It was a surprise for me too when I realized that the game variables are written in spanish, so instead of bravery and kindness we have valentia and bondad. That also explains why there are so many systematic typos in a text, like putting "so" to an improper context, and overusing it in general, instead of mixing it with synonims like "pretty, very, really". To be completely honest, such an important part of a VN genre really needs some love in this game, especially in moments like a battle between Naya and Regina or castle of Timfalme storyline. Sometimes lines are said by a wrong person, or must be MC's thoughts, but they aren't. I was planning on doing a massive review in all storylines and make some sort of a PDF file with all the mistakes highlighted and corrections suggested, but I don't know how devs will react if someone from F95 Zone would appear and said: "Hi, I pirated your game and now want to make a contribution to a development by helping eliminating text errors."