Games like Satisfy Him?

Sep 7, 2020
Ave, true to Caesar. The interests of the Caesar never sieze to amaze me, seriously.

Now anyway, do any of you know games like Satisfy Him? Content's kinda too empty for me to try playing and so I was wondering if there are any games like it?

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Which aspects are you looking for? The one about being submissive to an ugly bastard? The blackmail? The tasks system? Unfortunately that last one probably doesn't exist elsewhere in that kind of detail, so it's s shame it's abandoned despite the questionable corruption.
Sep 7, 2020
Which aspects are you looking for? The one about being submissive to an ugly bastard? The blackmail? The tasks system? Unfortunately that last one probably doesn't exist elsewhere in that kind of detail, so it's s shame it's abandoned despite the questionable corruption.
The one about being submissive to an ugly bastard, haven't played the game yet as I'm waiting for more content (which is forever) so I'm not familiar with how it goes. But if you can find any blackmail games it'd be great.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Sep 7, 2020
Neato thanks! Do you have any other recommendations?