General thoughts, advice and feedback on h/adult/eroge/fap game design


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
So, I've played a couple dozen of these games, many incomplete, some complete. I've played a few Japanese VN style games, some games with 2D style artwork and animation, and several with 3d art and animation. My play experience has been all over the map! So I thought I'd post my thoughts about that, as a player and as someone who's played all manner of games over the years.
1. Story--have a good story to tell and tell it well. Having a solid, well thought out plot, with good description, characterization and dialogue choices is essential to maximizing the player's investment and immersion in the game.
2. Characters--the characters, including the MC, should be appealing(attractive outside and inside), distinguishable from each other(try not to use the exact same face and body for everyone!), and have distinct personalities which are perhaps not too clichéd?
3. C3--content, content, content! Hours of gameplay is vastly preferable to minutes. If the game is in dev, and most of them are, at least try to provide regular content updates, particularly if you're getting money off of Patreon or elsewhere for it.
4. Make the game challenging but not too challenging. If it's too easy, it's hardly distinguishable from a million cheap fap games on porn sites. If it's too hard, a lot of players will just give up in frustration.
5. Make sure to finish the game, no matter what. Having a rep for making completed games will enhance your rep greatly among those who play them.
6. Don't frustrate your players too much--having to play difficult minigames for marginal rewards, offering dialogue/action choices which are hard to distinguish, and having a nemesis/NTR who appears to have overwhelming advantages are all potentially frustrating for players. As a general rule, the greater the difficulty I encounter, the greater reward I expect to receive for overcoming the difficulty.
7. Don't lecture your players on morality--you are the game designer, making an "adult" game which contains, typically, lots of stuff that would get the MC in prison, sent to foster care or institutionalized. The player, being over 18, is well aware that this stuff is not ok IRL(or at least I hope so!) A little light discussion of "this is so wrong/why am I doing this/I don't want to hurt them" is probably fine, but "you are a horrible perv and are going to h*ll" or variations thereof likely are going to rub a lot of players the wrong way. If you want the theme to be about moral choices, at least make that very clear at the outset.
8. Don't leave players hanging--if you haven't finished the content for a "quest", subplot or storyline, strongly consider leaving it out entirely until the content is finished. At least give some interim reward for partial progression.
9. Chekhov's Gun--Don't display to the players any "food"(attractive characters) they cannot eat(have intimate relations with). If you went to the trouble of designing the model, applying morphs, clothing, hair, posing, post-work in photoshop, naming the character and creating some reason for them to be there, you might as well go all the way and make them fuckable! This only applies to characters the MC would conceivably be attracted to.
10. Don't include features not yet implemented. I'm not sure what value it is to the player to click on something only to read "this feature will be available in a future version". You can put that in a log or notes somewhere. It takes the player out of the game, which as a game designer you do not want to do.
11. Who is the Main Character? What is their background? What is their current situation? Is there a compelling reason, for example, whey they appear to want to fuck every orifice on the game map? Do they have a hormonal imbalance, a genetic mutation, etc? What's their ethnicity? What's their culture? Do they have skills, knowledge, etc?
12. What or who are their goals? General sexual conquest? Losing their virginity? Conquering the world? Taboo-busting? Training an army of sex slaves? Getting a prom date? Taking mom and sis to the prom? If the MC has clear goals, so does the player.
13. What is your game engine? What is your art software? What play style do you want to emulate--RPG(fetch quests, level grinding), dating sim, visual novel, or some combination thereof?
14. Think about what themes and/or fetishes you want to delve into/explore in game. Consider whether these are only available with some characters, or with all of them.
15. This is largely a visual medium, and the physical design/look of the characters is very important--their figure, their skin, their face, facial expressions, poses, etc all create an allure. Skin texture, facial expressions and body language in particular can make a game succeed or fail.
16. Railroading the player--visual novels in particular have this problem. I don't know how many times I've clicked through 50 dialogue boxes before being given a branching choice which might have only a minor impact going forward.
17. Artwork--good is better than bad. What's "bad"? Plastic skin textures, bad figure models, 2d art that's inconsistent and verges on cartoonish(when it's not supposed to be), background scenery that's scant or incomplete. Etc. Bad art takes me out of the game as a player. Good art pulls me in.
18. Bugs--I know they exist. Try not to release a dev that has crippling or game-ending bugs in them. I don't want to save a game and then realize I just screwed myself because it's impossible for me to advance because of the bug.
19. No honey, no money--if you are getting money from patreon, or you want money, you need to provide actual game content and update it on a regular basis. The "payoff" for these game is sexual content, so be sure every major update--and the initial content--has sexual content. There should be some "honey" even in small time increments--say, every 5-20 minutes--with new content unlocked for every hour or two of gameplay.
20. Different models of gameplay--by this I mean two things. I appreciate games that let me choose different approaches to seduction/romance/corruption. I also appreciate games that experiment with different models of gameplay--character switching, "honest" seduction/courtship, getting to know a character rather than just trying to do things to manipulate them into fucking the MC. I recommend looking at other devs games and seeing how they do things.

That's it for now. I appreciate the hard work of all the people who make these games. Keep up the good work!


Sep 1, 2017
Well, first off, I want to say that this is a very excellent list. Something I wish more developers should pay attention to.

That said, I do have a few minor quibbles with a couple of items.

1. Story--have a good story to tell and tell it well. Having a solid, well thought out plot, with good description, characterization and dialogue choices is essential to maximizing the player's investment and immersion in the game.
I'd say that this depends on the type of game. Some types of games can get away with minimal story if there is plenty of good sexual content. Just think about how many "no-plot" pornos do well.

That said, a good story generally makes it even better.

7. Don't lecture your players on morality--you are the game designer, making an "adult" game which contains, typically, lots of stuff that would get the MC in prison, sent to foster care or institutionalized. The player, being over 18, is well aware that this stuff is not ok IRL(or at least I hope so!) A little light discussion of "this is so wrong/why am I doing this/I don't want to hurt them" is probably fine, but "you are a horrible perv and are going to h*ll" or variations thereof likely are going to rub a lot of players the wrong way. If you want the theme to be about moral choices, at least make that very clear at the outset.
This can, and I might argue in this day and age should, be done, but it has to be done very carefully and gently. You don't want to beat the player over the head with a moral, but putting them in someone else's shoes and letting them feel the reaction for themselves can be quite eye opening.

I remember an MMORPG I played in, and I had a female character. I usually tended to play alone, but I would sometimes get guys hitting on me. Also, one time I was talking with a girl and she called me "hun", and I realized how weirdly (though unintentionally) demeaning that felt, so I don't use that kind of language with other people.

If you need a good example of this, classic "Star Trek" often had good moral messages revealed through the actions of some alien race. This made it easier for people to see the problem from the outside. You can't see aliens acting silly and discriminating against each other based on whether they were white on the left and black on the right vs. black on the left and white on the right as anything but silly, and this helps you see how silly race discrimination is in general.

So, I'd say, do it if you can do it right and it fits your story, but do it wrong and you're more likely to cause a , making people to dig in deeper into their prejudices.

9. Chekhov's Gun--Don't display to the players any "food"(attractive characters) they cannot eat(have intimate relations with). If you went to the trouble of designing the model, applying morphs, clothing, hair, posing, post-work in photoshop, naming the character and creating some reason for them to be there, you might as well go all the way and make them fuckable! This only applies to characters the MC would conceivably be attracted to.
For the most part I agree, however this can limit your ability to write somewhat. I'd say try to do this if at all possible, but if you can't, try to make it clear that they're unobtainable.

14. Think about what themes and/or fetishes you want to delve into/explore in game. Consider whether these are only available with some characters, or with all of them.
Also, consider having settings that let you turn on/off certain kinds of content. Not just kinks and fetishes either. I play a lot of Twine games, and I sometimes even see people request the ability to play with the images turned off because they prefer to use their own imagination instead.

Finally, let me add:

21. Plan your endings out from the beginning--Too many times I see people develop games with no particular ending in mind. They then either write themselves into a corner and don't know where to go, or they spread way out and have too many ways to go. Either way they usually end up quitting because they don't know how to get to the finish line because they never decided what that finish line should look like in the first place. Those who don't quit end up having to rewrite or delete older passages that no longer fit the endings they eventually decided upon, which often angers long time players who liked those scenes. It's far better to get it right the first time.

Like I said though, good list. I hope more devs read this. I'm keeping a copy of it to refer to while I'm working on my own game.
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Feb 19, 2020
So, I've played a couple dozen of these games, many incomplete, some complete. I've played a few Japanese VN style games, some games with 2D style artwork and animation, and several with 3d art and animation. My play experience has been all over the map! So I thought I'd post my thoughts about that, as a player and as someone who's played all manner of games over the years.
1. Story--have a good story to tell and tell it well. Having a solid, well thought out plot, with good description, characterization and dialogue choices is essential to maximizing the player's investment and immersion in the game.
2. Characters--the characters, including the MC, should be appealing(attractive outside and inside), distinguishable from each other(try not to use the exact same face and body for everyone!), and have distinct personalities which are perhaps not too clichéd?
3. C3--content, content, content! Hours of gameplay is vastly preferable to minutes. If the game is in dev, and most of them are, at least try to provide regular content updates, particularly if you're getting money off of Patreon or elsewhere for it.
4. Make the game challenging but not too challenging. If it's too easy, it's hardly distinguishable from a million cheap fap games on porn sites. If it's too hard, a lot of players will just give up in frustration.
5. Make sure to finish the game, no matter what. Having a rep for making completed games will enhance your rep greatly among those who play them.
6. Don't frustrate your players too much--having to play difficult minigames for marginal rewards, offering dialogue/action choices which are hard to distinguish, and having a nemesis/NTR who appears to have overwhelming advantages are all potentially frustrating for players. As a general rule, the greater the difficulty I encounter, the greater reward I expect to receive for overcoming the difficulty.
7. Don't lecture your players on morality--you are the game designer, making an "adult" game which contains, typically, lots of stuff that would get the MC in prison, sent to foster care or institutionalized. The player, being over 18, is well aware that this stuff is not ok IRL(or at least I hope so!) A little light discussion of "this is so wrong/why am I doing this/I don't want to hurt them" is probably fine, but "you are a horrible perv and are going to h*ll" or variations thereof likely are going to rub a lot of players the wrong way. If you want the theme to be about moral choices, at least make that very clear at the outset.
8. Don't leave players hanging--if you haven't finished the content for a "quest", subplot or storyline, strongly consider leaving it out entirely until the content is finished. At least give some interim reward for partial progression.
9. Chekhov's Gun--Don't display to the players any "food"(attractive characters) they cannot eat(have intimate relations with). If you went to the trouble of designing the model, applying morphs, clothing, hair, posing, post-work in photoshop, naming the character and creating some reason for them to be there, you might as well go all the way and make them fuckable! This only applies to characters the MC would conceivably be attracted to.
10. Don't include features not yet implemented. I'm not sure what value it is to the player to click on something only to read "this feature will be available in a future version". You can put that in a log or notes somewhere. It takes the player out of the game, which as a game designer you do not want to do.
11. Who is the Main Character? What is their background? What is their current situation? Is there a compelling reason, for example, whey they appear to want to fuck every orifice on the game map? Do they have a hormonal imbalance, a genetic mutation, etc? What's their ethnicity? What's their culture? Do they have skills, knowledge, etc?
12. What or who are their goals? General sexual conquest? Losing their virginity? Conquering the world? Taboo-busting? Training an army of sex slaves? Getting a prom date? Taking mom and sis to the prom? If the MC has clear goals, so does the player.
13. What is your game engine? What is your art software? What play style do you want to emulate--RPG(fetch quests, level grinding), dating sim, visual novel, or some combination thereof?
14. Think about what themes and/or fetishes you want to delve into/explore in game. Consider whether these are only available with some characters, or with all of them.
15. This is largely a visual medium, and the physical design/look of the characters is very important--their figure, their skin, their face, facial expressions, poses, etc all create an allure. Skin texture, facial expressions and body language in particular can make a game succeed or fail.
16. Railroading the player--visual novels in particular have this problem. I don't know how many times I've clicked through 50 dialogue boxes before being given a branching choice which might have only a minor impact going forward.
17. Artwork--good is better than bad. What's "bad"? Plastic skin textures, bad figure models, 2d art that's inconsistent and verges on cartoonish(when it's not supposed to be), background scenery that's scant or incomplete. Etc. Bad art takes me out of the game as a player. Good art pulls me in.
18. Bugs--I know they exist. Try not to release a dev that has crippling or game-ending bugs in them. I don't want to save a game and then realize I just screwed myself because it's impossible for me to advance because of the bug.
19. No honey, no money--if you are getting money from patreon, or you want money, you need to provide actual game content and update it on a regular basis. The "payoff" for these game is sexual content, so be sure every major update--and the initial content--has sexual content. There should be some "honey" even in small time increments--say, every 5-20 minutes--with new content unlocked for every hour or two of gameplay.
20. Different models of gameplay--by this I mean two things. I appreciate games that let me choose different approaches to seduction/romance/corruption. I also appreciate games that experiment with different models of gameplay--character switching, "honest" seduction/courtship, getting to know a character rather than just trying to do things to manipulate them into fucking the MC. I recommend looking at other devs games and seeing how they do things.

That's it for now. I appreciate the hard work of all the people who make these games. Keep up the good work!
hats off to your 7th
plus add the spell and grammar errors


May 5, 2018
They have the value of saying "git gud". Have a good story, appealing characters, lots of content and " challenging but not too challenging" gameplay. Really? I am not saying that every game has them, but if they don't, it is not because the devs thought these are not necessary.
Makes sense, though I think most people agree with this and know about the issues with them (I know, devs still put in grind, but not because they think it is so good, rather to pace the game - you cannot have just H scene after H scene)
You kinda defeat your point with the "at least I hope so". Devs like to be clear about these things, especially when the content is edgy. I haven't met such extreme morality lectures in games, unless the MC was a serial rapist or something. (Any examples?)
With not leaving stories open I agree, but I would say there are other circumstances to consider. Like, if you promised monthly updates and this story is a bit longer and you cannot finish it on time. I would say, maybe do a poll with your followers what would they prefer. (And no, "just make shorter stories" is not something desirable. Deadlines shouldn't have to be factored into writing the story.)
Chekhov's gun is actually a good point, but this would be a much longer discussion. For example, the element could be a red herring. Also, not all games are harem games. Just because there is an attractive character that shouldn't automatically mean that the MC has to be able to fuck them.
Yeah, including half finished features is kinda a rookie "mistake" for being lazy and just release wherever you are at the point of developing it, but I think it is also often intentional to tease the players and build hype for the future.
I am not sure what's your point, but these seem like the follow up questions and remarks to the first 5 points.
Sooooo, you don't like that visual novels have a lot of dialogue before choices? I hate to brake it to you, but that is basically their thing.
Do I even have to say it? It is another - and quite literal - "git gud".
"Bugs--I know they exist. Try not to release a dev that has crippling or game-ending bugs in them. I don't want to save a game and then realize I just screwed myself because it's impossible for me to advance because of the bug." No comment.
I just quoted the whole point because I think it doesn't need any explanation.
I agree with the main idea, but it is more complicated than that. I have recently explained my opinion regarding patreon. Essentially it comes down to fulfilling what you promised. There is no minimal X minute of gameplay every Y week with at least Z erotic scenes. If your game is a slowburn, that is fine, you just have to be clear about it.
I agree that more option is always better, but these games are usually made on a very small scale where a branching story can already prove to be too difficult, so this is definitely just a "good-to-have" and not a "must-have". I mean, even AAA games struggle to fully develop games offering multiple approaches. You always see one that is better than the other (e.g. stealth vs assault)

In an ideal world all these points are followed, but it is not realistic. For the most part they are not followed not because of the lack of awareness but because of the lack of skills and resources. In other words, devs know they should, they just can't.
Sep 4, 2020
"Plan your endings out from the beginning"

I'm essentially writing backwards. I know what endings I want and work out how to get to each one. Writing forward seems to lead to a lot of rewriting.
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