Seeking Games entirely in female pov (female point of view/perspective)


Oct 8, 2020

I have been looking for h-games that are entirely from a female point of view. Obvioulsy this means a female protagonist, but much more as well. The writing should refer to you as the female MC, examples when the MC is thinking something it's like "I am not quite sure about that", if something happens to you then the text is phrased that it's directed at you "The rain caught you by surprise, drenching your clothes" and characters talking to you call you by a name you can choose or simply by a title/nickname you have or simply refer to you as you. H-scenes should also be in female pov as well.
Walking around in pov isn't necessary, but would be appreciated. Changing your appearance would be nice as well, but isn't a must.

Does something like that exist? I have seen many games already with a female playable character, some of them let you pick a name. A few of them are written in a way that they talk directly at you too. None of them provide all the stuff I just wrote though.

If there is anything around, then please share the name of it. I don't care which genres, which engine, if it's on this site or not, if there is a need to pay for it or whatever.

Pretentious Goblin

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Oct 8, 2020
Hi, thanks for your answer.

There are many threads opened everyday, so I appreciate it if somebody takes the time to look at the one from me.
Many posts are also made everyday, so I am happy the thread gets some attention and isn't drowned in the mass.

So, first-or second-person narration and maybe clothing options?
Let me clarify it a little bit. A must ist for me:
h-games that are entirely from a female point of view. Obvioulsy this means a female protagonist, but much more as well. The writing should refer to you as the female MC, examples when the MC is thinking something it's like "I am not quite sure about that", if something happens to you then the text is phrased that it's directed at you "The rain caught you by surprise, drenching your clothes" and characters talking to you call you by a name you can choose or simply by a title/nickname you have or simply refer to you as you. H-scenes should also be in female pov as well.

Not a must, but nice to have is:
Walking around in pov isn't necessary, but would be appreciated. Changing your appearance would be nice as well, but isn't a must.

So the first-or second-person narration is a must, but the clothing options are nice, but it doesn't matter if there are none.

iirc GGGB has first-person and some options for clothing and body modification at specific points, CoT and the game it's inspired from have second-person and a lot of clothing options, though CoT doesn't show them visually. Ruin Me has second-person but doesn't show the MC. TC has first-person and clothing options.

As for games with POV sex:
I think I need to look through the list with the POV you posted, so I can see if there is one that has the rest as well.

Thank you for your help!