Not much playtime as of version 0.2, but GoE still manages to have me excited for the future of this game and I hope it gets the support it deserves.
Art, art style, and the character design are all fantastic, especially if you love bigger proportions like a true person of culture. I know a lot of people on this site tend to hate thicc women for some reason. Maybe Lily could be a little flatter to vary the proportions a little bit and it would fit her "younger sister nature."
There's not much story to critique but this game does seem like your standard incest game which I can still rock with. You just can't go wrong with incest game like cmon. I am getting hints of the story being a little rushed so I hope that can change. Character archetypes are pretty standard: Mom in denial, caring older sis, tsundere younger sis. Honestly, I don't mind this; I just hope that the overarching story of the game is intriguing and entertaining.
Not a fan of the Unity engine and the game only has like 5 save slots and that better change in the future.
Overall, if you like incest and voluptuous bodies, just don't ask any questions and download this game.