VN - Ren'Py - Getting Intimate [Ch.2 Part A] [MangoWorks]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Ignore the people giving this fours and fives. This game is the definition of average. Be prepared for long stretches of generic soap-opera level dialogue, without any of the drama that somewhat justifies those shows existence. Our protagonist, Generic Young Man, had a mother who caught Generic Terminal Illness and died. Generic Young Man goes to live with his... aunt? A family friend? The relationship seems unclear. Or maybe I nodded off during that part of the dialogue. What matters is that she has big tits and feels guilty for not visiting Generic Dying Mother in the hospital.

    Generic Young Man talks about how sad he feels. He takes a book to the library. He buys unspecified gifts from a clothing store to give to aunt/family friend. He meets a few young women and behaves towards them in a manner that could be best described as "present". Generic Young Man has almost no personality beyond being kinda sad that his mother died. I don't know what he wants or what he is trying to achieve. He doesn't seem to have a goal or be working towards anything, which makes it impossible to get behind his actions. He's just kinda... there. Getting hit on by girls because he's blandly handsome, I guess. Maybe this city experiences an unusually high rate of small cooking fires so all its women are naturally attracted to wet blankets.

    Don't get me wrong - this game isn't badly written. It just isn't well written either. The story being told is dull and there isn't enough character or drama to justify paying attention to it. I stuck with it for longer than most will, I imagine, before skipping through to the spank content, which takes far too long to arrive. And much like the story, it's just kinda there. Not terrible, and the models are good, but there's nothing particularly sexy or erotic or creative about it either.

    I do want to mention the positives though because I can see where the dev has put in effort. A few scenes where MC and another character are having a conversation in the city, the dev has actually rendered the images so that the characters appear to be walking down the street with cars and pedestrians in the background also going their own way. It would have been easier to just have them standing still or use the same static backdrop but instead the dev put in the effort and it makes the city feel more real. But that effort unfortunately is in service of a bland MC and uninteresting writing.

    I'll make a suggestion to this dev and to anyone else thinking about making a game. You need to establish a clear goal for your MC and you need to do it soon into your story. Otherwise your audience has nothing to root for and they will get bored and switch off. It's hard to get behind a character who just goes around doing mundane stuff with no overarching purpose. We need to know what that character wants and their plan for how they hope to get it. Then over the course of the story we see them try, fail, and try again. They discard their initial plan and create a new one, encounter obstacles, undergo setbacks, but ultimately either achieve their goal or realise what they really wanted was something else all along. This is story writing 101 for getting an audience invested in your main character.* If the audience knows what the MC wants to achieve we can get behind their struggle. But if you don't establish that early on then your audience will stop caring very quickly.

    (*because I know someone will cry but not all stories are like that - yeah, you're right. Really really talented writers can defy conventional storytelling. But those people are all writing literary-fiction, not spank games. And though their novels get all the awards, they don't sell a fraction of what competently written genre-fiction does. If you can tell a basic story well then you'll be immediately ahead of 99% of games on this site)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty solid so far. It seems like this can be added to the huge pile of standard pure harem games. MC will probably just sleep with every woman that shows up lol so don't expect anything genre defining or amazing. However, if you like that then you will definitely like this. Render quality is great. Story is decent. Overall solid and would recommend.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Impressive for sure, very nice models, story seems interesting enough, nothing earth shattering but interesting enough. Not just some simple quick fix lewd material, there is compelling though and characters in this which is exactly what I like these games to have.

    Still has some work in some areas but the dev is up front about that, this is definitely one to look out for :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Why this is 5 star-
    Great renders
    Easy to read and catchy story which doesn't seem stressed
    Not a typical porn game which lack logic(ok it doesn't have some logic, cause some girls are throwing themselves at you)
    Proper Introduction(Introduced every character with their back story, started off with a theme, and ended on a cliffhanger related to the same theme)
    Great, well planned and well executed game
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Bro In The Game

    Well it's just the first update but I find it very promising

    Content, Milf and LI look very beautiful =))

    The content is short but seems quite interesting, I will wait for more reviews and content from NV