Seeking Games similar to Future fragments, fighting/sidescroller . voice acting preferred and good CGs


Oct 30, 2018
As the title says, my wife and I really enjoyed future fragments electric level demo, we prefer voice acting at least for sex scenes, if its really 'rapey' as apposed to being 'fucked without consent but actually likes it'' (if you know what I mean) that would be a no as we both find 'hard rape' a complete turn off!

Good quality 'uncensored' CGs are preferred

Battlefuck I think its called or games where you get fuck scenes when you loose or even where you control the enemies in combat.
We also like trainers/slave trainers with good animation, we loved slave lords of the galaxy by pink tea games..

Recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Glad to hear you like our game so much :D

As far as games with those specific things, unfortunately in the west there's few games with voice acting, but that's quickly changing. Some of these games have partial voice acting though, and some only have voice acting for moans and sexual things. A few have no voice acting at all.

For the rest of the stuff you wanted though, I can recommend these games from the west;
  • (Not a sidescroller, it's more of a dungeon crawler, but still definitely high quality as are the others on these lists.)
And from the east, there's these games, although some of them might be a bit too hardcore;
  • (Not a typical action game, think Angry Birds + Monster Rancher + hentai; it's a weird mix but it works well!)
  • (Also not a typical sidescroller, this is a fighting game, and probably the most extreme one on this list by far.)
  • Samurai Sacrament (oddly enough, this one doesn't even have a F95 topic)
  • Iris Action (and neither does this one, how is that even possible? This one might be a bit too extreme too, btw.)
If there's any other recommendations though that people have in the "action" genre, let me know, I'd like to add them to my list!


Oct 30, 2018
This is fantastic thank you very much and really well done with future fragments. The writing and cg's I just take my hat off to you guys. I have the other levels downloaded (we became a patreon late last week) but we really want to just wait now until its all finished for the voice acting mainly, its so very refreshing not to have to read but still get a quality story to go with the game.

The cpu's personality is genius!

I did a big hunt after posting and found some of the games on your list, I will download the rest.

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
This is fantastic thank you very much and really well done with future fragments. The writing and cg's I just take my hat off to you guys. I have the other levels downloaded (we became a patreon late last week) but we really want to just wait now until its all finished for the voice acting mainly, its so very refreshing not to have to read but still get a quality story to go with the game.

The cpu's personality is genius!
Yeah, the voice actor for the Mainframe CPU really nailed it, I agree :p and thanks a lot for all the praise, glad you were able to find some of the games! Happy to help :)