay is a side scroller where you get from point A to point B without being fucked. Yes, literally the H scenes bar one requires you to lose and get fucked. So right from the start we have the first problem: you need to lose to get the H scenes.
Problem number two. Losing is practically impossible unless your hands are made of fluff or you've fallen off your chair. I mean for fuck sake you can avoid every enemy here by dashing through them no problem. With only but one boss fight thats about as shallow as wading pool, of which can be beaten simply by dash-punching until it all ends.
Problem number three. The default keyboard control sucks, and for some reason you can only ever rebind some keys, not all of them. So you go WASD for walking, and Z to attack, spacebar to jump, and X to dash. So to use both hands requires this awkward style where one hand overlaps the other. I cannot for the life of me understand why the movement keys arent just the directional keys on the right side of the keyboard. Or are we actually contriving this so the right hand can be firmly gripping on our sausage as we play this?
H scenes are respectably for what they are. Its not impossible to admire the artwork. But Ive gotten zero hardons, probably because theres zero emotional connection nor any sense of accomplishment.
So, the game's not very good, the H scenes arent getting me hard, and the controls can go fuck itself. And yet, I have to believe that it is entirely possible for this game to redeem itself, because the story is fine, the characters are fine, all it needs is just some polishing.
I would like there to be more interactions with NPCs, so Chiro's slide to degeneracy is an actual choice that progresses the story, since we have to assume that being fucked by the enemies are non-canon, as it is a clear and obvious game over.
Other than that, just change the fucking default controls for gods sake. We used to play megaman using directional controls for movement, Z to attack, X to jump and C to dash. No ones gonna be jerking off while playing this, so there's no need to free up one hand, I can promise you that.