This game is the hentai equivalent of dumpster tier memes with nothing but fart.wav (no extra reverb) and bruh.mp3 being spammed everytime somebody moves. It's practically the gooner's schizophrenia simulator. There is SO much happening at any given time, yet it's all absolutely nothing in reality. There is so much trash being thrown at you to try and fool your brain into thinking SOMETHING is happening, but it's not. It's nothing. This game is nothing. It's just a bunch of randomly selected, sometimes edited, but always recycled art being thrown violently at you. Sometimes, it's not even that. More often than not, it's just nothing at all.
You can immediately unlock the CG room, and this is the prime example. I did not do this until after playing for 2 hours and realizing that my time had been utterly wasted. """"Animations""" are 2 frames of something being repeated back and forth, and typically, it's not even actual sex. It's just two bodies sliding - literally sliding- across one another. It's actually wild how many of the animations are just two bodies squelching together as if sex were happening, but just isn't. Other times, it is a very basic thrust being looped. They unironically dedicate more frames for kissing than sex.
Not only are 90% of the assets reused from their other..."games", but the sex scenes are no different. If a character has an arc of 7 sex scenes, it's actually 3 with mild changes inbetween each. That's it. That's the game. You see 1 scene with a character, then you've seen them all.
This game has a foundation that is truly solid as a basis for a quality game, but absolutely misses the mark. H content in fights is random and entirely unrelated to what's happening. Mid-fight transformations are about as rare as the actual porn itself, which is far too spaced out for how awkwardly large this game is to navigate. There is so much space, yet it's filled with nothing. There are enemies, but they provide no real content, so why have them? This whole game is so strange. It COULD have amazing battle fuck with great sex scenes, doesn't. The art is, at times, gorgeous. More often than not, it's above average, and that's great! Too bad you never get to see it outside of random battle cut ins.
This game is just such a wild mashup of everything wrong with the H game scene. It's just fake content that, according to the reviews, works to captivate people. It proves that if you pretend to have substance, you really can fake it till' you make it. Just reuse the exact same scene literally 7 times with incremental changes and BAM, that's good enough for your audience.
This game sucks. It's got so much content right there, yet uses almost none of it. So many gorgeous, hot, and alluring enemies, yet you get to bang precisely none of them. Sex scenes come in the form of giant purple stones you touch. Even characters BEGGING you to have sex with them just sell you things. Your own party begs to bone you, but you can do nothing with them. You can BEG a character to lewd you. They can't. They literally can't. But it's an option you can pick! Why?! Some side characters have more sex than the actual main character, but others have ONE sex CG reused without any change.
This doesn't respect you or your time. For that reason, it doesn't deserve your respect or time either.