VN - Ren'Py - Getting Intimate [Ch.2 Part A] [MangoWorks]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably more in the 4 star range so far, but its well polished.

    The first chapter introduces all but one of the main LI, for the most part the characters are well written and have distinct voices. The Beth and Erica characters are practically identical outside of model differences though. Could use more dialogue in general.

    I hope the developer does not add more characters.. there are already 7 or 8 LI introduced in the first chapter which is a tall order to build paths for.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2139687

    wow.... fantastic writing/every character is wonderful. Left wanting more and more, actually read each line instead of scanning through like most VN's. Renders are high quality...only one chapter in...if I had to choose one dev to support and want to see through the end, it'd be these guys.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game, the only real gripe I have with the game is the variance in how dialogue is delivered, and I think it's because the first language of the dev is not English, if that is not the case I am sorry. The message and meaning of the words are delivered, but the way they say it is, roundabout would be the best way to describe it. They don't talk like how people would actually talk to each other.

    Obviously English is a weird weird language and very difficult to learn, so the dev is doing a great job of delivering a good story, good characters, and great models, I just think if the dialogue can be touched up it can be a true five-star game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    I'm giving this 4 stars, but with a lot of caveats. I think this only deserves 3-stars as it is, but since it's still too early, I think we can cut the dev some lack. That said, here's my review:

    Great renders and nothing too offensive to put you off, but it doesn't have a lot going for it. There is a plot, which I honestly think could be great, but it has barely advanced, it mostly focuses on slice of life things, which is completely fine, but there has to be some hook and the characters aren't it.

    First, the MC has a strong backstory and it kind of shows, so props for that, but for some strange reason, he seems to stutter at every corner and sometimes he's just straight up confident. I'd suggest just sticking with the confident MC since it fits his backstory of being a reliable dude that's been there for those who need him.

    We haven't seen much of the LIs, so it's too early to judge but they're too bland so far, except for Beth, however, the whole scenario with Beth was just straight up incomprehensible. It just doesn't make sense and I honestly didn't want to continue putting up with that scenario so I simply rejected her at first. I went back and played her scene before I made this review and unfortunately, it didn't get better.

    It's fine to not reveal everything at the start, but you gotta give the player some reason to say "yes, I wanna see what's up with this girl" other than literally just for the sake of watching the scene.

    The scene with Beth could've been a lot more interesting if we had more choices, like, I would've liked the chance to just straight up leave and force Beth to stop being such a weirdo. The dialogue could've been longer, too, we could've been given the option to ask her questions as well and not have it feel like Beth is interrogating us.

    That said, the whole cast has potential to interact in meaningful ways and spice things up, in my opinion and the main plot is interesting. I think what would help this the most is more conflict and more choices. I always appreciate the ability to decide what the hell the MC will do or how he will react.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a solid VN. Pulls off the everyday lifestyle setting well with a good plot.

    1) Great renders. The girls aren't DAZ copy paste characters, which is beyond refreshing.
    2) Great writing. The plot has a believable story and is interesting at the same time.
    3) Most of the girls have personalities and depth to them.
    4) MC isn't a fresh 18yo creep.

    1) Some of the girl's storylines are too predictable. But let's see how the plot develops.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm usually very critical in my approach to the games and kinetic novels that appear here.
    It's really nice to find an exception to the rule.
    But I'll make a disclaimer right away - I have difficulty with definitions. It's not really a game and it's not really a kinetic novel.
    The plot (with all the disclaimers in relation to porn) is a 10 out of 10.
    Graphics - 10 out of 10.
    Character development - 8 out of 10.
    And it should be said at once - fans of porn and only porn will be disappointed.
    But a normal mature person will find this story interesting. After all, both erotica and porn - these are variants of urban fantasy, in the world of which is so nice to dive into at the end of a hard day's work, to distract from problems and worries. Nota Bene: I don't mean to say that the world of the game has a place for the supernatural, no, it's our everyday world.
    And in conclusion I would like to wish the developers success in their work on this project. Good luck in all your creative endeavors!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Too early to judge this game but from what I've seen so far looks promising.
    So far the story is interesting enough that I cant wait for the next updates cause i'm sucker for reunions especially when they are childhood friends. I just hope dont have to wait to long for it.

    Most games I don't care about the sex sounds during lewd scenes, but the sounds in this game does make it better and more immersive. Will have to see if I still feel about this when it's not just a HJ, BJ , tit fuck.

    For 1 chapter there is a good amount of content and playtime. It took me alot longer than I thought to finish it.

    Also there is a nice arrange of girls with different kinds of personalities. Even the ones I kind of hate I like at the same time because the way they are portrayed makes me think there is more to them that what meets the eye.

    All in all a very good start and I look forward to more updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    There is no doubt that my first impression of this game was a pleasant surprise, both the models, the story, the dialog, the rendering, it feels very good, it's a good start, however, I've met too many very good games before that ended up being abandoned, so being able to stick with the updates is the most important thing!

    I hope this game will be a success, I really hate it when I fall in love with a game and am determined to sponsor and support it, only to have the game abandoned, it's a really bad feeling!:confused:
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Got the potential to be a top game. Great visuals and nice story even though you kinda seen this kind of story in other games. Game started as normal a little bit dull it got interesting later. Game's pace changed with the introduction of Satoshi and his sister Sayuri that encounter was funny. Models are well polished loved the renders it's top notch. Sayuri is the best girl so far followed by Valerie. Waiting for Lilliana's entry. If you like playing nice story game with good visuals try this one.

    Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked the game very well, great rendering, good animations, good environment, good story, fun girls, the game's 3D is great, looking forward to the next updates :giggle:

    Good luck to the developer with his project
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally new gem appeared on F95 which is worth your time. Great MC both with looks and characters. Rare too see both this qualities in games lately.. Even with just chapter one lots going on. Pacing and Storytelling is well done. Everything feels just right. Hope it will have more then just MC lazing around, some personal goal except finding his childhood friend. LIs are interesting to say a least. Each with their personalities and story, cannot say much more because there is not enough content yet... One minor downside of game would be not having many OSTs.

    Wish dev good luck
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Ch.1 Upd.1&2

    Getting intimate is a very slice-of-life romance style game. Being a bit blunt, the overview makes this sound very generic. Truthfully it kind of is. It's a setup you've likely seen a hundred times before with other AVNs (I sure have), but when it works it works. The writing is usually what really makes or breaks games like this for me, and fortunately, it's working enough to where I can say I enjoyed it overall.

    The game, as stated by the devs, really wants to capture that feeling of love and intimacy. I think that gives you a good idea of what this is and will try to do. While it has yet delve into that aspect given its slower pace (mostly, more on that later), the writing feels competent enough that I think it has the potential to do so. Though a little tropey, most of the characters at least have some aspect drawing me into them. The spoiled rich girl subverted my expectations a bit, Daphne feels refreshingly realistic in ways, and even the bro character (who's name escapes me) grew on me a lot despite not liking him at first.

    The overall atmosphere feels pretty chill more than anything. Again, very slice-of-life with most of the events. An art gallery section, getting coffee, visiting the library, gaming sessions, you get the idea. The MC is thankfully a normal guy who isn't constantly perving out and dumb as rocks, so playing as him going through all these events has been fun. There hasn't been much drama or "spice" yet, and truth be told I have no idea how that might change. I do kind of feel like the MC lacks a proper goal or motivation, but that I would expect to come later.

    There is one blemish in this whole thing though: Erika. She feels like a character who has been created purely for sex scenes. Both times I said yes to her scenes to see what would happen, and both times I went back and denied her. There's nothing really going on with her besides her wanting to sleep with you, a complete stranger more or less, at the drop of a hat. Especially considering this wants to be a slower romance building game, it just feels out of place. Jarringly so. My theory was that it was done to appease people wanting quick sex, and I think that was a very bad move if so. I could very well be proved wrong and her character may end up being more, but the game didn't do a good job of displaying that if so. Currently she's the only character I plan on ignoring if that doesn't change.

    There are some rough edges as well. Ambient noises are desperately needed, it could use more music, the transitions could be better, some of the dialogue is a bit stiff, and I think some of the events could have played out more before moving away from them.

    I don't think this is an AVN everyone will enjoy, and if you thought it was too mundane I would get it. But I think it will be a nice enough experience for people who like these kinds of romance games. There are certainly improvements that can be made, but this was a pleasant first chapter.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    its a renpy 3d vn game played extremely straight with a super basic story and character writing, but the renders are nice, the animations are nice, and the character designs are nice.
    the character proportions in particular are in this middle ground between human being and hips the size of several trucks, which is interesting. definitely worth a try if you broadly like the genre
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The animation and renders are exceptionally well-executed, showcasing a high level of cleanliness. I particularly appreciate the character designs, finding the girls to be stunning, and the main character (MC) is portrayed as quite attractive—I also enjoy his design. The writing is of good quality, with a compelling hook that has captured my interest. I eagerly anticipate discovering the direction the story takes in future updates. Cheers!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I really liked the start to this game. It has lots of potential. Firstly, the renders are fantastic. All the girls have different fashion and figures that keep you visually entertained. I especially love the Mom, the Asian, and the redhead.

    Writing is good and most of the dialogue is charming. The only thing that was off was the setup for many of the characters that are introduced. Its just very random and very out of place. Like if one day you were walking around the city and kept meeting 10/10 girls over and over again and also got there numbers. Its very random lol.

    I quite enjoyed the sex scenes. The main character is also quite hot and as a bi man its awesome. Definitely interested in seeing how this game updates.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Three stars (would be two stars, but +1 for render quality)

    Summary: Generic and average. I probably won’t come back for Chapter 2

    Writing of plot: Slow soap opera. Some good scenes, some unbelievable scenes, some utterly mundane.

    Writing of dialog: Lots of stilted, unnatural speech (eg, lines like “Can I ask how did you meet her?”). It really needs a native speaker to edit it. Also, half the dialog was completely predictable and could have been skipped or implied. I ended up skipping in some scenes, which is a bad sign.

    Writing of characters: The lust interests have distinct personalities, but fall into predicable tropes (the shy one, the nympho, the bad girl, etc). We can hope for character development, but I’m not holding my breath. MC is bland: inoffensive but uninteresting.

    Grammar/Typos: Grammar is all correct, but language is awkward

    Still images: Render quality is high. Characters all have distinctive faces and looks. Sadly the women all have similar bodies (the only variety being that some boobs are big and others are bigger). The MC is pretty hunky and well-modeled. Backgrounds are often stock, but well used. Good variety of framing and focus.

    Animation: Some animation, but not as much, or as good, as you would expect given the still image quality.

    Sound/Music: No music, some sound effects
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a game with potential. Even though the setup is quite bland. MC is going back to the city he used to live in when he was a young boy. Parents are both gone and he moves in with his Mom's friend, who has a daughter that he used to play videogames with when they were children. He meets a few different people on his first day out (A lot of beautiful women!) the problem is even though the women are gorgeous there's no real distinct characters or story. The Brother & Sister duo is a fun scene. Other than that it's a bit average for the dialogue between MC & the people he meets. It's not bad it's just ok. The good thing about it is, you don't need much to expand the characters personalities. Stella should be the ultimate bitch, even if MC somehow hooks up with her. Keep her bitchy even then. Sayuri could be the cute sweet girl but with a quick temper, which can bring in more comedy when it happens at innapropriate times. Erika is obviously the slut but maybe give her an ulterior motive in the future for why she's being that way? MC is bland & that's fine but only if the other characters around him can be distinctive and memorable. Satori looks to be the comedy relief and new best friend. Which is done very well! Shame the other characters weren't treated with as much care.

    Game does need some sort of narrative to have a purpose. Have MC need to achieve or fix something, maybe have the friends join him in some sort of mystery. If you don't have a purpose in the game or have an end goal the game won't be as popular. It's still worth a play and has enough so far to keep your interest. But you can see it could be great if Dev can work on the story & dialogue. There is a couple of lewd scenes & it's only new (Chapter 1) so that's more than I expected. Renders are fantastic with great backgrounds and detail. The ratio of images to dialogue is really good. Models are great. Want to give this 4 stars but will only do 3 right now. As I can see its still very early in development & can be better with the right changes
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very clean and well done animation and renders, really enjoy the character designs, the girls are all gorgeous! The MC is a hunk, really enjoy his design too.
    Writing is good, It has a nice hook. I'm very excited to see where this goes in future updates. Cheers!
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Benign Sin

    First, the art is absolutely gorgeous. Not the same old character models, several spectacular beauties to choose from. I can't wait for more chapters. The story is interesting enough but the english script needs to be re-worked and the animations are (hopefully) just placeholders for something better down the road. All in all, Chapter 1 is a big thumbs up.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good story. Interesting and compelling. You can get into the characters pretty good. English is not the strong point of the Dev. But to be honest even then it's not terribly noticeable or game breaking. All in all well worth my time spent playing it. Not much sex scenes but then it is very early still. What is there does not come across as just jump right into it either. There are certain characters that you can have some light fun encounters with. Don't want to ruin the surprises for anyone else.

    I look forward to future updates for this one to see where the story is going to take me. I highly recommend this one is given a try.