Others - Completed - Ghost Hunter Vena [v1.10a] [Vosmug]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Made by the same person that made xenotake, and I have to say this is definitely a massive improvement. The control scheme is similarly horrible, but you can customize it this time and that solves it. The h-attacks are great in my opinion, though you have to finish the pretty long story to get them. The attack system is fun but difficult at times, though I thought it was great. The dialogue is interesting if you care, but there is definitely a lot of it.

    Unfortunately the only bad thing about the game is the traversal. The game consists of more just walking around then much else, and the map is quite large and sometimes confusing. I understand thats kind of the point in the given scenario but it feels similar to those witch halloween games where the slow walking is a certain snooze. A lot of people probably just wont like it because of the slow feeling walking, and i hope in the next iteration Vosmug finds a way to make traversal more fun.

    Other than that the game is really fun and both the story and the cg are great in my opinion. If you can handle the walking, its worth it!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game that can take you 4 hours to finish if you are playing for the first time. Here are things I liked and disliked about this game:

    Things I liked about this game
    • The story and characters are really good.
    • The sex scenes are pretty good.
    • The monster designs are visually interesting.

    Things I didn't like about this game.
    • Gameplay is tedious but manageable if you know the enemies reactions.
    • The final boss kind of sucked. If he hits you, he will one-shot you.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Vosmug may do releases once every 6 years or something, but his releases are high quality.

    2D platformer fighting, kinda gimmicky but it works, defeat H-scenes, story H-scenes, a distinct style,

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I started playing random as I was searching for a platformed and ended playing for the plot. It's nothing out of the world but it's interesting enough. Animations are good and the combat system is very fun. It's not a hard game, specially having in mind you can't be killed. I would like to play more games like this.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It was absolutely incredible. I love porn games which contain, you know, actual gameplay.
    The story is cool, the characters are too, and the gameplay is really satisfying: at the beggining you have no idea what you're doing and keep getting fucked by every single enemy, but by the end game you're walking through hordes of ennemies without problem.
    5/5, can't wait for Vosmug's next game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The art was quite simple to me but is also very smooth animation. I played games made by author before and was astonished how this ended up so well. Would support in the future if another game is in development. Those weren't familiar with art style plz give it a try, thx.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome story and dialogue. Awesome scenes. obviously and as usual, amazing animations and quality of animations (frames per second, smoothness, transitions, style) is the best in the world for hgames. Very much appreciate the patches/updates for bugfixes and updates since release. love the various enemies. the sound design is SO good and the play-style/game-mechanics combined with the sound really makes it a creepy, exciting, suspenseful experience, especially with headphones on.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this one. Fun little story that doesn't overtake the gameplay and gives enough scenes to not get boring. Very good animations; to the point that I could look past the mosaic censor, which is usually an immediate no from me. Gameplay is nothing exceptional, but still good. Really liked the fact that defeat doesn't set you back hours and hours, so you can enjoy the scenes without worrying about lost progress. Overall, this game was exactly my cup of tea, I have no complaints.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game, gameplay movement a little slow but entertaining enough.
    Kinda reminds me of xenotake, but unfortunately it's the kind of game that has no replaying interest, maybe just for collecting all the pages, "five stars, would play again"
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best side-scroller game I've have ever got the chance to play so far , hands down , the game is long , not your 5 minute widdle-waddle games you see these days , I'm talking hours longs with puzzles included and all , the naughty scenes feel like you earned them and obviously the the corruption of the characters along the way , also character variety . So far lovely game 20/10
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It has become one of my favs! Hard to not compare it to Alien quest eve since both are erotic spooky metroidvanias, even tho it's not visually as polished and the combat is lacking, I certainly enjoyed more the erotic content and the plot.
  12. 2.00 star(s)



    I guess it's called test2 for a reason...

    The upgrade system is a grind based mechanic put in there to justify giving all enemies more health and even when going for purely damage it makes combat slow and very annoying.

    Some enemies just feel completely unfair- (like red half-torso) take all the ground space and can both hit from their invincibility or charge around at fast speed. Not to mention 1 ability worked exactly once (Z + DOWN )
    Passive recharge is ass, which could be a mechanic if it had any point, just like clothing draining energy without giving QTE grab-break while naked.

    Had to wander around, get beaten what felt completely unfairly, had to retrace an entire floor and that was enough.

    TLDR; awful level system with enemies becoming much stronger; labyrinth like map with sometimes very far from action respawn points; unfair enemies and enemy spam

    Would be a great game if it wasn't made so damn annoying!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm honestly stunned by this game. The setting and tone are something that even some of the big devs couldn't replicate. The music is by far the best part of this game for me, it's really creepy and uses some samples that I've never heard used before! I might even play it at a Halloween party.

    The gameplay is unique as well, definitely not something you see every day. It can be tedious at times because you'll be doing it over and over in the early levels. I recommend that you grind orbs on lower level enemies in the beginning and then upgrade later so you don't pull your hair out in the later sections. The final boss is an absolute nightmare.

    H scenes are mixed for me. Some of them are good and some of them just completely ruin the tone. You can unlock the gallery by beating the game which is kind of annoying.

    Overall, I wish this wasn't a porn game because I would love to see something like this fleshed out into an even bigger game!
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1815135

    Has a variety of solid animation scenes with the various ghosts you encounter. The story is somewhat interesting but not particularly distracting. Some of the puzzle elements can be a little unclear and leave you walking all over the house to try to find the missing item you need to progress, but generally does a decent job marking where you need to go on the map.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Not certain about the multiple control issues that reviewers seem to mention as I faced none. Using xPadder you can even play this with gamepad.
    The story is most certainly what stands out in this game, and it does have quite a big of dialogue.
    Ghost H scenes are rather imaginative, though a lot of it is tentacles if you don't enjoy that.

    What i found lacking was flavor text for H attacks. Even after the most horrific seeming H attacks/sequences the characters never really emote about how crazy it was. That takes some of the fun away from me.

    Recommended to play, takes 4 hours. Do follow installation instructions.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    An absolutely pointless game. The controls are rubbish and the time when the ghosts are solid to hit is too short.
    You can outrun most of the ghosts to see the lewd scenes. They are just over a few frames and doesn't classify as fap material by me.

    Rated: 1/5
    Based on: v.1.09 (either abandoned or complete)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite H game

    + sexy girls
    + fun and intriguing story
    + fun gameplay
    + animations A+++

    - when does Vosmug release his new game ?!? :p

    If you like side scrollers with some good level design, responsive gameplay, great H elements etc..
    Go ahead and play this ASAP, you'll thank yourself later ;)
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The combat is completely horrible and there is no way around which makes it unplayable for me, even if the art is good. I can't even recommend to try it, because the combat is just so stupidly bad designed.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this game. Took bit long to complete, but enjoyed every moment of it. Spend some time figuring out map- makes much more enjoyable experience. Animations are fluid and fun. Characters are interesting, story is great
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique plot. that actualy building up a good atmosphere with also good graphics and sounds. I recommend you to play it, if you not just want to fap, but to try something new.
    Can't tell what I dislike, game is just good, that's it.