Unity - Abandoned - Getter Graffiti [v0.3] [CountMoxi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    As a game jam entry, I didn't expect much, so I didn't come in with high expectations. It's basically an endless runner you cannot lose, as all enemy encounters end up with a sex scene before they let you go, making the "health" meter basically just a countdown before the end of the scene. The pixel art is pretty cute, and I'd like to see a fully-fledged porn game with that artstyle, but as for this game, it's severely short in content as again, it is from a game jam. I like the ideas there, the developer should hand on to them to develop them further into a future game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    To preface this review, this game was created as part of a "Lewd Game Jam" back in 2017. For those not familiar, a "game jam" is similar to a "hackathon", where a teams of people get in a room and try to make games in a short span of time (usually 2-3 days of very little sleep and lots of caffeine). As such, the game's "Abandoned" tag is somewhat inaccurate - this game is not feature-complete, but this is its "final form".

    As a piece from a game jam, this is really impressive. The level of polish, catchy music and flashy graphics rival and outdo games that have been sucking up Patreon funds for months (or years :cry: ). Ultimately though, where this game falls short is lack of content. There is one (procedurally generated) map, four kinds of enemies, and various spots to spray graffiti as you zoom past. The graffiti spraying seems somewhat broken (I accomplished it by jumping while spamming the spacebar but it seemed inconsistent in terms of responsiveness). What really killed the replay value of this game for me though was that even when you get captured and fail to escape, you just get right back up in the same spot you fell. This, combined with a lack of a scoring system, gave the game little replay value after being defeated by each of the four enemies and seeing the different graffiti sprays (which takes no longer than ten minutes).

    I also spent some time messing around with the control settings that appear when you launch the game only to discover they don't change anything.

    I don't want to deny what's good here though. The soundtrack plays a great homage to Jet Set Radio, and the main character is very well-animated (including a unique H animation for each enemy). The environment is also colorful and reasonably varied, with some nice intractable surfaces that add grind sparks or similar effects. As something to play for five minutes, this is an absolute blast, but don't expect anything more (now or ever).