I like this style. Everything is simple and solid and the girls are nice and thicc. They're mostly very uncommonly well-endowed but it works really well with this style.
If anything I'd prefer slightly bolder/darker colors and more belly definition, but it's good enough regardless.
The annoying thing is that the music restarts every time you change views during sex scenes or in the gallery. I feel like whatever that is, there'd be an easy fix, but idk.
I thought for a while that the blue-haired loli would turn out to be a shota.
It's sluggish at first and there's level grinding that I think is pretty unnecessary given how short the game is, but once you've got your stats to a more tolerable level the game becomes a pretty fun and engaging arena shooter.
You can fondle the girls in combat to restore some of your health, but most of the sex happens after you beat them, and the controls are convenient and you can take as much time as you want to watch the show.
Another reviewer called this "bullet heck" and I think that's hilarious and a perfect description. It's bullet hell, but easier.
All the text is hilariously poorly translated, and that adds to the charm as this game clearly isn't taking itself very seriously at all.
It's a good little game that accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do, nothing more, nothing less. If any of this looks interesting, then go for it.