- Aug 23, 2024
- 79
- 169
I really don't get why she did that. It's only a matter of time before we get to "I'll kill you, then myself so we can be in heaven together* territory.JESUS MAM I'M NOT SALAD
Spoiler Ahead
The Giants We See At The Start Is The Princess But From The Future And She Is Evil And We As MC Are Sent By Her To The Past So She Can Prove To The MC That No Matter What He Do He Can't Change The Future He Can Only Change Simple Things And For Why He Can't Remember Anything Is Because Two Things
1. She Erased All His Memory And She Will Give It Back To Him When He Return Later
2. Its Because He Traveled Back In Time So His Memory Is Gone And His Body Always Weak And Need To Sleep Much. And That Can Be Proven In The Game. Remember When We Go With Sheina Through The Portal And The MC Fall Sleep Because That His Body Is To Weak To Handle It? Will Its The Same Thing But Travel Through Time Is Completely different So His Body Need Longer Time To Recover
What Support This Is In The Game When We Dream Of The Giants She Say To The MC My Favorite. That Because The MC Survived The Longest And every time we die we return to the Future.
But Unlike Others Tinys Who We See In The Beginning Who Give Up After Knowing That They can't Change A Thing MC Didn't Give Up
And He Was Always Trying Getting Sand Back In Time Over And Over Again
That's Why When We Die We Return Back To The Main Menu (The Cage We Were In)
MC Didn't Give Up In Finding A Way To Change The Future That's Way He Is Her Favorite Unlike Other Tinys
As quickly as the wait has begun, it shall also end. I cannot avert my eyes to an update consisting of my two favorite Guardians. Though funds doth be low, a couple days dining on the mighty Maruchan shall keep my body moving, and my coffers less impacted. Act swiftly, my brethren, and secure thine birthright!
Here is the new version.
We hope that you enjoy it! ( ̄▽ ̄)
Windows link
Mac link
- Main route extended: Margarita (Sponsored by KillerRaptor1000)
- Main route extended: Diula (Sponsored by deadly_throw )
- 2 New illustrated scenes (10 variations)
- Texts and bugs fixes
- At some points, the game could crash if you use old saved games from previous versions. If that happens, start a new game and skip seen texts with "Ctrl" until you reach the new content.
- Some antivirus will show a false positive or delete the .exe file. You can safely white-list the game.
- Remember that the game has lots of story/dialog variations depending on your choices, so we highly recommend to keep the "skip Unseen Text" disabled (white) under the Skip options, otherwise, you'll miss a lot of content
To be fair, that part of the theory seemed bollocks to me. Its obviously not Croixelle: The bodily aspect, speech patterns and even the enviroment all serve to say that this isn't Croix. Everything else has merit however. If the MC truly is from the future, then the entire game is a gauntlet for him to challenge a philosophy that permeates the atmosphere of the journey: Strength matters most. The MC has a choice to either: Stick to his guns despite the danger and prove once and for all true, positive change can be enacted even by the weakest...Or recognize his limitations, accept his place, admit that he cannot change the world and try to protect himself as best he can.Where is all this explained?. Because it doesn't sound like the princess at all.
And besides. If that was the case, they should have made the MC to have some sort of reaction when meeting her (like a PTSD or Deja Vu). But there was nothing.......
To me, it sounds like you're experiencing a burnout. Try putting GG down for half a year or longer. That might reignite your interest for the game.*sigh* ... "Diula, Margarita" i was hoping for something, maybe something in December as this NNN was some much EMPTY in content (in general huh... like artists this year seemed to have took a break... kinda...) but no... nothing that interest me... the two best giantess of the game (in my point of view)... nut nothing... my disappointment is starting to turn into dispair...
Spoiler Ahead
The Giants We See At The Start Is The Princess But From The Future And She Is Evil And We As MC Are Sent By Her To The Past So She Can Prove To The MC That No Matter What He Do He Can't Change The Future He Can Only Change Simple Things And For Why He Can't Remember Anything Is Because Two Things
1. She Erased All His Memory And She Will Give It Back To Him When He Return Later
2. Its Because He Traveled Back In Time So His Memory Is Gone And His Body Always Weak And Need To Sleep Much. And That Can Be Proven In The Game. Remember When We Go With Sheina Through The Portal And The MC Fall Sleep Because That His Body Is To Weak To Handle It? Will Its The Same Thing But Travel Through Time Is Completely different So His Body Need Longer Time To Recover
What Support This Is In The Game When We Dream Of The Giants She Say To The MC My Favorite. That Because The MC Survived The Longest And every time we die we return to the Future.
But Unlike Others Tinys Who We See In The Beginning Who Give Up After Knowing That They can't Change A Thing MC Didn't Give Up
And He Was Always Trying Getting Sand Back In Time Over And Over Again
That's Why When We Die We Return Back To The Main Menu (The Cage We Were In)
MC Didn't Give Up In Finding A Way To Change The Future That's Way He Is Her Favorite Unlike Other Tinys
I really like Margarita new look but damn this updates were so fucking short that I didn't have enough time to enjoy them. Honestly I kinda saw it coming what happened in Diula's update, Mel looked sus from the beginningAs quickly as the wait has begun, it shall also end. I cannot avert my eyes to an update consisting of my two favorite Guardians. Though funds doth be low, a couple days dining on the mighty Maruchan shall keep my body moving, and my coffers less impacted. Act swiftly, my brethren, and secure thine birthright!
Here is the new version.
We hope that you enjoy it! ( ̄▽ ̄)
Windows link
Mac link
- Main route extended: Margarita (Sponsored by KillerRaptor1000)
- Main route extended: Diula (Sponsored by deadly_throw )
- 2 New illustrated scenes (10 variations)
- Texts and bugs fixes
- At some points, the game could crash if you use old saved games from previous versions. If that happens, start a new game and skip seen texts with "Ctrl" until you reach the new content.
- Some antivirus will show a false positive or delete the .exe file. You can safely white-list the game.
- Remember that the game has lots of story/dialog variations depending on your choices, so we highly recommend to keep the "skip Unseen Text" disabled (white) under the Skip options, otherwise, you'll miss a lot of content
Me gusta mucho el nuevo look de Margarita, pero maldita sea, estas actualizaciones fueron tan cortas que no tuve tiempo suficiente para disfrutarlas. Honestamente, lo que pasó en la actualización de Diula me lo esperaba, Mel parecía sospechosa desde el principio.
Pensé que era su madre.
Regina una vez comenzó una guerra sola atacando directamente a la Reina de Timfalme. Habría nivelado todo el reino si no fuera por la intervención de la Reina, todo en un intento de castigar a un grupo de cazadores furtivos completamente no relacionados que habían matado a su pueblo. Cuando Naya la atacó, en lugar de mostrar la moderación que tenía la Reina, Regina se abalanzó sobre su culo y el olvido, dejándola golpeada y rota antes de señalar una estaca de madera a su corazón. Ella no es tan racional como su amiga. Y ella lo sabe
I don't want to believe it but... you're right, she is the definition of: "the kindest hearts are those that hide a great beast inside."
Y con eso tenemos otra heroína que obtuvo su primera actualización de la patrocinada. Ahora, las únicas dos heroínas que quedan sin actualizaciones patrocinadas, no las rutas de múltiplos personajes como Timfalme y Campus, son Kendra y Kive.
Aquí hay una descripción general de todos los personajes con actualizaciones patrocinadas:
View attachment 4288103
,From what I see, the only kingdoms in which they focus completely on their lairs are precisely the kingdoms that are in conflict: Viridice and Lycalis, it's curious, I would like them to add giants seen in both kingdoms, like Alryen or Shikali... but that would be exploiting the creators of the game.
Para ser justos, esa parte de la teoría me parecía una tontería. Obviamente no es Croixelle: El aspecto corporal, los patrones del habla e incluso el entorno sirven para decir que esto no es Croix. Sin embargo, todo lo demás tiene mérito. Si el MC realmente es del futuro, entonces todo el juego es un guante para él para desafiar una filosofía que impregna la atmósfera del viaje: La fuerza es lo más importante. El MC tiene la opción de: Aferrarse a sus armas a pesar del peligro y demostrar de una vez por todas que el cambio positivo puede ser promulgado incluso por los más débiles...O reconocer sus limitaciones, aceptar su lugar, admitir que no puede cambiar el mundo y tratar de protegerse lo mejor que pueda.
Rezo para que la primera opción esté probada: gritar:. En mi historia estaba pensando en añadir un conflicto con la memoria del MC, ahora me has dado una idea:seguro:. Gracias:ríe:.
Realmente me gusta el nuevo look de Margarita, pero malditas estas actualizaciones fueron tan jodidamente cortas que no tuve tiempo suficiente para disfrutarlas. Honestamente, lo vi venir lo que sucedió en la actualización de Diula, Mel miró a sus desde el principio
¿Me puede enviar las imágenes actualizadas?: gritar:
Agreed, methinks it's a giantess from the neutral kingdoms, or outside the continent, or even outside the game universe, like a goddess. The latter would explain the time travel bits in the theory and the almost otherwordly way she can communicate with MC in his dreams. Only Nyxmay can do that from what we've seen, and Nyxmay needs the soul link.To be fair, that part of the theory seemed bollocks to me. Its obviously not Croixelle: The bodily aspect, speech patterns and even the enviroment all serve to say that this isn't Croix. Everything else has merit however. If the MC truly is from the future, then the entire game is a gauntlet for him to challenge a philosophy that permeates the atmosphere of the journey: Strength matters most. The MC has a choice to either: Stick to his guns despite the danger and prove once and for all true, positive change can be enacted even by the weakest...Or recognize his limitations, accept his place, admit that he cannot change the world and try to protect himself as best he can.
I'd imagine it's more of a similar scenario to Diula with the abused aspects with Mel seemingly being forced into the way she currently is by said hooded figures or the cult said figures belong to, and seeing one made her instinctively do what she did out of a buried feeling of resentment for forcing her into being corrupted halfway.I really like Margarita new look but damn this updates were so fucking short that I didn't have enough time to enjoy them. Honestly I kinda saw it coming what happened in Diula's update, Mel looked sus from the beginning
thank you o' great hero, your wallet's sacrifice shall not be forgottenAs quickly as the wait has begun, it shall also end. I cannot avert my eyes to an update consisting of my two favorite Guardians. Though funds doth be low, a couple days dining on the mighty Maruchan shall keep my body moving, and my coffers less impacted. Act swiftly, my brethren, and secure thine birthright!
Here is the new version.
We hope that you enjoy it! ( ̄▽ ̄)
Windows link
Mac link
- Main route extended: Margarita (Sponsored by KillerRaptor1000)
- Main route extended: Diula (Sponsored by deadly_throw )
- 2 New illustrated scenes (10 variations)
- Texts and bugs fixes
- At some points, the game could crash if you use old saved games from previous versions. If that happens, start a new game and skip seen texts with "Ctrl" until you reach the new content.
- Some antivirus will show a false positive or delete the .exe file. You can safely white-list the game.
- Remember that the game has lots of story/dialog variations depending on your choices, so we highly recommend to keep the "skip Unseen Text" disabled (white) under the Skip options, otherwise, you'll miss a lot of content
Me imagino que es más un escenario similar a Diula con los aspectos abusados con Mel aparentemente siendo forzada a la forma en que actualmente es por dichas figuras encapuchadas o el culto al que pertenecen dichas figuras, y ver una la hizo instintivamente hacer lo que hizo por un sentimiento enterrado de resentimiento por obligarla a corromperse a mitad de camino.
Who was Mel? I don't remember who he is.