Games for Autogynephilia? Female MC, Outfits, Rape, Resistance


New Member
Dec 16, 2018
I've searched far and wide for a game that fits my niche desires. I'm mostly posting this to connect with other people who might be looking for the same. I don't think a game exists yet. I've played plenty that almost sctratch the itch including Fallout/Skyrim adult mods, Degrees of Lewdity, HS2/KS2, Project Helius/Fallen Doll, Sissy Secretary, Girl Life, Wife Hunting Labyrinth, Violated Heroine, Mission Mermaiden/Hachina etc. But if anyone reads this and a game pops into mind that might fit please let us know.

I'm looking for something that focuses on female perspective, as realistic as possible, with lots of stats pages and descriptions. And I'm a huge pervert, so of course I'm into corruption/rape etc too. In no particular order here are things I look for:

-Stats Pages: describing sexual health and state of mind. Wife Hunting Labyrinth has a really good one with visuals for ovary corruption, the womb, etc. which I LOVED. But nothing covers how the MC is feeling about it which could be good or bad depending on traits (maybe they're a perv and like being used). I love seeing how full of cum I am or how I'm being corrupted and having status effects represented here. Eg. demonic corruption, full of eggs, gaping, recently fucked etc. Carrying a load of cum from someone your character loves would be a good thing, from some random assailant a bad thing. Being too horny gets your character wet and we can see that and it has negative consequences like discomfort/embarrassment from wet panties. Having sex with a girl the first time has your character questioning sexuality etc. Really make use of all the stats like # of times gangbanged, # of times slept with a girl, # of consensual, # of non-con etc. that end up mostly being useless. Allow developing perversions, coping mechanisms etc. instead.

-First Person View: we have pretty decent graphics for games like HS2, Fallen Doll but never from an FPS view. I want to look down and see the outfit I'm wearing. See that flat feminine crotch when nude. And even cum/juices dripping down my legs if I've recently been fucked. Switching to 3P for viewing sex scenes would be handy, you can swap between first and 3rd any time. I first developed a taste for this playing Mirror's Edge, if you get knocked on your back you're looking down at yourself and can see that smooth feminine crotch. Now layer on frantically scrambling backward away from some monster coming to fuck you and you have a porn game.

-Realism and state reflection: Your state should affect you. If you've been recently fucked you should be a bit wobbly and high on the afterglow. If you were forced it would be bad, and if you came while being forced you might even be mentally fucked up for a while. In third person games this can be reflected with different animations, slowed movement etc. In first person you would literally stumble around, and see the cum dripping out of you as you walk. If particularly roughed up maybe you're only able to craw away at first. Recovery takes time, so you can slowly start to get up and walk, then run etc. Imagine crawling away and your assailant isn't done with you so they grab you by the hips and pull you back. You can have thought bubbles or a diary explaining mental state. Flashbacks that hinder your character briefly depending on how traumatized they are.

-Resistance: Going with the above, why is resistance never well explored? Most games give a struggle bar but we see no struggle. I want stages of resistance where you can see the MC getting more or less trapped, trying to crawl away. Losing pieces of clothing slowly. Even being tied up or having other devices applied to make the struggle harder. I have a dream of a FPS style game where you are literally fighting off your attackers (be they human or monster/tentacles) and watching your clothes get ripped off, struggling to peel their hands/tentacles off of you. Being dosed with aphrodesiac etc. And you could fight back the whole time. Degrees of Lewdity has a fairly good system for this, in that fighting back might set you free but probably just makes it worse after a certain point. But imagine this in a side scroller, RPGM or FPS game instead.

-Outfits/clothing/makeup/accessories: Being able to dress the character in various outfits. Degrees of Lewdity is good for this from a text based game, or HS2/KS2 for 3D, even some RPGM games have different outfits. And having the outfits influence interactions. Eg. wearing a skirt makes it easier to be felt up, not wearing panties under them even easier to be fingered. Wearing more robust clothing makes it harder. A balance between influencing others with a charming outfit and being too provoking and getting abused.

-Risk/Reward: Any good game requires a risk/reward scenario. How is your character getting assaulted? You CAN just walk into bad situations because we are pervs and want the scenes. But there should be higher rewards, better loot etc. in the riskier places. If you play well you can avoid getting assaulted and complete a virgin run for those interested in that. For those that mess up and make mistakes your character can become traumatized. Be corrupted. Develop perversions making it harder to resist in the future etc. Mission Mermaiden with the difficulty mod was great for this feel, every time I got caught I felt like I really deserved it/came by it naturally and got a negative status effect for it. I was trying to beat the level, but took some hits along the way. Not purposefully failing.

-Slice of Life: There should be more to the game than just sex, but not too much. Eg. you're a private eye/detective and go out on cases during the day bumping into businesspeople doing corporate espionage, criminals, paranormal monsters etc. Covering the mundane (felt up by a guard for access to the top floor) to the creepy (having your ovaries corrupted by a tentacled monster). But at the end of the day you go home, have friends, a love interest and the events of your job and how good or bad you are at it influences your day-to-day life. Eg. your partner is concerned because you're stuffed with cum after being captured and gangbanged xD
Sissy Secretary is really good for this, where the events of your Job are reflected outside as you meet with old friends or go shopping etc.

I'm sure posts like this are a dime-a-dozen, another wishlist. Honestly it was cathartic to write this out and I just needed to tell somebody what I'm craving to make it more bearable. If you relate to this say hi. If you know of similar games let us know. Thanks!

NOTE: I am a programmer, I get how difficult these things are to make, and I've spent hours modding games like Lilith's Throne (added a boatload of new dialog during sex and some new mechanics around rape/trauma) etc.
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Active Member
Dec 4, 2018
NOTE: I am a programmer, I get how difficult these things are to make, and I've spent hours modding games like Lilith's Throne (added a boatload of new dialog during sex and some new mechanics around rape/trauma) etc.
Then you should know that the best chance of this happening is if you do it yourself.
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