As of 0.3 I'd rate this game for 5 stars. To be clear I'm much more lenient on a 0.3 release than a full 1.0 release. On a 0.3 I'm judging the game's foundation and potential and for that I think it deserves 5 stars.
So the game is crushing it with dialogue. I enjoyed listening to the wife, MC and daughters talk with each other. I found their interactions and cat-fighting great and believable a lot of times.
The plot itself is a little empty at the moment. Step daughter shows up one day and tells MC he is the father from a one-night stand. The MC takes the news about as well as one would expect and lets the step daughter stay with them, which the Wife disagrees with.
The Wife and the Step daughter's conflict is pretty much the driving story beat for 0.3 which does make it concerning since the current version of the game ends with the wife welcoming the step daughter to the family.
While this is nice and wholesome it pretty much leaves the story nowhere to go. Not helping things is that the Step Daughter doesn't really seem to have any other goal than hang out with her dad.
My recommendation to the creator if they read this is to have the story focus on the power dynamic between the MC, wife and Step-daughter. With all three of them fighting for dominance and who the "Head" of the Household is. Like I would rewrite a few early scenes to make it clear the Step Daughter is trying to seduce her father to ensure her place in the family is secured.
This could come from a place of insecurity and desperation to escape her current home life. Naturally the wife isn't taking these challenges well and starts trying to push back and exert her status as wife and then Head of the house. Alpha MC could be the MC pushing back against the both of them to achieve a level of balance in the house and regain control of this situation.
This plays nicely into the game mechanics.
So the game uses a simple Dom/Sub point system for the 4 main characters, the three I mentioned above and the other daughter. While there are other characters in the game, I think it was a smart move by the creator to narrow the focus just to the family. Trying to implement a good Dom/Sub system for everyone would be too complicated and way more work than a small team could be expected to do.
I also like how the game makes it clear that the player is more or less god. Like the player isn't playing the father so much as just controlling key choices the main characters make. Choices will either increase Dom/Sub or lower them.
I played a sub father and I was trying to make the Step Daughter the most dominant member in the household but wife just naturally grew in dominance unless I let the father become more of a switch.
This actually raises a good question that I think the game should make clear at the start. What determines a character taking the sub role in a scene? For example if the Wife and Father are having a scene together how does the game determine who is sub? Is it based on if the Father has a higher Dom score than the father's Sub score or is based on if the Father has a higher Dom score than the Wife's Dom score?
That little issue aside I think the game does a good job showing when points are being added and taken away. And scenes do a nice job of reacting when you're being alpha or sub.
So far sex scenes are pretty hot. Dirty talking is present but even playing as a Sub father I didn't notice any humiliation play (like making fun of him). The father gets tied up once and BDSM is implied but never shown in the 0.3 version.
So, the incest feels a little weird right now. The Step Daughter and Father haven't really shown any issue hitting on each other and touching each other. You can grope her breast and she lets you cum on her ass almost immediately. Granted she thinks they let things get too far but still, that's a pretty big jump.
I would have liked to see more of a slow buildup here. If you're playing a sub father the Step Daughter should be trying to seduce you, but if you're playing an Alpha father he should be trying to seduce the step daughter.
I was happy to see that there is a buildup with the other daughter, with them laying the foundation of her jealousy of her new sister. I do hope they continue to play with the forbidden taboo nature of this.
What's weird though is that towards the end of 0.3 the father makes a bet with the wife on who can seduce the Wife's sister and eat her pussy.........and the Wife is just okay with this? Like that's her sister, has she done that with her before? The incest taboo angle isn't brought up at all here, which is weird and a big off putting. One of the things that make the kink hot is that it is forbidden, like if people don't care that they're fucking their siblings the kink kind of loses its charm a bit.
Anyway I've talked long enough. Long story short I think the foundation is good but the game does show some concerning signs as well. Ultimately, while I'm willing to take a leap of faith now with the 5 stars, we will see if these concerns become more serious issues later.