games with gameplay? incest games welcomed as well


New Member
Nov 4, 2021
I was wondering if you guys can recommend any games with puzzles, task to progress or anything that has to do with you actually being engaged and not just waching a novel.
for example ive played hack n stalk, summer time saga and the twist.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
Not sure what kind of stuff you are into but here is something for ya. They play similar to how SummerTime Saga works.

The Pilgrimage: The Pilgrimage
You play as Tali'zorah (from Mass Effect) and she is stuck on a ship and has to fight off various monsters and collect/fix things around the ship to survive.
Lunars Chosen: Lunars Chosen
The MC has been given magical power and it trying to figure out how it works, with the help of a friendly witch.
WARNING! Has Trans characters in it. Your male MC, won't take any dicks you don't want them to but you can 'go for a ride' if you want.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
Summertime saga and man of the house
games by NLT too, rpgm games are good but many of them arent, karryns prison is also a good one