Seeking Games where you can be raped if you lose battles, or have the other one be raped if you win, like Pokemon Ecchi Version?


Apr 16, 2020
So there are plenty of games where it's usually one of these things: Either you play a female protagonist who can get raped if you lose, or you play a male protagonist who gets to rape the female opponents. But what I'm looking for is where both things can happen, depending on how the fight goes. If you lose, you get raped. If you win, you can have your opponent be raped. Pokemon Ecchi Version does this aspect very well, I would say.


May 5, 2020
courruption of champions and other games by that developer are all text games (with character images) that fit that description, succubus affection is one of my favorite platform fighters recently and it has a rape if lose consesusal sex if won but its just animations so head cannon it all you want