Seeking Games like "The Twist" (more details in post).


New Member
Sep 5, 2023

For additional details and information regarding my current perspective on adult games, I must acknowledge that I am relatively new to HGames and related topics. The only game I've played in the genre are Love & Sex Secondbase (steam version, dunno if it's lacking in content, only 10 hours logged a year ago), College Bound (first season - Steam) & Karryn's Prison (Steam version, - 2 hours playtime).

But Everything has changed when four days ago, I stumbled upon F95 & started playing The twist. I cannot put it down (the game) and I am addicted. What I like from this game:

  • 3D animations & characters with camera movements.
  • Addictive loop.
  • No major missable contents, at least from my current pov (I started a second playthrough after 60 days tho, and I take a look at the walkthrough from times to times just in case I could miss something).
  • Can unlock every things in one go (same as above, this is the impression I get after 170 days).
  • Great variety of events.

The above gives directions in my tastes and below is what I dislike:

  • X numbers of NG+ required to unlock & see everything. I get it, it can be a plus for some peoples, but for me, it's a turn off. I prefer having the possibilities to unlocks every scene, galleries, blah blah... in one go. <-- That is the biggest NO for me.
  • Contents hidden behind occult triggers & choices. (One could argue that The Twist is like this, but trigger events in this games are easy & player friendly IMO,. The reason for that is that the game doesn't continue to go on without you, the pace is up to you).
  • Having to follow a walkthrough to be able to discover everything a game as to offer because going in blind just makes it impossible for the player to achieve the above statements. Getting stucked on a puzzle on the other end is something walkthroughs are useful for. I would summarize this part of my dislikes as NO HAND-HOLDING PLZ.

Renpy games are generally suffering from (subjective ofc) the above. I would like to add that I am not hesitant about the prospect of playing a well-crafted Renpy's game, provided that it does not require multiple playthroughs following a walkthrough to unlock and savor everything. Unless the games really sucks me in and stick with me. But it generally does with light to medium text based games.

To summarize, what am I looking for:

  • Quality games which doesn't require X playthroughs. Games that let player unlocks & see everything in one go.
  • Straightforward/Linear games.
  • Casual or at least difficulty options to make it fair.
  • Predominance of variety in events & scenes.
Thanks for reading me.

Ps: I also started playing Treasure of Nadia but I'll come back to it after finishing the Twist o_O
Edit: I hope everything makes sense. It's already a pain for me to process my thoughts into speech but when I write it can be even more painful. And English is not my native language...
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Mr. Tux

Dec 2, 2019
Thats right bud thats the face I made after ToN drained the last drop of vigor off of me