Coceter Chronicles - Fantasy setting, well done world building, characters that have some depth to them, and a heroes journey. Also one of the most sexual games I've played. The best thing about this game is that Tabitha, the MC, is not just a dumb bimbo. She responds to your preferences. Does she like the taste of cum? That's up to you. Does she go along with the blackmail? Again, that's on you. This is my absolute favorite game, currently.
Project SAGE - This game leaves a little to be desired in the art deparment, mostly just because the MC is way too thin, but other than that it's kinda good so far. Like Coceter your MC isn't a dumb bimbo unless you make her one. What's more, if you do go down the more intelligent route, that doesn't preclude you getting sexual content, it just means that you're able to make her actually into it if she wants to.
I Love Daddy - Already got a mention, this game is pretty great story-wise. Before Coceter it was my absolute favorite, and I've played a few others that are better now, but this game is still definitely top 10 for me. This game doesn't have the freedom that the other two have, as the MC is more of a defined character, but she also isn't just a dumb bitch, so that's good. It's kinda the reverse of games like Dating My Daughter, at least for half the endings, the other half are more like a heist film with sex.
Jessica O'niel's Hard News - I haven't gotten far in this but it was suggested to me as a great game when I asked for games that do what Coceter and Project SAGE do. As a result, though it's mostly in my backlog, it's something I'm looking forward to playing through. So far, what I have played is great.
HIgh LIfe - I'm really looking forward to more of this game. So far we only have the first release but that was so promising that I really can't wait for more.
Seraphim Academy - Shameless Self Plug here, this game is just getting started, now that I've introduced the cast to you all the next release is going to introduce the larger thriller plot. In it you play as Eve, polyamorous girl who has just finally gotten out of her parents home and is experimenting with her sexuality. As the plot goes on however, people start disappearing and things get serious.