Seeking Games with female MC which is not a virgin

Feb 25, 2018
Hello fellows

As the title suggests I search for games with a female MC where the MC is not a virgin. Even better would be if she is already a slut.

I enjoyed Roundscape Adroveria, Noxian Nights and Violated Heroine a lot, they exactly hit the spot. Unfortunately I don`t like VNs and 3D, I guess this makes it difficult...

Well I would appreciate it if you could recommend me something.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
If you're only interested in 2D, I might suggest Kingdom of Deception. The MC isn't "technically" a slut from the beginning, but it is more because of her pride than because she isn't into sex. As time goes on though she's a bit more depraved. Regardless, you'll probably enjoy it. You might also like Good Girl Gone Bad. Again, not exactly a slut from the start, but it itsn't difficult to get her to start doing slutty things. Only problem is its pretty much a pure VN.

If you'll take a chance with 3D I suggest Coceter Chronicles and Chloe18.

Coceter Chronicles is my favorite adult game hands down, its got a little something for everyone, but most importantly, great characters, setting, story, and world building. Its main character, Tabitha, is exactly who you want her to be. Early in the game you're asked to find the cook's son, after he was sent on an errand he should have been back from by then. You find him, his back to you, in a dark corner of the cellar, "grunting". You're given an option to approach him, or stand back and watch. If you approach him, you catch him just as he's about to cum, startling him, and having him turn and cum all over you. If you stand back, he finishes before you ask if he's all right. In his embarrassment, either way, he runs away. You, discover, he was masturbating to a picture of an Alcurian, from the book of races (alcurians are a race of futanari angel things but if you're not into futa content that's fine, you can disable it) and you're given a choice to touch his cum. If you touch it you're given a choice to taste it. If you taste it you're given a choice to decide if you like it or not. And so on and so forth. The entire game is like this, giving you full choice over how Tabitha reacts to any given situation. It does, however, have stats, and if you make her too submissive, or don't train her fitness enough, or don't make enough slutty decisions there are some options that will be unavailable to you.

Chloe18 follows a girl desperate to become a cheerleader. In the first major scene of the game she loses her virginity on the beach to some random guy she just met. From then on its a game of exploiting just how slutty you can get her to behave. You have to train her fitness, sluttiness, charm, and intelligence, and later exhibitionism, but once you do she's down for just about anything. This game is an over the top fuck fest with farcical writing and whatnot, but I love it all the same.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2017
I usually recommend the Embric of Wulfhammer Castle - the MC is female and an "ethical slut". Technically the game has a very few adult art, but the whole plot, humor and so on are perfect
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Feb 25, 2018
@DarthSeduction Thanks for all of these recommendations, especially Kingdom of Deception looks great. It`s even from the same creators that did Noxian Night. Coceter Chronicels sounds very interesting, definitely gonna try that. I just hope I can get a boner from that, I really have trouble with 3D porn games.

@ddf Thanks buddy, it sounds good, such games are sometimes really hilarious.


New Member
May 8, 2017
You might enjoy Vitamin Quest, the whole point of the game is for the MC to have sex and get pregnant as much as possible, whether it's by propositioning NPCs, losing in battle, or tempting enemies to get them to screw her during combat.

Drop Factory is similar, the MC isn't really a slut but she doesn't exactly complain about getting screwed by anything and everything and she'll happily prostitute herself to NPCs.
Feb 25, 2018
@Waxfruit Both look nice, thanks a bunch mate!

Yeah the MC doesn`t really need to be a slut, it`s enough when she is not a virgin and so the whole corruption thing is not around, therefore Drop Factory is surely fitting. I like that both of them have pregnancy, there is not much around with it. Violated Heroine has still the best pregnancy IMHO.


Mar 4, 2018
rpgm battling game, 2D art: I am still playing & enjoying this one myself, but the main protagonist is a prostitute, and mother. Respectively, a historian who just happens to work as prostitute, to pay bills and all.
Main protagonist, because it changes several times who you are playing/ who is in the party - scripted, not by player choice.
Sex scenes are different from what I would consider "the usual". Not voiced, yet still sexy - some more, some less.
Battles are so that every now or then I actually lost. Overall I find it so good that I am going to look into developer's other games, too. (Sierra Lee)


rpgm battling game, with comedy, 2D art, where female heroine does start as a virgin, but she is such a wonderfully lazy spoiled brat, "gyaru", and then becomes slut very soon/ fast - still not fast enough so you could wear each and any more powerful & more slutty gear you'll find right away. :D

Battles are not really challenging, but I have not tried to do a "pure virgin" run. That lack of challenge did not matter too much, game was mostly about being fun/ comedy, & next sex scene, please.
I agree with the overall consensus in its reviews (6x 5 stars, 1x 4 stars)
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May 26, 2017
one day i'm gonna make money for my knowledge about porn, but you stayed that you don't like 3d (i'm gonna assume that you mean 3d drawn art, and not "real" porn)
gonna start with the big one: girl life:
insexsity; is a pretty good !Femaleprotag:
Elana Champion Of Lust; is a great 2d flash base game:
Fresh Start is a !Femaleprotag .html game:
Jane, The Office Slut a !Femaleprotag .html game, hasn't been updated in a long time :(
Life choices, a !Femaleprotag .html game, that still gets updates and shit :Dhttps://
not my body; a really well made 2d !Femaleprotag game:
Panthea; a funny flash based 2d game:
The wind's disciple; one of my fav. 2d !Femaleprotag:
@WaxfruitViolated Heroine has still the best pregnancy IMHO.
so true
Feb 25, 2018
@Göffel Nice catch man! Especially Desecration of Wings looks damn good.

@Raneth Well and I would pay you for that service since this is a lot of appealing stuff!
Girl life seems to have everything that you can ask for, nice.
And you are correct with your assumption, it`s only 3D drawn art that doesn`t get me fired up. I should have stated that more clearly, sorry about that.